Categories: Sadda Haq

Sadda Haq 7th October 2014 Written Episode Update

Sadda Haq 7th October 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sanyu recalls her argument with her mum and is upset. She tries to call her, but no answer. She is sorry for talking like that to her mum. She gets frustrated and starts throwing away the stuff. Randhir comes there. Sanyu says she wishes her family supports her at least once. Randhir sits besides her and she hugs him. Randhir also hugs her back. Phone beeps and they move back. Randhir leaves from there.

Next day, Randhir gets a call from his dad and he asks him to meet him. Randhir asks if Renuka’s lawyer said anything. His dad says she is refusing to do any out of court settlement. She won’t give anything. Randhir gets shocked. His dad says he has lost everything behind this case and asks him to find a good lawyer. Randhir says

he will do something.

Sanyu talks to a professor about letting Kastuki take reexamination as she couldn’t give exam due to illness of her mother. The professor says he will write to committee and final decision will be theirs. YoYo comes to Sanyu and tells her to do something to bring Kastuki back. Sanyu says it’s so strange, you miss certain people and things so much when you don’t have those. YoYo says first dream, friendship, love is always like that. Sanyu tells him that her dad sold his factory that was his first dream. She then tells him he won’t understand and leaves.

Sameer complains to Ankit about dowry, he’s marrying in family where they don’t respect their son in law at all etc etc. Then tells him, they can correct their mistake, there’s still time in marriage.

Vidushi comes to Parth, but he’s busy reading. She asks him what he does in library all the time and instead tells him to go on date with her. They are bf and gf now. Parth says he likes playing boxing with his gf and asks her if she wants to do that. Vidushi says that means he takes her as his gf and gets happy. The librarian tells Parth to maintain silence. Parth tells Vidushi to be quiet. Vidushi says they are going for date tomorrow. He says ok and she leaves happily.

Vidushi is deciding what to wear, but she’s not able to find anything good. Sanyu is thinking about her mum. Vidushi sees her and thinks she’s waiting for Randhir’s call. Sanyu says she’s not waiting for his call.

Ankit tells his parents about Sameer and says he was so embarrassed. His dad also says they made Sameer say that they didn’t do anything for him. What did he do? He asks Sanyu’s mum to bring Sanyu’s FD papers. Sanyu’s mum says it’s for her future. Dad says Sameer is also doing everything for her future.

Randhir is in jail to meet his dad. His dad asks him about a lawyer. Randhir says, he talked to many lawyers, but no one is ready to fight against Renuka. His dad complains about Renuka that she’s bad wife, bad mother, and is having affair. Randhir asks him if he knows what he’s saying. His dad tells him that he doesn’t know anything, she’s having an affair. Randhir gets mad and says he listened to everything his dad said, but can’t agree to this. No matter how his mum is, she can’t do all this. His dad says he gave same reaction when he first told about her truth. Randhir says he doesn’t want to talk about this. A police comes and tells Randhir his time is up.

Yoyo is getting bored in lecture. He tells professor to have some fun, say joke. The prof laughs and says Yoyo is going to pass in 4th year and says that was joke. He tells him to sit down if he doesn’t want to make joke of him. Yoyo sits down and talks to Kastuki’s photo. Prof asks whats that. Yoyo says she’s his student too, he should be happy that attendance is full. All laugh while Sanyu is tensed. Prof gets mad and Yoyo makes more fun. Sanyu is relieved seeing her dad’s call. She takes permission and leaves the classroom. She picks up happily. Her dad asks her to come to visitor place, he’s in her college. Sanyu meets him and hugs him excitedly. She says sorry for yesterday. Her dad tells her to leave all that and asks her to sign FD papers. Sanyu questions why he’s transferring money to Sameer when he’s rich already. Her dad tells her not to run her brain and sign, Sameer is setting up a factory and he’s doing that for her. Sanyu cries and says she won’t let this happen, why her dad doesn’t get he can’t make her future by giving money to Sameer. She signs the papers regardless. Her dad takes the papers back and leaves.

Randhir sees Sanyu’s dad and remembers his arguments/fights with him. He hides behind another student and succeeds in not coming in front of Sanyu’s dad.

Sanyu says this is enough. She will have to talk to Sameer. She calls him. He asks so she remembered now that she has to say sorry to him for her special performance yesterday? She says she wants to meet him. He says strange, no apology, no sorry, direct meeting. She says yes, she will tell him when they meet. She asks if he will meet her. He taunts, of course, he is sitting free, whenever she says, he will meet her. He asks her to say on phone whatever it is. She says she wanted to know how much he is concerned about her future and talks about factory. He says he will meet her up when he gets time. He hangs. Sanyu says to herself she knows very well whose future he’s making with her money. She sits there tensed and nervous. Randhir is also tensed and angry as he can’t find a lawyer. He screams in frustration. Sanyu goes to him and asks what happened. She sees papers of court hearing. He takes the papers away and tells her not to worry about his family. She better handle her own dad, he saw him there. Sanyu is shocked.

Precap: Randhir says he wants to clear his doubt whether there’s someone else in Renuka’s life. Sanyu says she is not wrong even if she’s finding love. Randhir asks what you know about love that you’re saying all this nonsense. Sanyu says not much, but no decision can be wrong which is taken in love or for love. He says like you did?/?

Update Credit to: Rahi

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