Fan Fiction

A sacred thread (shivika OS) by farin part 4

Hello my reader,
Tightening my hand and the ever-increasing heart beat,I am here with an epilogue.It’s overwhelmingly great to read the comments you guys write.So,plz after reading it,put your hand touch in the comment section and write some words for me.
Part 3: part-3

Making Sahil feed something from the hospital canteen and lying him in his car,Shivay headed towards the 4th floor again.Sahil was crying profusely,hence he fell into sleep very quickly.Shivay this time took no time in reaching the 4th floor as he was dying to see her Anika.He couldn’t afford to waste any more time.On reaching the 4th floor,he could feel his leg numb.Every step toward the 403 number was breaking his inside so terribly that he feared to move an inch.The NURSE’s words were spinning in his head,”She is very critical….She might need an operation…inform everyone…fast..”

After a lot of struggle of gaining strength to see anika,outside the room,Shivay finally entered there.He was breathing heavily that the sound echoed in the room.

In the middle of the room,a single bed made its place.There many machines were placed beside it.In the left of the bed there was the heart rate machine and in the right side,a string was swing from the blood bag.Between all these,Anika was lying so helplessly.Her middle finger of her left hand was inside a concealer connector coming from the machine and every pulse of her was being monitored and displayed.The right one was pierced to make the blood string go inside her skin.

Shivay P.O.V–
I saw anika in such a submissive way.She was like a living corpse.Looked like she had no control over the machine was eating her up and she,having no other way was sleeping defencelessly.
I noticed the oxygen mask covering half of his pretty face.I suddenly collapsed in the floor.But surprisingly,I was not crying then as I also had become numb like my anika.I went near her bed tugging myself through the floor and sat on the small tool beside it.

I realized a cut in anika’s right hand and it looked like the preaching of needles.I so clearly understood that the nurse was right.Anika tried to remove the blood string forcibly leading herself to this condition.I couldn’t stop myself from cringing in anger as I knew I was responsible for that condition.
I stirred Anika so religiously but she didn’t respond..

-“Anika,don’t punish me like this.I know I don’t deserve you..but don’t punish your family fo my misdeeds..They love you like crazy,Anika…plz wake up na…why did you do didn’t even thought once about me..I will die if anything happens to you..couldn’t you think about me for once before doing that,Anika…..for once…only once..Anika wake up,na…plzzz..”–I was pressuring my words but they didn’t make Anika conscience.I was feeling so helpless then.I was crying vigorously holding anika’s bandaged hand and they were still motionless.I stared at Anika’s belly for another couple of minutes.I then very carefully put my hand in Anika’s tummy and caressed it…it was empty,I could feel.I rubbed her womb as if i was trying to find a life inside it.But i knew my efforts were so meaningless.
I didnt even realize when i kept my head in his tired paunch.I could feel the softness of her body,Her slight movement which gave me a ride of up and down in her belly proving her respiration system to be working,had been helping me as a releif of his existence..I knew she was breathing and thats why i was also resting in her warmth of womb.

Suddenly I felt a touch in my shoulder and to my utter shock,it was Om.He might have been the last person i could have expected to be there that time.I didnt think anything else.Neither about our spit nor his anger towards me.I just jumped over him–

-“Om,I cant see her like this..I am respnsible for all this.Plz tell her to wake up..she blabbers a lot,na??Then how can she stay so mum right now?Plz for me tell her..i am sure she would listen to you…plzzzzzz…tell her,Om..””,i couldn’t control myself and kept crying tackling his T-shirt tightly.
To my another surprise of the day,he also reciprocated the hug,

“I told you once,she will get hurt but your heart will cringe in pain;She will fall to death,but you will loose your breathe,shivay”,Om was patting my back so softly.He was consoling me that i could never imagine.

-“Shivay,Nothing will happen to her,you will see.She is the strongest.when she didn’t break by your jerk,then how can she now?”

I suddenly felt om’s angst towards me.I could see his anger for me but his anger hadn’t the disgust like before.I broke the hug..

-“Om,Then God should punish me,na??Why is he punishing a angel like anika?I cant see her like this,Om..plz bring her back..Doctor said she needs operation.But Anika is scared of can doctor do this to her??If she cries in between,How will they console her?Doctors dont know that only i can control a crying anika..Tell her to wake up,na??”—saying this i couldn’t control myself again got into his arm and again he held me like a kid.

-“You are already punished,Shivay”
i was shocked by om’s words..I looked into his eyes directly.

-“I have seen how much you have hurt yourself in thse months.You left OM and got yourself in Anika’s house.You leaded a life what anika used to live”.Then he took my hands in his.They had some scars which i wanted to hide but Om knew them so perfectly,though..

“Every day you cut your hand with knife and burn them with rod and lead it to dry..And you think you can hide thse from your brother?–suddenly om shouted pressuring his last line.

-“I,Rudra always keep your information no matter how upset we were with you..You hate your hands as it reminisced you about your treat to anika..You hate yourself,shivay,right?”
i coudnt respond at all as his every words were correct..

-“You still try to suicide,na??Whyyyyyyy??
He shouted..But was so more than correct.Then I had understood that why my sleeping pills used to get vanished every other day.Om and Rudra had their eyes always on me.I didnt know i should be happy or shocked or sad..

-“Dont you ever think of us everytime before doing such?You forgot”All for one,One for all”…how could you,shivay??We couldnt sleep a night thinking what step you would take the next day to finish yourself..You so have dissapointed us..”–Om just pushed me..

-“Its not me,its you who have forgotten the “All for one and one for all”.You two had promised me that no matter how big mistakes i do,you two will never leave my side…then just why?Anika also left,Though i never expected her forgiveness… i can live without being with her but cant live without her existence..She had almost killed herself,Om…i am dying seeing her like this.”

I again cuddled in his arms.Suddenly i felt another hand in my shoulder,it was Rudra..

-“Dont worry,bhaia…didi will be fine..And now you are here,na???Everything will be fine…just fine walla fine,okay”
Shivay stared at them as it was a long time of craving for hearing bhayia from Rudra.They all cuddled in them..

After an hour,Anika is taken to operation theatre..Outside dadi and pinky are worried.

Shivay’s head was paining.And there came a hot coffee brought by dadi..

-“Puttar,your will decrease your stress.”
Dadi was about to go but shivay held her hand,
“Dadi,will you ever be able to forgive me?”

“Oi khotaya,I had done that long ago..i had seen the guilt in your eyes and nothing can be compared to guilt in the road of redemption”

They hugged each other.Pinky also joined the hug.Dadi then handed a thread in Shivay’s hand,

“When my daughter will be fine,you will officially make her a oberoi and then tie her this thread.”

-“Why this,dadi?”
-“I believe You two are made of one thread which can never break.Even it gets burned,it will exolore a new string to grow up itself…Its not ordinary at all..its pure like both of you..a shivika thread..a sacred thread”

Everyone smiled.

After One hour,Doctor came outside,

“Mr oberoi,operation is successful..the chances of her being a mother agian has still hope.But for two years she cant conceive.Her womb is yet too weak to hold a life in it.Give full nutrition food..keep her happy.Dont give stress and most imprtantly dont make her feel alone.She is still in depression.If needed,give her a rehabilitation treatment.”

-“That wouldn’t be needed,doctor..Her billu will cure her”,Pinky pointed at shivay.

After doctor had left,Shivay was going to the room,just then dadi stopped him,
“Dont think anika will forgive you will take some more time,puttar..dont pressurize her.”

-I know dadi,i still have a long way to the path of redemption.

Shivay entered the room.He saw anika was under seductive tablets.He placed his hand in Anika’s womb,

“I will fill this place with a new life which will be only like you,I promise you,Anika.”saying this,he stood up and started to go letting her rest.

Suddenly he stopped and looked at a unconscious anika and said,

“I will never let this thread is ours only…A sacred thread which is never bound to bread.”

His words echoed in the room.

The End?

I am really sorry for putting an end like this.But my exam is coming near and its a board i had to close my pen.I hope i could entertain you in such a short span of time.This is the last part,hence hoping all your love..i thank each and everyone who commented on my story,also who didnt comment as i know many have read my story thank you,all.Hoping to come back with a bang..Till then love me plz.. thank you.




I am a hopeless dreamer??

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