Fan Fiction

Our Salt & Sweet Love Story – season 2 (Episode 12) (Ragsan, Abhigya)

Hi frnds thnq soooooo much…….. here is the past.

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Episode 11

Vivaan: tell me clearly.

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13 yrs ago……..

Suman is preparing sweet…… just then dhuruv n sahil enters gupta mansion.
Suman: sahil…… dhruv bhaiya….. take the sweet….. I know sure u only wont the tender.
Sahil thrown sweet…..
Suman: sahil what happened?
Dhruv: again we lost the tender…… u get in…… leave him alone for sometime.
Suman gets in…..
Sahil: I’m really in peak of angry…… again that MSRRA won the tender.
Dhruv: look…… ur angry cant do anything……… till MSRRA is in union we cant do anything……. U know na unity is strength……. We have to do something………

Another side MSRRA celebrates party for the new tender.

Meghan: again that fool sahil n dhruv lost the tender……
Pragya: that’s really danger…….
Lak: what do u mean?
Abhi: prag is saying that he lost tender again…… more over the lost money n kicked out from home……. for all this we r the reason.
San: ya u r ri8…… we have to be alert.
Rag: hey don’t waste ur time in talking about them…… see there how sweet our children……Sara, saran, appu, abhi, naina (nisha meghan’s daughter) all r frnds just like us….. (appu – 14, sara n saran – 9, abhi – 8, naina – 5)

Swa: hey kutties come here…… will u all accept my new baby as ur frnd?
Saran: no…..
Appu: y?
Saran: bcos swa aunty’s child is not only my frnd…… more than that…..
Swa: how sweet u r…….

Days passed…….

On beautiful morning…….. swara’s home is fully decorated by flowers……. All r hurry burry in their work.
Swa: wow….. so beautiful…….
Bulbul: swara….. y r u standing here? Go to ur room n take rest…… after some time we will come to make up u…… today is special day for u…… (frnds she is pregnant na…. so that celebration…… simanda vizha…… I don’t know the name in hindi n English…..)(swa had some problem regard pregnancy so after many yrs now only she is pregnant)

After sometine
Ragini: huf…… finally almost everything is ready…..
Megha: ya shall we go to make up swara……
Pragya comes there n asks them where is swara…..?
Bulbul: what r u saying…… she will be in her room only…..
Prag: no ….. now I went to her room to give this food but she is not there…….

Lak n all boys also heard all rushed to search her finally lak found her in store room……
Lak; what r u doing here? We all searching u……
Rag: lak…. Cool….. now she is here only na……
All decorated swara just like angel……
Aall guest arrived there…….. lak called one of the elder to take arthi…… she lady does the ritual….. at end swa have to take blessing from them….. she was abt to stand but hold her hip…… she is unable to stand….

Lak: what happened swara……
Swa: lax its paining……
Meg: what? Pain….. in this time…… something is wrong….. first take her to hospital…..
All rushed to hospital while swara screamed in pain…….
Meg came out of swara’s ward…
All asked what happened to her?

Megha: voh……
Rag: megha plz tell….. ur silence is scaring…….
Still megha remains silent.
Prag: megha we r asking what happened but y r remaining silent….. plz tell……
Megha: swara ki…..
Lak: swara ki…..
Meg: child is no more……
Lak rushed to ward n saw swara is sleeping…… he cried by seeing her tummy……..

Bul: but how is this possible….. we all took good care of her na……
Meg: she ate something unhealthy…. Somewhat…… she was poisoned…….

All r dazed….. swara came to conscious n she screams after knowing the truth……
All tries to console her but leaves swalak alone for some time.
Saran cried a lot…….

After some months…….

In MSRRA all r partners but ABHI N SANKY occurs important place.
Abhi: sanky u maintain the office I’ll go to sign the new deal.
San: no abhi u stay here I’ll go….
Abhi: no y strain foor u… I’ll manage…
Sanky: I’m telling na….. I’ll go. Sanky took file n gone.

Abhi got a call from unknown number
Caller: what sanky took file n went….?
Abhi: hello who r u? how u know abt this?
Caller: who am I is not important what matter i have is important. Sanky is joined hand with dhruv n sahil…… that too for money…..
Abhi: u just shut up idiot…… he was abt to cut the phone but the caller said if u don’t believe me then just follow sanky. The call cut.
Abhi didn’t believed that call but still somewhat fear….. so he followed sanky.

Sanky is going then a car stopped in middle….. the car is blocking the way….. so sanky came out n knocked the car door.
Sahil came out of the car.
Sahil: hi sanky….. how r u…… sahil hugged sanky…..
Sanky jerked the hug.
Sanky what do u want?…..

Sahil nothing……
Sanky: then plz keep the car In corner……
Sahil kept the car in corner of road, he is holding a file as same colour in sanky hand….
Sahil: now u can go….. sanky turned…. Sahil bumbed him n both the files (sanky’s & sahil’s) fell down.
Sanky took file from ground n gave it to sahil……
Just then abhi arrived there n shocked to see sanky n sahil…… he stood far n watched the scene.
Abhi is totally broken.

Next day (at MSRRA company all girls, boys n children all r presented…)

Purab: abhi…… what is happening? We have to sign the deal with gk company but how gupta & co signed with them?
Sanky: what? But how is this possible? We only gave spl feature na……
Abhi: really don’t u know sanky…?
Rag: abhi…. What r u talking …… how he know?
Sanky: abhi ur word is hurting me……. r u suspecting me?

Abhi: no no….. I’m not suspect….. all gets some relive…… I’m not suspect…. I’m damn sure he only gave info to gupta company……

All r shocked……

Prag: abhi….. r u in sense?
Abhi; I’m in sense only…. See this video……. He show a video sanky gives file to sahil…….
Sanky: abhi…. U misunderstood…… actually…
Abhi: stop ur lying…….. rascal…. Get out of this office…… he hold his collar.
Sanky too got angry both indulge in fight….. others tried to stop them but all went vain.

@ ragsan home

Sanky is fully depressed……..
Rag: kishan cool…….. somewhat misunderstanding is there…… we can solve out this…… (in season 1 sanskar name is kishan frnds….. bcoz some of u don’t know the season 1)
San: no need….. he don’t believes me….. I don’t need him.
Rag: no kishan…..
San: look rag if u r supporting them then plz…. Get lost from here….. I’m not ready to listen any favour abt them. he raised his voice after a very long time….. saran watched this all……

Rag’s pov: he saw san changing file by his eye what he will do?
Saran pov: bcoz of that abhigya my parents r fighting for the 1st time in front of us………

@ abhigya’s home

Prag: abhi…. somewhat misunderstanding is there…… we can solve out this……
Abhi: no need…. U know how much I worked hard to get that deal….. but he…cheated me……
Prag: no abhi…. Plz…. Listen me once…..
Abhi: look prag if u r supporting them then plz…. Get lost from here….. I’m not ready to listen any favour abt them. he shouted n break all things in room.

Pragya pov: he is not understanding that what we r seeing by our eyes…… there is no need to be that is true……
Abhimayu; bcoz of that ragsan my mom n dad is fighting for the first time.

Another day

Dhruv: sanky….. I heard abhi blamed u without ur mistake……. For this u can join with us…….
San: hey…… stay in ur limit….. don’t dare to talk abt my abhi….. what do u know abt him? He misunderstood me….. one day he’ll realise his mistake…… don’t think that we r not frnds….. we r always frnds.
Ragini over heard this n felt happy. Her pov: I thought he hates him….. but I was wrong….. how understanding he is…… I really love u kishan……

Screen freezes with smiling face of Ragini

To be continued………….

Frnds I’m unable to show romantic or love scenes btw the pairs…… bcoz its sad n revenge phase of life but I’ll try my best to show some love scenes too……. if u have any doubts then ask me without hesitating……. Past will continue on next epi too……..Suraj part is suspence…… it will take some time so wait till then. drop ur cmnts……. By urs loving Aastha


Jovial type. Like to communicate more. Be happy keep ur fmly n frnds happy. Wattpad ID : SriAastha if u wish u can follow & vote there.

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