Hii guys….. How are u all… I’m back with another chapter… Hope u all will like it… Drop ur comments pls……
Link for previous chapter
Recap: outing….
Now chapter 16……
Ragini and sanskaar are having a deep eye lock which is disturbed by door bell ?. Ragini gets away from him and goes to the door while blushing and sanskaar just rubs his hair and smiles cutely…..
Ragini opens the door and finds a girl and a boy….
Ragini: yes…
Girl: can we meet sanskaar??
Ragini: yeah but u r??
Boy: oh we are arnav and khushi….. Sanskaar’s friends…..
Ragini: oh… Come..
All come inside and arshi ( arnav and khushi) are shocked to see sanskaar like that.. They burst out laughing….. Ragini also smiles…. Controlling her laugh… Where sanskaar stands there embarrassed…
Sanskaar: okay…. Okay… Fine….. U don’t need to laugh so much….
Arnav: sorry bro… But kisme itni himmat aa gayi jo the Sanskaar Kapoor ki yeh haalat kar sake…?? ( who has done this to sanskaar kapoor??)
He again burst out laughing…..
Khushi: arnav…. Stop teasing my sanky….
She goes and hugs her.
Ragini ( to herself): ahh.. She’s his friend na… Then y she’s calling him my sanky…. N wht is sanky it feels like she’s calling him sanki ( mad) huh…. I gave such a sweet name to him… Sansku….. N look.. How she’s hugging him……
Sanskaar: this madam… Ginu… Did this… To take revenge…
Khushi: revenge??
Ragini narrates the whole incident how sanskaar indirectly made her apply atta on her face….
Sanskaar: dekha… For this small thing she did so much…..
Khushi: aww… Don’t worry we’ll clean it…. Btw ginu u did wrong….
Arnav ( goes to ragini and keeps his hand on her shoulder… Sanskaar doesn’t like it but don’t know y): whats wrong in this!??? Its sanskaar’s mistake…. Ginu did the rgt thing……
Khushi: Vaise sanky who’s she?? I mean is she like Pooja n kavita… Is she like ur sister??
Sanskaar and ragini ( together): nooooo…..
Sanskaar: I mean she’s not my sister….
Arnav: okay okay… Cool down bro…. U scared us man…..
Arnav’s hand is still on her shoulder. Sanskaar goes towards them and removes his hand from her shoulder…
Sanskaar: ginu pls can u make coffee for us…..
Ragini: yeah sure…
She leaves. Sanskaar also goes, washes his face and comes down.
Sanskaar: come sit…
They all sit.. Ragini is in kitchen.
Khushi: chakkar kya hai?? ( wht is tge matter)
Sanskaar: i’ll tell u….
He explains everything to them… From a to z….
Arnav: omg… She has to go through so much….
Khushi: So….
Sanskaar: soo wht??
Khushi: do u like her??
Sanskaar: wht?? Yeah as a friend…
Arnav: do u love her??
Sanskaar: r u mad arnav??? Don’t even think of that….
Arnav: y yrr?? We hv seen u both…..
A flashback is shown when ragsan were close.. The two people who were seeing them were arshi..
Fb ends.
Sanskaar: arre that… I was just running behind her.. She slipped so I catched her…….
Ragini comes with coffee for everyone and sits besides sanskaar after serving to everyone.
Sanskaar: So…. Achanak meri yaad kaise aa gayi?? ( how come u remembered me suddenly)
Khushi: ainvayi… Now we hv to bring a reason to meet our friend??
Sanskaar: no yrr… I was just asking…
Arnav: soo ginu… Tell us something about urself??
Sanskaar: arnav her name is not ginu…. Her name is ragini…
Arnav: okay… But I’ll call her ginu only… Such a cute name just like her….
Ragini smiles while sanskaar feels jealous.
Ragini: ummm… Wht shld I say??
Arnav ( he sits beside her): anything…. Ok… Wht do u like to do??
Sanskaar: she like to play sitar and sing song……
Arnav: okay… Thats good… R u taking any training?? If not then I can help u in joining any university…
Sanskaar: no she’s already taking training… And I’m also training with her……
Ragini smiles seeing sanskaar jealous…
Arnav: sanky….. Wht is ur problem?? Let her answer….
Sanskaar: its okay… I don’t hv any problem…
Arnav: but I hv….
Saying this he takes her out to talk while sanskaar is left with khushi….
Both sides… Sanskaar is feeling jealous thinking abt arnav and his ginu while outside ragini is getting jealous thinking abt khushi’s and her sansku’s closeness…..
Like this 2 weeks have passed…. arnav and khushi are always with ragini and sanskaar respectively… Not leaving one another for a moment even… Whereas ragini and sanskaar are annoyed with each other as the other one is not talking to them and is always with arnav / khushi respectively….. But didn’t knew the reason…. Just kept ignoring each other and cutting one another’s words…
One fine day………
All 4 decided to go for a movie and then dinner.
Arnav : hey lets go for a movie… I’m getting bored…
Khushi: super… And then we’ll hv lunch… Wht say??
Ragini: no… I don’t want to go… U all go….
Ragini said as she was angry with sanskaar and didn’t want to witness his and khushi’s ” friendship “…
Arnav: wht happened ginu??? Its ok if u don’t wanna go I’ll stay with u… Khushi and sanky u both go…..
He said while sitting beside her and keeping his hand over her shoulder which made sanskaar fume in jealousy and anger but he didn’t knew y….. So he said
Sanskaar: actually its a bad idea……
He said as such bcoz he knew if he’ll disagree then she’ll be ready to come.. As from the past few days she was doing like this… Speaking opposite of wht he said…… And also bcoz he was jealous bcoz arnav was being close to her all the while and he didn’t want both of them alone in a house that to at night…
Ragini: actually no….. I think we should go….
She said while looking at sanskaar and giving him a weird look.
Then all 4 went for the movie.
Inside the theatre, movie is abt to start but our 4 buddies are busy in fighting for the seats.
Arnav: sanky I said na i’ll sit with ginu… Then whats ur problem??
Sanskaar: i’ll sit with her n u sit with khushi…
Khushi: offo… U r fighting like kids…. From past 10 mins… See all are looking at us…
Ragini: seriously… Even kids are better then u ppl….
Someone from back shouts.
Man: hey if u want to fight then fight outside… At least let other people watch the movie. ..
Khushi: sorry sir. … Now u both sit… Ragini u sit in the middle I’ll sit beside my sanky only ….
Ragini who didn’t want khushi to sit beside sanskaar unwantedly nodded and sat in the middle of the 2 boys….
The movie starts.
In between the movie.
Arnav keeps his hands over ragini’s shoulder and touches sanskaar’s shoulder also.
Sanskar gets jealous seeing this. Ragini is totally involved in the movie and is unaware abt the happenings around her.
Everyone is going out to get something to eat.
Khushi: come sanky we’ll get something to eat.
Sanskaar: no khushi.. U take arnav with u….
He said as he didn’t want arnav to be alone with ragini..
Arnav: no I don’t want to go…
Khushi: pls na sanky.. Pls…
She makes a cute face..
Sanskaar: okay only for u…..
She pinches her cheeks.
Ragini gets jealous seeing this.
Ragini: let me also come na…
Sanskaar is abt to say something but arnav interrupts him.
Arnav: ginu if you’ll also go then who will accompany me??
Ragini: then u also come with us…
She also doesn’t want sanskaar and Khushi to be alone.
Arnav: I would hv cone but u know… My leg is paining… So pls… U stay na… .
He also makes puppy face so ragini compiles.
Sanskaar goes with khushi and brings pop corns and coldrinks for all.
Then the movie resumes but our sanskaar and ragini are getting jealous seeing the other one with arnav and khushi resp.
After the movie they all go for dinner.
Arnav: so wht will u hv ginu??
Arnav is sitting beside ragini and opposite to sanskaar who is sitting with khushi.
Sanskaar gets irked by this.
Sanskaar: arnav bring two Chinese platter for me and ginu…
Ragini smiles listening to this.
Arnav: ginu.. U seriously want to eat Chinese??
Ragini nods.
Arnav: arre.. Try the special thaali of this restaurant ?… U’ll love it…. I’m saying na….
Ragini having no choice says….
Ragini: okay..
Sanskaar feels hurt.
Khushi: okay…. But i’ll have chinese platter.. Just like my sanky….
Sanskaar smiles a little but ragini gets jealous.
Arnav: cool.
He goes to give the order. Ragini excuses herself and goes to washroom.
Ragini’s pov.
What’s happening?? Y I don’t like to sansku with khushi?? They are friends just like I n him are then y?? urgh… I’m not getting it…… am I falling _____ no no…… Ragini.. Wht are u even thinking?? No….
Then she gets freshen up and goes out.
Then all four have dinner and they go to their respective homes.
Kapoor Villa.
Sanskaar straight away went to his room and locked the door.
Ragini felt bad but then she also went to her room and slept.
Sanskaar’s pov.
Why is this arnav always there with ginu?? And moreover calling her ginu… Huh… And she also… Not saying anything to him…. But wait sanskaar… Y r u bothered so much?? kahin aisa toh nhi that I’m falling in love ____ no ways… Wht are u even thinking??? I don’t believe in love and all…….. Chill sanskaar… Relax……
He also goes to sleep.
The episode ends with sleeping faces of ragsan.
Precap: trip??
So guys… How was the episode!?? Do tell me through ur comments……
Arnav: barun sobti – ipkknd……. Business man, Lil bit funny, full of life…. Not exactly as was in the serial….
Khushi: sanaya irani – ipkknd….. a working woman., a bit strict as compared to arnav, enjoys life but is matured…..
I have included these two as they are one of my favourite couple… And they’ll be important characters of my story……
Awesome update!
Thanks ananya!!
Thanks ragz teju….
Loved it just awesome richa next time write a long episode
Thank you nia…. Sure….
Awesome ep yaar . jealousy between ragini and sanskar is superb.:-)
Thank you anjali!!!
nice love jealousy next part soob
thank you nikky!!!
Great. Loves it. Can’t wait to read. When’s the next update??
thnk you so much shana !!!!!
will try t post asap !!1
Awesome episode
thanks ammy !!!
loveed it
thank you lisa !!!
loved it….
thanks shrin ..
Yippiieee……..richa am on cloud9 as u included arshi in thz ff……todays episode was damm good luvd ragsan jealousy nd my four fav persons r here….luv sarun nd tevar:-*:-*:-*
thank youu sooooo much pammy dear !!!
even I love the 4 of them from core ……
I’m glad u r liking it ………..
tanks rafeee!!
thanks rafeee…….
thanks sindhura …………
thanks myra…
thanks myra..
Awesome… Loved it…
thanks aditi ..
superb update soon
thanks j ….
Awesome Superb Fantastic
Loved Ragsan jealousy a lot
Loved it
Waiting for the next one…………
Thank you so much spp!!!!
U r welcome
Awsm jealousy
Thanks megha…..
Thanks lovely!!?
Thanks piya….
Good one
Thanks nira…. .
it was slpendid dear loved it as usual richa thanx a lot for commenting on my ff love u soooooooooooooo much lots of hugs and kisses to u
Thank you so much sriya……..
The pleasure was all mine… ..no need to thanks……
Love you too dear….
Loads of love, hugs n kisses to u…
Btw when rr u going to upload the next part!????
i will upload today maybe
awwwww……….loved it …awsm ………bassss abb aur wait nhi hota …let them realise their love ………………….
Thanks sanam…. Yeah sure their love story will start soon…
Thanks kirti…
im so happy !!!!
tysm for adding arshi i love them
btw superb epi …..
Thank you so much kavya… .
Superb dear
Thanks crazy girls…
hey richa kirti is my small sis .she first time read ur ff n loved it so commented from my id ..she loved it ………..
Awww… Thats so sweet of her….. Thanks dear..
n sorry for commenting after so many days
Thanks naina…. And its okay dear…
fantastic .loved their jealousy
but y arshi are being chep with ragsan ???
Thanks aisha…
You’ll get to know soon….
how cute .. they were fighting lke kids
loved it
Thanks alia….
hahaha ………..sanky is so jealous
loved it
Thanks preeti…