Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 21st December 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Gehna tells Anant and Kanak that the next 12 hours are very precious for them as Swara had challenged her to do something in the next 24 hours, they should keep a close eye on Swara and watch all her moves. Kanak says she will go to kitchen and find out why Swara ordered Hema to prepare a lot of food. Anant says he feels nervous and thinks Swara is planning something dangerous. They watch Swara taking a packet from a man who says one thing in it is very dangerous and she warning him to just mind his own business. Gehna tells Anant that they should find out what is in that packet. Swara hides packet in her cupboard between clothes. Anant heads towards Swara’s room when Pankaj stops him and says Bapuji is calling him to discuss about Gehna.
Kanak walks to kitchen and asks Hema to refuse Swara’s order. Hema says she ordered to prepare a lot of food. Swara enters with maids and says Hema need not work now as she hired maids. Kanak asks why she is asking to prepare so much food. Swara says she feeds orphanage kids on her birthday. Kanak says she doesn’t look like the one who gives charity. Swara asks her to go and let maids work. Kanak says why should she as its her house. Swara asks her to supervise maids then and walks away smirking. Gehna searches Swara’s cupboard and finds a knife, rope, and a powder pouch in the packet. Swara returns. Gehna hides. Swara orders her goons to not let mamma escape and leaves. Gehna returns to her room and informs Anant and Kanak that she saw a knife, rope, and a powder pouch in that packet. Kanak says she said she is going to orphanage, something is really wrong. Gehna says she has kidnapped maa and is going to her. Anant says he will follow Swara and will rescue Kusum. Gehna gives 2 chits with their names and asks Kanak to pick one and decide who will go to rescue maa.
Anant offers tea to constables and diverts their attention. Swara sends maids and leaves in car. Gehna disguised as maid gets into car’s dickie. Kanak kidnaps maid and says to chill for sometime. Swara reaches her den and instructs her goons to guard outside. Gehna to divert goons’ attention throws things in opposite direction and hides. When they move aside to check, she runs in. Swara offers food to Kusum. Kusum signals to free her. Swara frees her mouth and forcefeeds her. Kusum spits food away and cries. Swara says she should be happy instead that her daughter is feeding her, she will not give her poison but can poison Desais. Kusum is shocked to hear that. Swara says she loves acting and is tired of acting as an ideal wife and bahu, so she will end the game they started earlier. Once Swara leaves, Gehna frees Kusum. Kusum reminisces abandoning baby Gehna when she complains against her. Swara returns and says she never thought that Gehna would be so dumb. She remembers noticing Gehna in her room and trapping her. She further informs that the powder in her room is poison which she will mix in cake and will kill Desais; she will allege Gehna instead as packet has Gehna’s fingerprints. She enacts how Desais will suffocate and die.
Precap: Swara alleges Gehna poisoned Desais and killed them. Gehna laughs and calls Anant. Swara says Anant is dead.
Update Credit to: MA
I saw a similar scene where everyone acted as dead to draw out the bad guy

So when they catch Swara… wouldn’t Gehna have to go back to jail ??
At least now Kusum would realize which of her daughters (meaning Gehna)
…even tho she grew up without her mother…didn’t lack the love nor kindness…which she received from a father…honest in thoughts and deeds
…versus the other daughter (meaning Swara) who grew up without a father…with a dishonest mother…and into a lifestyle filled with hate, hurt and poverty
…one suffered with the lack of a mother
…the other suffered due to the misdeeds of that same mother
…so sad for them all
Yeah like the whole desai parivar can die. Then that will be end of this show. Please stop conning us .
Never seen such a boring show seriously its gehna gehna no one else says anythg in the show idootic show