Saath Nibhana Saathiya 14th May 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on
Ricky puts hand in hot water bucket and shouts in pain. Daimaa runs towards him. He says he put hand in hot water bucket. Daima asks why he is cleaning temple. He says it is Gopi’s order. Gopi passes by and asks what happened. Ricky says there is hot water in bucket. Gopi says she will apply ointment on his hand. Daima says it is okay, she will apply ointment, Gopi can clean temple. Gopi thinks who added hot water in bucket.
Daima applies ointment on Ricky’s hand and asks him to be careful. He says he was drowsy and says Modi family punishes him a lot and he is sure they must have done this to punish him, Jaggi punishes him more and calls him Ricky ticky. Daima leaves. Ricky picks his property papers and thinks he has everything but cannot go back to Singapore. He calls his friend and seeks help.
Meera walks towards Dharam’s room. Bhavani stops her and asks where is she going ignoring her. Meera asks to let her go. Bhavani sees Dharam coming and acts as Meera trying to push her. Dharam rushes and pushes Meera away. Meera tries to speak. Dharam gives her a tight slap. Meera stands in a shock. Dharam shouts if she mad, what if Bhavani had fallen down. Meera leaves crying. Shravan and Vidya go behind her. Bhavani smirks and tells Dharam he should not have slapped Meera. Dharam praises that she is so good and Meera is so bad, she cannot change. Bhavani continues smirking.
Ricky meets Sameera and asks if she still has an offer of becoming third team member. She says her offer is always open for him. He extends left hand. She asks why left hand and seeing bandage in right hand and apologizes. He says left hand leads towards success. Sameera’s brother joins them.
Gopi goes to Jaggi’s room and forcefully does his leg massage. She sees his toe movin and happily informs him. He says he did not see. She says she saw and asks to try. He tries unsuccessfully. She prays god. He moves his toes. She calls Kokila and others and informs Jaggi’s toe is moving. Kokila thanks god and says Jaggi’s effort and Gop’s hard work is paying off. Sona asks him to tell his other fingers to move. Daima enters and says she was praying god for Jaggi and god heard her prayers.
Meera goes to home temple and reminisces Dharam taking sindhoor from her forehead and telling she lost right on him, Bhavani taunting her, etc.., and cries loudly. Vidya consoles her. Meera cries that she made a mistake of leaving Dharam and children, now Dharam will not take her back. Vidya says papaji is angry on her as he still loves her. She has to give some time to papaji. Meera asks if she is telling truth. Vidya says they have to make Dharam realize that papaji still loves her and kick Bhavani out of their house. Meera says she will not let Bhavani succeed and will do anything for that.
Gopi prays god and bhajan plays in the background. She thanks god for showing improvement in Jaggi’s legs. Daima says he will start walking soon and says she knows to prepare herbal oil with which Jaggi will walk again. Gopi asks to teach her how to prepare it.
Precap: Gopi massages Jaggi’s legs with Daima’s herbal recipe oil. Daima thinks whatever Gopi tries, Jaggi will not walk again in life.
Update Credit to: MA
Gopi should teach that ricky a lesson, i know dharam is angry, but why is he trusting bhavani blindly, he didn,t did right by slapping meera, dharam everytime listen to the wrong people, not meera bhavani deserve slap.
Bhavani doesnt need a slap but a kick on her a**…Loool…???
Meera deserved that slap from dharam though she received that late…now she is repenting…
Yes Nandhini ur right Meera did deserved this slap from Dharam quite long back when she walked over his chest…..She should repent for her mistake?
Hi Nandhini, now she no how she is rong. I hop evry tink came back to normal.
Madorchod ni gopi f**k u
Bhavani should also get a tight slap from Dharam?….When something drastic doesn’t happen till then Meera can’t realize her mistake….Shravan is blindly following his Vidya everywhere and giving wierd expression???…..I am happy atlast Meera thinks she did committed a huge mistake?….. Waiting for her to seduce Dharam????…..Jaggi got improvement in his legs??but again this daima will do something to him???
Hey mansi i am too waiting for dharam to know the real face of bhavani and kick her out!? and i am too scared this dai maa wil harm jaggi? jaggi must be cured soon…
We are on the same page then ??….He should kick her out from his house so hardly that she reach directly in jail?….I am also scared because of this daima….She is very dangerous lady??….Yes Jaggi should be cured soon?
Meera hope this teaches her a lesson for life for blindly trusting someone n leaving behind her loved ones. I wonder what Daimma have added to the oil that will not allow jaggi to walk again. When will i get to see some positive things
Hi chithu! Yeah when we will get to see positive things in SNS?? Full of negativity in both the houses?
TU pls review the comments before publishing…
Hi sunshines how are u all? More then 1 week my box is close idont see SNS.but i see all comments. I hop Dharam realize this Bhavani is very bad.
Hii saba di! I am doing good…how are you??dont worry..dharam wil realize very lately like meera realized now?
Hey Saba di…??…Its better than not to watch sns if its showing like crap??…Anywayzz how r u??
Iam fine and u? I Riana i hop SNS be back to normal.
SBS screw ma brains
i mean seriously hw cn b any show ths mch pathetic
ths shw got a gud no of bad actors each 1’s character is equally irrelevant & unnecessary
lot of averactng ,OTT expressions,weired make up, loud & noisy backgr… music(vch vl directly attck ur eardrums) same regressiv dialogues
evry1 in ths shw r so loud & gaudy infact d whole shw is loud & gaudy ( down market too)
Shows lyk SBS r big shame fo indian televsion
ik ths shw won’t be pulld off air so easily , my nly requst
1 minute silence
fo those who r watchng ths brainless saga fo so long nly coz thy dnt hv access to gud content on their televsion
Lool! I agree i watch this serial for so long but it doesnt mean i dont have access to good contents on tv…btw good observation about the serial…
Dont u think that u r oversmart….I mean u can say anything abt show doesnt matter but why r u attacking the viewers with ur so called idiotic comments…??
Saathiya is becoming negative day by day…I wish it to show some love story…Not these useless drama…???…we need to get rid of dramas…We need some freshness…??…Its totally so worst how dharam behaved with meera…after when meera vowed…Her dialogues r getting broken these days…Let me say the director n dialogue writers r reallly Tremendously worssstttt!!!…???…Precap is foolish…how can gopi come in that rubbish daima’s words…??…Chiiiii
Loool whats wrong with sita’s wardrobe courtesy…She dresses up like a jeannie…??????
Only meera looks like a upto mark…???…Vidya dresses like a buddhiya…Gopi dressing should be changed…She is so pretty why dont she wear saree in her own choice…???…Why always production company will decide dresses for her…?