Sadda Haq 16th October 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Sanyu calls Randhir and opens the TV. She edits her diagram as Randhir directs. He says wait let me make and show it to you. he draws it and shows her sanyu edits hers. SAnyu says my parents are really angry with me. maa hasn’t talked me to since days. Randhir says at least you have your mom there with you to scold at you. He says in heart I will tell you some time how difficult it is to do what I did.
Scene 2
Vidushi is sitting on stairs and crying. Parth comes there and says are you in some new problem due to your attitude or just seeking attention. She is still crying. parth melts a bit and says vidusi what’s wrong. she hugs him and cries. She says you have hurt me. You are always up there for sanyu never for me.
Parth says this is what you haven done
Yoyo says to his pals I want to fly kaustuki but Jiggy is so jealous.
Sanyu comes and places the head pad in anju’s back. She says it will provide you heat and you pain will eradicate in 2 days. Agarwal comes there and takes the pad off. He throws it on the floor and says I told you no one will talk here about engineering. Why don’t you get it? sanyu is in tears she leaves.
Parth says to randhir come attend the lecture you helped sanyu and that was enough for her. Now come don’t miss your lecture. jiggy says lets go. Randhir says I don’t wanna go any where. part says you know how important these classes are. Randhir says I told you I don’t wanna go anywhere. You can go. They leave. Randhir is waiting for sanyu’s call.
Sanyu says don’t dare to talk about my family, I belong to them.
Anju says to Agarwal is there anything? Did you talk to them about proposal. Agarwal says I don’t know why I am being punished. Everyone is the city know about sanyu’s engagement. He says still my friend is interested in sanyyu for his son. we won’t get a better guy for her. Sanyu comes downstairs and says I don’t wanna marry I wanna complete my engineering. anju says stop it you have lost everything already. We have got this chance after facing a lot of criticism. Agarwa says there is one treatment of you. He grasps sanyu’s hand and locks her in the room. Sanyu says what are you doing papa? She knocks but he leaves. SAnyu is in tears. Anju is wearing the heating pad and it relives her. she is scared of Agarwal as well. Agarwal comes out. She hides the pad abruptly. he says is it aching? I can take you to hospital. she says no I am fine. He says I will go to gupta ji for the wedding of nsayu, till then look after her. anju says okay.
Anju goes to sanyu’s room. Sanyu is sleeping. she says what have you done to yourself. I wish I could send these problems away from you. I will pray that in next life you get parents from whom engineering isn’t a problem. She is in tears she says pardon me daughter.
Anju goes to sanyu next morning. She places thr beakfast there and leaves. Sanyu wakes her after she had left. SAn you sits on a sad and in disappointment. Agarwal says to anu I have fixed sanyu’s wedding. Sanyu is shocked to see this.
Precap-Agarwal is really angry on sanyu and is about to fix her wedding. sanyub chooses her engineering.
Update Credit to: Atibay