saath nibhaana saathiya fan fiction: Bhavani’s feelings for Dharam part 6 final

few hours later, Bhavani and Gaura returned to the Suryavanshi mansion without Dharam. The rest welcomed them with hope.
“where is Dharamji?” Meera was the first to ask.
“we… we didn’t find him.” Gaura said and tears appeared in her eyes.
;Gaura, you will put an end to your acting, now!” Kokila added. “tell us what did you do to your own son!”
:Ambe maa, what a fate is this?” Gaura replied. “Why do you put the blame on me again?”
“Does that mean my wedding has failed?” Bhavani said. “My Dharamji, he will get back and marry me, you will see!”
“You will never marry my husband, understand?” Meera said infuriated.
“whatever you say, I will be his wife soon. You better accept it. When that happens, the Suryavanshi family will be under my control.”
“How dare you Bhavani! My son is missing and you are thinking about such things now!”
“Since when Dharam is your son, Gaura?” Kokila asked.
She said nothing. No one of them believed Gaura was really worried for Dharam’s disappearance.
One day later. The Modi family decided to stay at the Suryavanshi mansion while Dharam gets back. Gaura reluctantly agreed.
The atmosphere in the house was tensed. The Modis knew or at least assumed that Gaura was responsible for the recent events, but they had no idea how to make her tell the truth.
However, things would change very soon.
as the family was wondering what to do, the doorbell rang. They all went running towards it and when they opened, they saw Dharam himself standing in the doorway.
He didn’t look fine though. His face was still pail. He was feeling dizzy and some what disoriented.
“Dharamjii!” Bhavani was the first to say. “What happened to you? why do you look like that, who did this to you?”
“Get away from my husband!” Meera said. “Dharamji, thank god you’re here!”
“Please, calm down, all of you.” Gopi said. “we will find out what has happened, don’t pressure him.”
“Dharam, what happened to you?” Gaura asked.
after a few minutes of silence, he turned to his mother.
“Mum, are you really as concerned for me as you seem to be? How can you pretend to be so concerned after everything you did to me?”
“What are you saying?” She replied.
“Everything that happened to me is her fault!” He said and everyone looked at him with shock. “She kidnapped me in order to fail the wedding!”
“Is that true, baaji?” Shravan asked.
“Maasiji, why again?” Gopi added.
“Why, Baaji?” Vidya asked.
“I knew it! I knew it it’s you again!” Bhavani said.
“Gaura, when are you going to put an end to this live of crime?” Kokila continued. “Believe me, if you decide to become a good person and if you want it with your heart, Ambe Maa will forgive you all your sins. There’s still a chance for you. You committed many crimes but if you sincerely apologize, forgiveness will be given to you.”
“Stop it, all of you!” Gaura then said. “Yes, Dharam is telling the truth. I kidnapped him and sedated him. I asked my men to keep him under control. I failed Bhavani’s dreams and destroyed Meera and Dharam’s marriage at the same time! Bhavani, I know you’re thinking, why did I agree to this marriage so easily? Because I immediately made plans for it, as I always do. Did you really think I would let you become a part of my family… Excuse me, not my family. Did you really think I would let you have control over the mansion? I made you believe you will feel accepted here. You will now say, Gaura is a manipulator. No, actually I am not. I’m just using people’s weaknesses to my advantage. Anyway, I achieved what I wanted. I punished Bhavani and destroyed Dharam’s relationship with Meera. That’s what all of you deserve, suffering. Suffering and only suffering!”
“What a woman are you?” Gopi said. “What a person are you? You are ready to destroy your family for your own happiness, even after all these years? Such a long time passed and you’re still thinking about revenge? Why Maasiji, why?”
“Because my so called family turned their bag on me. Because Bhavani did nothing when I was arrested. She swore in our friendship and then… She just forgot about it when she saw my son. You. You are the reason for my suffering! You married Meera and forgot about me. You send me in prison just like that and never came to see me during all these years. Then Bhavani met you and fell in love with you. Soon I will put an end to your existence, Dharam! You have my word, Gaura Suryavanshi’s word!”
“If you even touch him, I will teach you a lesson!” Bhavani said.
“You should not worry about it, Bhavani! If I do something to him, you ar next so you both will be in the grave together!”
“Are you really going to kill your own child?” Kokila said. “You will take away the life of your son, Gaura, what has happened to you? Why have you changed so much, why have you turned into such a cruel person?”
Dharam felt really sad when hearing Gaura’s words.
“Mum, will you really do that to me?” He asked her.
“I can do whatever I want with you.” She replied. “I gave birth to you, I can end your life if I want to!”
And then just like that, she left the mansion and no one went after her. They were shocked by her words and also afraid. They hardly believed that a mother would do such a thing to her own son. But after all, that was Gaura Suryavanshi. She had her own rules. And Dharam had to be ready for anything. Even to meet death at the hands of his mother.


I am from Bulgaria. I am a die heart fan of Saath nibhana saathiya. My favorite character is Gaura, but I also have other favorites such as Radha and Bhavani.

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