saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura’s revenge season 2 part 11

Gaura was very happy after the meeting with Rashi and Modi’s reaction to it. But on the other hand, Bhavani was living again with Gaura and was feeling like a prisoner.
“What does she wants with me again?” Bhavani thought. “Perhaps she has again decided that I am a threat to her and she wants to keep me under control. I constantly have to think of what lies to tell Dharamji when she calls me here. I must find a way to stop my imprisonment. Gaura is not here so now is the best time to find the evidence she has against me.
And she began going around the house and trying to find something. She then found Gaura’s room and decided to look there.
She was so immersed in her activities that she didn’t hear Gaura coming back.
“What are you doing Bhavani?” Gaura said.
Bhavani heard her and came back to reality. She immediately stopped what she was doing and turned to look at Gaura.
“When did you come back?” She said in return.
“I came back just now and saw everything! I know what are you trying to do. You want to find everything I have against you and destroy it. You want to hide the truth about your crime from the whole world. I warned you that if you live here with me nor Dharam or someone else will see that video but you… You never listen to me and everytime you disobey me you get in trouble, and today’s not going to be any different!”
“I am not a prisoner so stop treating me like such!” Bhavani answered. “Today I will put an end to the torture that you make me go through every day!”
“Torture? Really? Bhavani, what are you saying? You are here with me and no one can harm you now, is that a torture? I admit that there are some rules that you need to follow but they are for everyone’s good.”
“I don’t need your protection! I just want my freedom back! Every time you want me to come here and live with you, I have to think of some lies to tell Dharamji. You only keep me here because you’re worried for your safety, I know. I told you a million times that you can set me free and I will not reveal your secrets to anyone, but you refuse to listen to me. I am good to you, Gaura behen but if you don’t change your behaviour towards me I will stop being so nice.”
“And how can I believe you? You wanted to support the Modis against me, did you forget?”
“That is now in the past. A lot of things happened after that. Now everything is different and I will not do such a thing again.”
“Don’t forget the events of the recent few days, Bhavani. The Modi family would come here and ask for explanations from us, they would also probably try to harm us. I am not worried only for myself, but for you as well. And you better stop trying to find anything. What you are looking for is not even in the house. The evidence is being kept at another place.”
“I will find them, sooner or later!”
“You will not. Stop trying. I warned you so many times that you will never succeed in being trickier than me.”
And in the meantime, the Modi family was still shocked by Rashi’s union with Gaura.
“Maaji, what should we do with Rashi now?” Gopi asked worried. “How should we explain her Gaura’s real personality?”
“Gopi, you know we tried to tell her everything. But she does not want to listen to us. She also saw everything we went through because of Gaura and yet, she accepts her as a friend and is ready to go against us. Unfortunately there’s not much we can do at this point.”
“What are you saying maaji? That’s our Rashi, our little girl! She is being used by our enemies and you say that we will not do anything!”
“No Gopi, she is not being used. She has went to Gaura on her own. And she is not our little girl anymore. She is a grown up woman and she has decided not to be a part of our family anymore. She is Radha’s daughter after all. We gave her so much love but she chose the wrong path anyway.”
And while Gopi and Kokila were wondering what to do about Rashi, Bhavani was still determined to put an end to her so called imprisonment. She would wait until the night comes and would then try to leave the house.
And the night arrived. Bhavani waited until Gaura fell asleep and quietly left the house, together with her belongings. She then went to her own house where she had lived with Sita before. She considered going to Dharam the next day or perhaps a few days later. she first wanted to see if Gaura would look for her and how far she would have to hide.
The morning arrived and Gaura quickly found out about Bhavani’s escape.
“She didn’t listen to me.” Gaura thought. “She ignored my words again. If she had listened to what I tell her, we would live in peace, undisturbed by our enemies. I would soon let her go back to Dharam and she would regain her positions in Dharam’s so called family, but she chose to disobey me again and when I find her, she will see what the actual imprisonment feels like!”
And during that time, Bhavani was still tensed. She made herself some breakfast and began waiting for Gaura to come get her at any moment. She knew that staying at this house would increase the chances of her location getting revealed, but roaming freely on the streets wasn’t any safer either.
Bhavani had went to this house because she doubted it Gaura would come to look for her there. But that was what exactly would happen. Gaura would look at all places where she thought Bhavani could be. She first checked Dharam’s house where he lived with Vidya, Meera and Shravan, she even went to the Modis and secretly looked around, but her friend wasn’t there.
Finally, she decided to look for her at the house she shared with Sita before.
And Bhavani suddenly felt the urge to leave.
“That’s it. She is coming and I must leave now! I feel it she is somewhere around! No! I am not going to let her imprison me again, I am not going to be her puppet anymore!”
And with that said, she sprinted out the back door. And exactly as she had felt just few moments ago, she saw Gaura coming in the distance.
Gaura saw her as well. She quickly started running towards Bhavani.
“You can’t escape so you better come to me alone!” Gaura shouted. “Did you really think you can get away from me! There’s no such person on that world who had succeeded in escaping me, you will be no difference!”
But Bhavani didn’t change her mind. She was running with all her strength but soon, she began to feel tired. Gaura also felt tired but her determination to catch Bhavani was stronger.
Poor Bhavani, now having tears in her eyes, prayed to Maa Durga to safe her. More few minutes passed and the two women were now far away from Bhavani’s house. They didn’t realize how they had entered into a forest. Bhavani was so busy with trying to safe herself from Gaura that she didn’t notice the near by lake . She was running right towards it and she would soon fall into it, as its edge was very steep and soon she would fall right into the water.
“Bhavani, be careful!” Gaura tried to warn her. “It’s dangerous down there!”
But Bhavani didn’t hear her and soon, she fell into the cold water. When she came to her senses and was beginning to realize what was actually going on, it was too late. The water had begun to consume her and soon Bhavani was deep down, and Gaura was watching in terror.
Her mind began racing. She needed to act fast and safe Bhavani. But how? It was dangerous to go down there. Bhavani was her enemy, so why she was worried for her? Bhavani would die and that way, no one would find about Gaura’s secrets or about how they both wanted to murder Meera and Vidya.
At last, Gaura decided to rescue Bhavani. But how? She phoned Sita and told her that an accident had occurred and her stepmother had fallen into the lake. Then she disappeared from that place while the Modis were on their rush to safe Bhavani.


I am from Bulgaria. I am a die heart fan of Saath nibhana saathiya. My favorite character is Gaura, but I also have other favorites such as Radha and Bhavani.

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