Fan Fiction

samragni-the empress(40)

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Samragni epi 40

Laksh and Swara are talking.

Swara: maharaj Laksh, why to get confused? Let’s go to her village only and confirm. She is Ladoo.

Chandra: before that, I have small un finished work..!

Chandra glares at Mansi. She bends her head in tears. Before he could open his mouth, mansi falls on his feet.

Mansi: asking sorry is pointless. I know. But, the truth is… I have pushed Samragni into waterfalls.

Laksh and Swara shocks with her words.


Here Ladoo starts a song, followed by dance…

The auspicious day is here…
This time is very rare..
Devi maa, come and protect us..!
Give us the courage..!

The treshool is your hand,
Is the enemy to evils…
But, it’s the breath to our souls..!
The chakra in your hand,
May cut of the devils..
It’s the umbrella for our lives..!

The song is entangled with the music of drums and other instruments, which is making the place dynamic..!

One soldier runs to Sanskar and Dp.

Soldier: rakshashas are arriving nearer to empire gates..!!

Sanskar and Dp shocks and alerts the army…


The dangerous demons has surrounded us..
Oh Shakthi… drive them off, bring the peace..
Accept our small prayers..
Take your rudra form and guide us..!

Ladoo/Samragni continues her dance while singing…

Chandra holds Mansi’s shoulders strongly and questions her,
‘why are you shedding these crocodile tears? You have killed my bhabhi..! how dare you..!’
Chandra raises his hand on her. mansi closes her eyes. But, Laksh holds Chandra’s hand.

Chandra: bhayya..?

Laksh: Samragni is not that weak to die in hands of a normal girl..!
Chandra looks on….

Laksh: she has fallen in waterfalls may be truth… but, she came back as ladoo…


Your rudra roopa is scary to monsters…
But mother, it’s our strength..!
You are the form of nature and universe…
Oh mother, we are your kids..!

The dance completes…. With sounds of conches.

Sanskar and Dp reaches to the entrance of Empire with huge army and Rakshasas are headed by Nayak.

Dp amazes looking at Nayak.

Dp: Nayak…! Raajat’s elder brother..!

Nayak: yes..! it’s me..! I have sacrificed all my empire to my younger brother and went off along with my wife and daughter. I have made their lives also normal just for my brother, because I love him a lot… but, your Samragni has killed him…!

Dp, Sanskar looks on…

Nayak: but, however she is dead in my daughter’s hands….

Dp laughs. Sanskar looks at Dp confused. But, gadodiya army amazes with Nayak’s words, ‘samragni dead??’

Dp: Samragni is not a prey to die in hands of cruel animals..! Samragni is not cotton which flies away in wind…! Samragni is the ocean which swallows all the enemies..!

Nayak shouts: then where is that ocean? Ask that ocean to come out..!!!


Laksh: Ragini has taken a lot of care on you Mansi. But, did you gift her betrayal?

Mansi: maharaj, I came to take revenge on my chote papa raajat’s death.

Laksh: what kind of chote papa is he? Who has enjoyed all the palace pleasures by sending away his brother and brother’s daughter..! and you have came for him..!!

Mansi looks on…

Laksh: and you came to kill Ragini who gave you equal treatment as queen..!

Mansi has tears in eyes.

Mansi kneel downs before them.
Mansi: please tell me, how can I clean my sin now..?

Laksh: what is your plan??

Mansi: the rakshasas might have arrived at the borders of empire.

Laksh and Chandra soon rush back.


Nayak is shouting: all tell her a lioness right..! Where is that lioness? Did she feared and hid in cave? That ocean has hid in earth? Hey…. Samragni..!!! come here right now if you are the Empress..!!! If your blood has bravery..!!!

Then a stick comes in speed and gets struck in land before Nayak. And, that stick has flag which symbolizes the crown… that means Samragni is coming..!!

All the army including Sanskar amazes and turns back….

The soldiers keep moving aside making way…… Nayak looks on….

Ragini is coming on the horse with slow but determined strong steps. That horse step sounds have filled whole war field. Pin drop silence. Before a cyclone arrives, there will be infinite peace… the environment is just like that.

Ragini comes on horse stands before all army in between Dp and Sanskar. The soldiers close the way.

Nayak looks silently at Ragini as if he is looking at a goddess in temple. She is in red saree which fears the evil. She is wearing huge circle of kumkum on forehead which resembles devi maa. She is holding the sword in her hand which is ready to take away the lives of demons.

Suddenly Nayak loses his strength. Unknowingly sword falls from his hand. He sets himself and takes the sword again.

That pin drop silence is over came by Ragini’s strong and powerful voice..!!

“War or Peace?”

The rakshasas aren’t ready for peace. They are ready to attack with their huge weapons.

“War or Peace?”

Ragini repeats again..!

Nayak shouts: War..!!!

Ragini throws one rope to the flag she threw before, she grabs the flag with rope…removes the flag from stick and she ties the flag to her shoulder. She throws the stick up into the sky..!!
(this happens in one second)
Ragini shouts: Jai Maata di..!
All the army follows: jai maata di..!!

The war begins..!!

Precap: the battle…


My wattpad: Astra07

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