Categories: Sadda Haq

Sadda Haq 8th September 2014 Written Episode Update

Sadda Haq 8th September 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Everyone is busy in doing the paper. The bell rings. Everyone submits their papers except for Sanyu and Randhir. SAnyu says please sir give me 15 more minutes. I wrote everything but he ate my paper. Please let me complete to get passing marks. PKC grasps the papers. PKC says no extra time you may leave now. Sanyu is very angry. Randhir says you wanted to throw me out of this college. Boo your return tickets. You can’t harm me because I know how to break your kind of girls. He leaves the class.

In the corridor, Parth stops vidushi and says why did you have to cheat ? You could only flatter dean and get marks. he leaves. Vidushi gets a call from doctor. Doctor tells her that Parth needs medicines. It will cost 20k. He says I know you will take time to arrange drugs but we

have to hurry up. Viduhsi says even if I save my annual pocket money I won’t be able to collect 20k. Why did I have to born under poverty line. I wish I was rich. She hears some guys talking, I don’t think I will pass the mid. I wish I could know the questions beforehand I could give money for that.

Vidushi goes to peon and says I wanna meet professor. He says he is in meeting. Vidushi sees the keys in his pocket. She drops her books. He picks them up and Viduhsi plucks the keys.

Parth is reading. Yoyo says we are so unlucky. We are studying and people are passing by just giving 1000 rupees. He hears some people saying we will pass this time. we have got questions in just 1000 rupees. Parth goes to viduhi and says I shouldn’t have wasted my time in wondering who leaked the papers. Only you could be this cheap. You are recovering the money this way. Vidushi says please listen to me parth for once. Parth inverts her bag and the money fall on the ground. Parth says I am going to complain about you. Viduhsi says how will you prove I have done this. Parth says you are stupide you have forgotten that there are cctv cameras in college. Vidushi says I placed magent in all of them. just gave 5 questions no one will get full marks. So no teachers will doubt about the leakage of papers. What will you prove ? Parth says you have proved that no one can be worst than you. He leaves. Vidushi calls doctor and says I have arranged the money.

Scene 2
Next morning, Vidushi sees parth says am I doing a mistake by concealing him. I should tell him. Vidushi goes to him and says I want to say something. I am doing something for you. He says for now you are just irritating me. Some juniors come and says we wanted to thank you parth sir. Vidushi says we are busy. parth says why you wanna thank me ? The students say because we have got good makrs because of you. Parth says no its because of your will. I don’t take favors. Parth aks vidushi what were you saying ? she says I wan bringing tea for you.

SAhil says why have varhdan sir called us here ? Vardhan comes there and says were you expecting anyone else ? Back to your tables. You people are so over confident. You know what is going to happen with you. I will be taking your internals and they are divided in three tasks. I will take the first one right here right now. Vardhan sets a machine and says change yourself with time. Keep running with the time or eject. He unveils something long. he says let me help you. You have to make a clock and the time should match the time of my clock. You have to make a precisely calibrated clock. Vidushi says whats the challenge in making that ? Jiggy says we have made super fast car whats with this clock ? Vardhan says don’t take small things easily. You just have time till 4 to do that. They all go back to their works to make their clocks.
Randhir says to Sanyu how would you know about the task. you are a stupid girl who just knows how to cook. SAnyu says varhdan said you have to change with time. my time has changed but your will end soon. I will prove you wrong.
Sanyu starts working and says I will make 10 times better clock than him. They all start working. Kaustuki says what are you doing ? SAnyu says I am reminding someone his worth. Randhir says remind your own first.

Scene 3
Maya comes talking to someone on phone. she sees some pupil talking on stairs. she says whats going on there ? How dare you. They say ma’am we were just talking on phone. maya says get out.
Vardhan says to maya why are you making students your target ? She says I won’t tolerate useless comments. Vardhan sees a scar on her hand. Vardhan says I wonder why you show someone else’s anger on someone else. Maya says you have a lot of work to do.

Everyone is busy in making their clocks. Parth’s hands are shivering. Kaustuki has placed the wrong gear. Jiggy comes and says let me tell you. Yoyo ays your smile will even run this. parth gets a call from doctor. Doctor says come to my cabin. Parth leaves.

Scene 4
Doctor gives some medicines to parth. parth says what is this for ? Doctor says you are fine. You have minor muscle distortion. Parth says what is the name of this disease? Doctor says you have no major problem just keep taking these medicines you will be better soon. Parth says in heart there is something serious that you are concealing. Doctor says in heart till when will I conceal. I should talk to his fiancé.

Randhir takes a tool. SAnyu wants it too. He says you are following me here too. SAnyu says you will be behind me like always. Randhir says following champions won’t make you one. Use your brain and you will understand this.

Precap-Vardhan comes in and says I hope you engineers have done this small work. he goes to sanyu and says I hope you won’t disappoint me. He checks sanyu’s clock.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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