Sadda Haq 4th February 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Sanyu says you? Rehan says yes you must be thinking i should be in jail all because of my dear brother randhir. sanyu says i saved you, have you forgotten? you must have been in jail. He says how can i forget that you saved us. I will always be grateful to you but i have to seek revenge from randhir. sanyu says do what you want but let me go. SAnyu says what you want from me. Rehan says randhir harmed my company and now i will harm him through you. Sanyu says help. He says i will go and you will be here in carbon-mono-oxide. its upto you whether you die or help me in destroying him. sanyu says i can never hurt randhir. She hit the window. He says so you wont listen? Rehan places a handkerchief on her mouth and she faints. He says this gas will kill you in three hours, 90% of your death
Rana says to yoyo where is the gun? Yoyo handsover. rana says now listen how to handle it, stand there and put that bootle on your head. yoyo is scared. Rana shoots the bottle. Yoyo says oh i am safe. rana says now your turn. Yoyo says you will place it on your head now? Rana slaps him and says am I mad? He places a bottle on wall. Yoyo shoots it in second shot. Yoyo says see i told you i will learn if you teach me.
Anju calls agarwal. Anju says where is sanyu? agarwal says she must be on floor, why don’t you call her. anju says please let me talk to her. I am so worried for her. Agarwal says all she cares about is engineering, everything is fine here. She is doing internship here. Call her after break she will pick her phone, anju says but what if.. Agarwal hangs up.
Vardhan recalls what kabir said. Vardhan sees some students working. One says i wont go near the machine what if it blasts? Vardhan says if they get to know about niharika’s death they will be scared of machines. He goes to kabir. kabir says make sure you have a good news. Vardhan gives him a drive and says this has boot print of those files. kabir hugs him and says you are my old friend. He puts it in his laptop. He says tell me the password. vardhan is quite. Kabir says let me guess, its niharika. it opens, kabir burns all reports of niharika. He says here you go. He says vardhan you gave files so easily? Vardhan says why don’t you look. kabir says there is only one file in it where are the rest? vardhan says i like you faith on me. Kabir says you will pay for it vardhan.
yoyo is scolding at different boys. The girl jiggy attacked comes, yoyo says hello how are you. She leaves.
Agarwal recalls what anju said. He says she worried me as well. agarwal asks peon to call sanyu. Randhir is working on the machine, he gets a call from sanyu. He says think of the devil and the devil calls. Rehan laughs and says yes i am devil. Randhir says rehan you? what is sanyu’s phone doing with you? He says sanyu is with me. randhir says where is sanyyu? rehan says don’t waste time. ask the one who has three hours alive. Now listen where you have to come. he tells randhir address and hangs up. Randhir rushes out.
Rana is doing his calculations, 5k are missing. He calls yoyo. ranaa asks where are 5k? Yoyo says i told you about arjun. Rana says what have i given you gun for? Go and take money.
Randhir comes to the site, rehan shoves him randhir says where is sanyu? what have you done to her? He hits her. rehan says this was all? well i expected more. i give you one more chance to save her. There is a poisonous gas in the car and a bomb. your most important thing is enclosed in a car with gas and a bomb. Here is the remote. rehan says she has only three hours. randhir says where is she? Rehan says i will give you three clues to find her. one clue will take you to second and second to third. so the first is the drawer in our mom’s room. Randhir says do what you want to do with me. rehen says so worried for her? randhir says she was my gf , i hate her now don’t drag her. rehan says oh its all in vain then. I wont have wasted time like you, randhir says i wont leave you if anything happens to sanyu. randhir runs.
Yoyo asks arjun to give the money, he says give me one chance. He asks arjun to place bottle on his head. yoyo says if i shoot it you will give me 5k and if i shoot somewhere else your money will be forgiven, some guard comes, yoyo and arjun both run. Yoyo leaves gun there as well. Guard gives the gun to kabir, pkc says what is happening in this college, rana says give me this authority i will find if it is registered. pkc says my relative is in license dept they will tell us whose gun is this. kabir says okay then take it.
sanyu opens her eyes and coughs. SHe screams for help. randhir goes to roshan’s house. the guard says no one is home, sir said you wont come in. radhir ropes him and says renuka saniyal where are you? He looks here and there. Randhir goes to the room. Randhir sees his photos with renuka and harsh in the drawer. he gets a call from rehan. randhir says there is no clue, rehan says you must be emotional. But if you keep staying nostalgic you wont be able to save your gf. randhir says if something happens to her i will kill you. rehan says i know you are in pain but this pain has your solution. randhir says tell me, rehan says its simple. he hands up. randhir finds something written on the pictures. It says how was the plate harsh eats his food in? Randhir calls rehan and says how can you involve my dad. Rehan says i wont harm him we are all part of big family.
Rana goes and hits yoyo. He says pkc has that gun and will idenitify the number, yoyo says please give me one chance, rana says i will save myself but you will go to jail. if you trace arjun and that gun before it gets traced only then you will be safe. PKC gives keys of his cabin to guard and leaves, yoyo watches them. some girls are coming. The girl jggy attacks come as well. yoyo says hello. She says i can’t pardon juggy but dont feel guilty. he says i am sorry. she syas yo dont need to be its okay.
sanyu is trying to start the car. The guard is walking outside pkc’s cabin. he says i will mix dose in hi tea. the watchman drinks the tea. yoyo takes out the keys from his pocket. agarwal calls hostel they say she left from college. ankit says randhir is not here as well. they must be together. maa is calling me as well. agarwal says tell her that she is on the floor and then call comissioner and tell him sanyu is missing.
yoyo looks for the gun in pkc’s cabin. He finds it and leaves. parth stops yoyo and asks what are you doing here? why are you wearing gloves? yoyo says i bought them for lab? Parth says is everything okay? yoyo says yes. parth says why were you walking in corridor? yoyo says i has pkc’s pen i came to return it, i have to go now. he leaves.
Randhir goes to jail harsh says why you came here? to see if i am alive. don’t ever show me your face, randhir says why you saying that. harsh says is it hurting you? do you understand how i feel? that woman is enjoying and my son can’t do anything for. I asked one thing from you. that woman ruined my life again. you might pardon her but i can’t. why you did all this drama? randhir says i planned everything but sanyu ruined her life. harsh says that girl is ruining your life, randhir says her life is in danger i need to save her.
Precap-ramdhir sees sanyu from the window. There is blood on it. sanyu asks him to go.
Update Credit to: Atiba