Sadda Haq 28th July 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Sanyu comes out of office and checks her phone. Adda calls someone. The man says she is doubting what you said, remove her memory and plant a new one. Sanyu comes to her room and sees smoke. She coughs and faints.
Randhirs is in ground, teasing yoyo. The new guy comes and sits with him. He offers randhir cigarette. Randhir says not in mode. The other guy says you do everything for your mood, you rag people, order them. Randhir says i dominate people. The guy says you must be like this from childhood. I mean this is superb. Tell me some childhood story, like putting shoes on head. Randhir says i am not in mood to joke around. The guy says your sense of humor is good from childhood. He kicks randhir a little and says you forgot? May 1998, you used to rag a guy. he came to your school
Randhir takes sanyu for medical help. He asks are you fine? sanyu says i came to room and i.. i dont know. He says you dont know? you went out in sun? sanyu says no. He says is there anything wrong. Randhir says you are not blaming premasons for this at least. sanyu says it was a misunderstanding, they never existed. Aada is keeping an eye on them, she calls someone and says she has forgotten everything, you can carry one. Randhir makes sanyu drink the soup, She says i will be bored here. Randhir says you are not going anywhere, i will get you books here.
Randhir comes to library, a book falls from shelf. Randhir looks at it in disbelief. he takes the books. He gets a text from adda, she says do you plan to keep it a secret? randhir says yes. She texts keep that in mind because it can be dangerous. radhir wonders whose number is that. She texts go to pkc’s class.
Randir says sorry sir i am late but i didn’t want to miss lecture. pkc says you want attendance only. Vid, parth and everyone is dazed what pkc is writting on board. Vid asks sir what have you written, when pkc looks at that he is shocked as well. randhir says it is 150 years old theorem no one ever could prove it. randhir says in heart that means premasons exist.
Sanyu gets up and says where has he gone? He said he is bringing books. Randhir is searching online. sanyu calls him, he doesn’t pick. Sanyu says what is this? don’t call me now, she switches off her phone. Her head hurts. Sanyu takes the medicine.
Ranawat comes in adda’s room, he says i hope i didn’t disturb. People call me stubborn. I dont settle very easily. I was researching about your patents, there i found this. Developers spend lives to get a patent named after them and you named three patents after your name. She says thank you for the honor. He says point is that there is nothing written about them neither did they reach mass porduction. She says maybe news didnt like them. and mass production, somethings are not in our control. I had to research i did. Ranawat says then its such a waste. Anyways i just want your hardwork to work out. Adda says maybe your good wishes will work for me.
Precap-Tania says ask randhir to wear pink shirt and say i love you aloud. sanyu says he would never do that.
Randhir wears pink shirt and stands in top of table.
Update Credit to: Atiba