Fan Fiction

Rumya ss- teddy bear with love part 4

He heard a soft voice singing and that comes from the bathroom…

He could also smell some light floral fragrance coming along from a slightly opened door of the bathroom…

He’s just back from work little early than his habit and the day was stressful…


He takes a deep breath…

For a man like him, it’s not easy every day, to share his life with a young woman such as Soumya and thinking every minute of just throwing her on the bed and…just…make love to her like an insane!

But still he’s a man who could control himself…he feels so much attraction towards Soumya but…he wasn’t able to show her those emotions or to get close; because he knew how much innocent she is…he decides to control….Yeah he could but not when she gets out of the bathroom with just a towel around her wet body

She opened her mouth in a perfect O shape when she discovered he’s there

And then back to the bathroom, closing the door with all her force making him gasp

And then the door opened again and a beautiful face only appeared

Her face

She bitted her lip

Soumya-sorry…but…could you…give…my clothes…

She said hesitated

He thought for a second to pull her out and kiss the hell out of her but with her innocence, he can’t touch!

He just searched for her clothes and handed her white outfit…

He loved this one a lot…

She looks always like an angel when she wears this one…

Soumya-thank you…


When she comes out finally, she has pinky cheeks…Rudra thought that she takes a really hot bath…she looks all cute with it and with her wet hair

She pouted

Soumya-sorry…I don’t know you will come at this time…

Rudra-it’s ok!

Soumya-you’re not angry

Rudra-why I would be?

Soumya-because you seem so angry

She pouted…again?!…she doesn’t know at all that her lips are an invitation for a kiss

Rudra-I still have work to do

He said and went to the sofa

He opened his laptop

Why this expression?…what’s make her husband all angry like this???

She wants him to be happy because she’s so happy being with him…being his wife and being here in this home where there is him, Dadi, Anika bhabhi, gauri bhabhi, prinku and everyone else in family

She walked away of the room, thinking hard about what she goanna do to cheer him…


When she entered the kitchen…Anika was there and she noticed her worried expression

Anika-Soumya?…what is it?…is there any problem?

Soumya smiled faintly and nodded negatively

Soumya-what’s the favorite thing Rudra loved to do?

Anika-hmmm…work! And…exercise

Soumya nodded cutely but she’s thinking hard

Soumya-is there something else?

Anika thought little bit and then, looked at Soumya

Anika-Soumya…tell me what is it?

Soumya-when he returns from work, he seems to be all stressed and…also angry…and…I want to cheer him up, to make him feel happy, bhabi…

Anika-I understand…oh, you’re so nice

Anika touched her cheek, she cared for Soumya like her little sister.

Anika-why you don’t try to do some massage to him


Anika-yeah…it will relax him, you ask him if he has headache and then he would say yes and you massage his head and shoulders, he will forget the stress of all the day

Soumya-you think so??

Anika-off course and I have some good oil which has a so relaxing smell, come with me Soumya!


Rudra was lying in the recliner, his arm above his head when Soumya entered

He was trying to rest…


He heard her soft voice, he takes his arm off of his face and looked at her

She walked towards him and then kneeled in the recliner corner besides him, Rudra was surprised but he doesn’t say anything

Soumya-is your head is aching?


Soumya-do you have headache?

Rudra-a little…why?

Soumya-please, close your eyes!

Rudra-what?…no way!

When she saw him, angrier than before and denying her like this, her eyes became all teary and a single tear falls on Rudra’s arm…he looked at it and then, looked up to see her crying silently

She was about to go away but he hold her forearm and stopped her

He gets up to look clearly at her face

He doesn’t know what could happen to his heart whenever she cries…he doesn’t know what to do…but he would do anything to that she stops crying


He whispered her name, trying to understand why those sudden tears

Soumya-I…I’m trying to…(sobs)…I’m sorry, I will not bother you again!

She said getting up from there and running away before even he could catch her


Rudra took a shower, changed and went downstairs for dinner

Soumya was the one to serve dinner but she doesn’t look at her husband at all…she made the most beautiful angry face ever…at this excessive anger, Rudra was amused…he smirked when she stoles a look towards him and then pouted again

Anika observed them all dinner time, Soumya won’t tell her what happened, she just told her that Rudra was sleeping and she couldn’t do any massage to him but Anika knows that there is something else

So, she looks towards Rudra who is actually lost in Soumya…

Anika smiled looked at both of them and looks at Shivaay who seems to be amused to see the cute couple before him

Soumya…all angry and Rudra eating her with his eyes

And because there is so much intensity between them, no one dare to talk or comment or even tease them

Only Shivaay was talking about work…but seems like only Tej was listening to him


In the room, Soumya decided to take the couch and to work and sleep there, Rudra will take the bed

She starts doing her work when she heard the door being opened

She doesn’t look up

He doesn’t talk or ask her why she took the recliner and placed his laptop and files on the desk near the bed

Was it a message?…she wants him to take the bed and her the couch

She’s breaking by this their ritual

She would study in the bed and him in the couch and then he will come and join her in bed to sleep with her

But he doesn’t say anything

He works with the same concentration she’s showing when she’s studying and then, he decided to stop…he looked at her, she was lost in her book

He lies down and then closed his eyes to sleep

At first, he was waiting for her to come and sleeps in between his arms like usually

But she doesn’t come, whenever he opens his eyes and looked towards her, she would be all busy studying

At last, he falls asleep…

Soumya decided to sleep in the couch, so she slept there too

She’s all angry, he doesn’t say anything or even try to talk to her…he doesn’t care if she’s angry or she’s ok…this doesn’t matter at all to him

She doesn’t look once at him, she just closed her eyes and she was so sleep to think more

It was later in that night, that she felt her eyes and cheeks all wet and Rudra waking her up, breaking her usual nightmare

She’s so scared but when she saw him so close to her, she breaths deeply to control her tears…

Rudra-Soumya…are you ok?

She looked at him, wiped her tears

Soumya-do you care?

He doesn’t answer, he just carries her in between his arms to the bed, even if she’s angry against him, her hand clutched his t-shirt and she hides her face in the hook of his neck to breath in her favorite smell…he puts her delicately in bed and he covered her and lied besides her

He pushed her to him to that she could sleep in between his arms like usually but she pushed him away

This time, Rudra reacted, he forcefully made her hug him…he made her closer like ever

Rudra-enough, now!

Soumya-no not enough! I’m angry!


Soumya-because you don’t care…you push me away whenever you want and you push me closer whenever you want too!

He looked at her…and pushed her even closer to him to that his lips are almost touching her soft lips

Rudra-I…never want to push you away, Soumya

Her heart is beating so fast


She asked cutely, innocently


He smirked, pulling her chin up to have a good look at her beautiful eyes but she was looking down

Soumya-look at me!

She obeyed shyly

Rudra-don’t cry anymore!

Soumya-I don’t want to…nightmares make me cry…

Rudra-but if you sleep next to me, you will never have nightmares, right?

She nodded positively

Rudra-so, you will be sleeping with me, here, always, no matter what happen, ok?

She nodded again

Soumya-and you let me do massage to you, tomorrow?

Rudra seems to be little surprised


Soumya-I mean…when you have headache…

Rudra-means this evening when you told me to close my eyes, you wanted just to do massage for me?

She nodded

Rudra-I thought…you’re playing around and…

Soumya-I’m not a baby…

Rudra-I know..I just discovered it now!

He teased her but because she’s so sleepy, she just looked at him with sleepy eyes which are about to close



He kissed her forehead and felt her already sleeping against his chest peacefully

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