Categories: Sadda Haq

Sadda Haq 2nd September 2014 Written Episode Update

Sadda Haq 2nd September 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
SAnyu leaves. Ranshir says please saty sanyu I am really sorry. SAnyu goes inside her room. Randhir turns Agarwal is there. rAdhir says uncle please forgive me. Agarwal says how dare you to come here. Randhir says I am just here to apologize. Randhir says I said all that in anger. Agarwal says you said my daughter is burden on me. she is my pride and respect. SAnyu comes running out. Agarwal says daughters are burden for low class people like. You have no respect for daughters and mothers. Randhir says I accept its my mistake. Agarwal says I was quite due to guests. Your parents should be sorry to give birth to you. Randhir says enough. Don’t say a word about my mom dad. Randhir says you are elder that is why I am quite. I can hit you. Agarwal says you will hit me in my house. Randhir

says if you say a word about my dad I will. Agarwal shoves him and says how dare you. Randhir says your family has no class. Which dad gets his dfaughter married to a man like Samir.
Randhir says congratulations sir your daughter will never be happy there. Your family is low and cheap not mine.

Scene 2
parth is teaching the juniors. his hands are shaking. The juniors laugh at him. he leaves.
Vidushi says you people are juniors stay in your limit. If you wanna stay here respect parth it will require two minutes for me ruin your image.
Randhir goes to his room and hits the punching bag.

Randhir gets a call, someone tells him that harsh has met an accident.

Scene 3
Harsh asks randhir how did this happen ? Ranhdir says stop asking me those question. harsh says I was coming to meet you. Randhir says you were coming after drinking. You drove when you were drunk.
Randhri sees the card in his pocket of rehabilitation for alcohol addicts. Randhir says why didn’t you tell me ? He says I was coming to tell you. I want to leave the habit that makes you sad.

Randhir says why were you coming ? you wanted to meet me to support you in the court. Harsh says no I just want you to know that your mom was wrong. I want to tell the world that your mom is not a good woman. Its up to you whom you choose in the court.

Agarwal is being checked up by the doctor. he says Agarwal is fine. He is just having some stress.
Agarwal says don’t worry sanyu its not your mistake its the mistake of that guy.
Sanyu says I heart I know I am responsible for this.
Randhir says I will support you dad I will always be there for you.
Sanyu says I will be here with you. I will forget all my dreams and live for your and your happiness only.

Scene 4
Agarwal wakes up next morning and asks anju for tea. SAnyu comes with the tea and says sorry I am bit late. Sanyu and anju smile. Agarwal says tea is so good. I am drinking such a good time after so long. Thank you so much. Agarwal says I was wrong the my daughter has forgot making tea and all this. She remembers everything you taught her. she will never change.
Anju asks sanyu are you happy because your dad is happy ? SAnyu says off course. I will make vegetable for him for the lunch. I over cooked it last time.
She says all the spices are not here. We will renovate our kitchen. anju is quite first. she says I was scared that will you ever do this ? But now you handled all this. You don’t have to change yourself this much. SAnyu says I can change myself in minutes. I will work from now. You don’t have to work.

Randhir says to the lawyer I will be with my dad in the court. And Ms saniyal he never drank and never neglected me. Sanyal says you know he was a drinker and he ignored you. randhir says you can impress judge with these workds not me. Lawyer says we have rpoofs we will win the case. randhir says yeah you will see who is gonna win. You will remember Mrs. Saniya for ruining your career.

SAnyu is working with anju is the kitchen. The stove is not working. Sanyu checks it. She stops with a shock and says I don’t get it. aanju says you can’t get it ? Sanyu says I am not Einstein. Call the mechanic. Anju says why can’t you get it when the mechanic can ?

Scene 5
Saniyal comes and says to the lawyer what is this now ? you said we can easily win this case. whats wrong now ? Lawyer says Since randhir is with him its not easy for us o win the case. Saniyal says all I know is that harsh was never was good dad and husband but I am a good mom. I have to win this case.

Sanyu gets a call. A man says I am lawyer of Saniyal. you are randhir’s friend and you have to be the prime witness in the court. sanyu says I don’t know randhir and I don’t interfere in anyone’s personal matters. don’t ever call me again. Sanyu says in heart my life’s worst day was when I met randhir. why is he not going from my life ? why should I care if his parents are getting divorced or whatever. She recalls when harsh scolded at her.

Scene 6
next morning sanyu wakes up and gets ready like a girl. In her makeup drawer she finds a screw driver. She trashes all the tools. She cleans the grease form her hands. anju says you loved this grease’s smell. now you have it. sanyu says I just applied moisturizer and this ruined it. now your and dad’s happiness is in my hands so there is no place for these things.

harsh says to randhir the lemonade was so tasty. I never knew before maybe because I never focused on good things before. Randhir says you don’t have to worry about the case. we will win it harsh says why are you sad then ? Randhir says just tensed about the case. Harsh hugs him and says you are young go enjoy with your friends. Randhir recalls his and sanyu’s days.

Precap-Samir asks sanyu when did you decide to become engineer ? SAnyu says I can’t do this anymore. He says what are you saying ? Sanyu says do you love me ? Samir says yes I do. Sanyu says can you let me complete my engineering please. She is crying. Samir says Agarwal ji come out I wanna talk to you.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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