Categories: Sadda Haq

Sadda Haq 11th February 2014 Written Episode Update

Sadda Haq 11th February 2014 Written Episode, Sadda Haq 11th February 2014 Written Update

Sanyu asks Randhir to clean her dress. Randhir takes off her dupatta and cleans her dress with it only. He then says so sad cow dung got spread more and now her dupatta got dirty as well. The villagers watch them awkwardly. Sanyu gets mad at Randhir and calls him stupid, idiot, jungli, and jerk. Randhir starts walking away.

Everyone tries to find a house to stay. Seeing short dress of Vidushi, the lady tells her to first wear clothes fully and then ask to allow her to stay. Jiggy tells Kastuki he will talk, but Kastuki can’t stop herself from asking. She asks the guy in her language and he refuses saying what kind of people have come to their village. Sanyu asks few girls if there is any guest house there. Seeing cow dung on her dress, they laugh at her. Someone is working on a

field. Randhir praises his body and says they will arm wrestle. If the guy wins, Randhir will give him 100 rupees and if Randhir wins, then he will have to allow him to stay in his house. The guy gets scared and runs away calling mumma. Randhir says what did he do. YoYo asks a lady if he can stay in her house and sleep there for couple of days. Couple of men get angry and he runs away. They chase him and he climbs a tree and apologizes. The men forgive him this time.

All students gather once again. They cannot believe no one is allowing them to stay in their house. Vidushi insults the village people, but Sanyu says it’s not like that. They wonder where Vardhan is.

Vardhan meets the village leader. The village leader says if he knew Vardhan is coming, then he would have never given the permission. He reminds Vardhan how one girl got spoiled and because of him and Niharika, she went to city to study and never returned. Vardhan says he doesn’t think they did anything wrong, but still he apologizes to him. The village leader says if this happens again, then he won’t forgive him.

Sanyu is thirsty and can’t find any water well or tap water. She decides to sit somewhere and she sits nowhere else, but on Randhir only who’s getting some rest. Randhir gets up and asks her what’s her problem. He says he didn’t adopt her that she sits in his lap every time. Sanyu says everything is dying in sunlight there and he’s chilling here. Randhir says so what, and asks her to get lost from there. Sanyu says if she had energy to get lost, then she wouldn’t be arguing with him right now, instead she would be beating him (doing his dhulai). Randhir says her clothes need ‘dhulai’ (laundary), as they are smelling so bad. Sanyu asks him to get up and find a house to stay. He’s also in their group. Randhir says he’s fine in open like this. Sanyu says fine, when it gets cold in night, then all his attitude will go away.

Sanyu comes to a house to drink water. A lady is passing by there with water. She loses her balance and Sanyu helps her. The lady gives her water. She asks her not to waste it as water is valuable there. Sanyu tells her how they came from so far and can’t find any house to stay. She asks her if she knows any place. The lady allows her to stay in her house. All other except Randhir also come there. Sanyu says they all are with her and asks her if they can also stay. The lady says of course. Vidushi asks where’s Randhir. Sanyu says to not worry about him and leave him alone.

Kabir comes to the village leader. He says he has also come with some guys to do good for this village. The leader asks if his group doesn’t have any girls. Kabir says girls are good to do housework. The leader says good and tells him about Vardhan bringing some girls in his group and he also came before with a girl. Kabir understands Vardhan and Niharika came to this village before and that is why he wanted to come here again. He tells the leader what girls will do. Him and his group will do good for this village. He says in his mind, now it will be fun with Vardhan. He has already won half game.

Vardhan and Kabir meet. Kabir shakes hand with him and says long time. He’s meeting him first time after Niharika left. He asks if he came out of Niharika’s memory or no. Vardhan pulls his hand back and says he still didn’t change. He asks him not to befriend with him. He was never and will never be his friend. His hate towards Kabir is a favor to him. Kabir says to Vardhan that he’s overreacting. It’s been 12 years and he still hasn’t forget all that. They are teachers now. They should leave college’s enmity behind. He asks him why he chose this village. Vardhan doesn’t respond. Kabir then says maybe destiny wants them to meet in this village.

Kabir continues he heard that Vardhan’s team has guys as well beside girls. He hopes they are ready because his team is the best who will be coming here shortly. He says they will rest in the leader’s house today and they will meet each other in battle ground tomorrow. They shake hands. Vardhan doesn’t leave his hand. He tells Kabir that he can see his insecurity in his eye. Whatever team that Vardhan has, he’s sure it is better than Kabir’s. He continues to Kabir that he hopes there won’t be any unfair game this time around. He knows Kabir very well and therefore is warning him. Kabir says everything is fair in game. He tells him to be careful and wishes him all the best. Vardhan says interesting, very interesting, and leaves. Kabir says to himself because all is fair in love and war. You took away my Niharika from me, and I will take away your dreams from you. This is my destiny and this time, I will be a winner.

Precap: Sanyu tells Randhir (or new entry) if he has come to make his body here or for the competition. A boy falls in a pit. Sanyu helps him to come out, but then she falls in. She calls Randhir for the help. A new guy comes to help her. He forwards his hand to Sanyu. Both look at each other. Randhir sees them and the chapter of jealousy is about to begin….

Update Credit to: Nishi

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