Hii guys… Okay first thing I want to clear is that in my story there will be no negative character in near future… After that I don’t know….. coz already there is so much negativity in the serial….. I hope u all understand…..
Link for previous chapter
* in the previous episode I forgot to tell that ragini has joined the office. Everyone knows she’s sanskaar’s wife…. *
Recap: arshi entry and ragsan’s jealousy….
Next day in morning….
Ragini gets up and gets freshen up and goes to kitchen to prepare coffee for sanskaar and herself… Now she also drinks coffee only…..
She prepares it and calls sanskaar from downstairs only.
Ragini ( shouts): sanskuuuu……. Get up u don’t watch to go to office…..
Sanskaar wakes up but is lazy to get up from the bed.
Sanskaar: do minute ginuuuu… Pls…..
Ragini comes up to his room and opens the door.
Ragini: sansku!! U hv not even changed ur clothes yrrr….. How come u can sleep in jeans…??
Sanskaar: ginuuuu… I was so tired na….. Kash… Mom was here so she could hv changed my clothes…….
He said while still being in sleep.
Ragini got sad listening the word mom but soon composes herself and laughs.
Ragini: sansku even if ur mom was here.. She wouldn’t hv changed ur clothes…..
Sanskaar: y?? She’s my mom she would have done…..
He said while rubbing his hair and pulling up the blanket.
Ragini: oye mere bhola ram….. Now u hv grown up…. Mothers change their children’s clothes when they are small…..
Sanskaar: but I’m also small na….
He said cutely while ragini adore him….
Ragini: arre baba….. Leave all that…..
Sanskaar: y leave?? U tell me then who’ll change my clothes if I’m tired !??
Ragini: umm…. u do one thing.. Get up, be ready I’ll make ut breakfast…. Then u go to office…. Okay?? N then when u’ll come back we’ll call papa and ask him…. He might know….. Fine??
Sanskaar ( getting up with closed eyes and rubbing them): arre ginu….. U r always behind me….. I’m not going to office now i’ll go later !!! N u r also not going.. U take leave today..
Ragini: but y??
Sanskaar: coz arnav and khushi are coming….
Ragini: o acha…. Then u get ready na…… I’m going down….. U come fast…. N thanks for the chutti…. ( holiday)
She winks and goes…
Sanskaar: yeah….
After one hour. Its 10 am now.
Sanskaar comes down.
Sanskaar: ginu….
Ragini: yup…
Sanskaar: wht hv u made??
Ragini: I hv made upma…. Its on the table only… I’m just coming….
Sanskaar: okay.
He sits and and serves upma in two plates and drink his coffee which ragini has prepared again as the first one had become cold. Ragini also comes there.
They both hv their breakfast.
Ragini: so when are they coming??
Sanskaar: around 12..
Ragini: okay…
Ragini keeps the plates in the kitchen and comes with her coffee. They sit on the sofa.
Ragini: lets call papa…..
Sanskaar: y??
Ragini: u wanted to ask. Na… Who’ll change ur clothes.??
Sanskaar: o yeah…..
He calls rp.
Rp: hello.
Ragsan: hello papa…
Rp: hello beta… How r u both??
Ragini: we both are good….. U tell? Hoe are everyone???
Rp: everyone is fine beta….
Ragini: actually papa… Sansku wanted to ask u smthing??
Rp: who??
Sanskaar: me me…. I wanted to ask something……
Rp ( smiles): yeah ask??
Sanskaar: papa… If a child is tired in night so will his mother change his clothes so that he sleeps comfortably???
Rp: of course beta…. Y not??
Sanskaar: dekha ginu… I told u na…….
Rp smiles hearing ginu…
Rp ( to himself): waah…. Ginu and sansku…. Badhiya……..
Ragini ( bringing him out of his thoughts): papa… N of the child is as big as a donkey…. Then wht???
Rp laughs and then ragini also bursts out laughing at her own sentence. Sanskaar frowns.
Rp: donkey??? Beta… R u talking abt sanskaar??
Ragini: yes papa…..
Again they both laugh.
Sanskaar: oye yes papa ki bachi….. Chup reh… ( shut up) n papa…. Am I donkey for u???
He makes a cute pout which ragini adores…….
Rp: do u hv any doubt??
Sanskaar: okay fine… I’m a donkey… Okay??
Both are laughing continuously…
Sanskaar: now stop laughing u both……. (( they somehow control…)) papa now tell me…. If I get tired n don’t want to change my clothes then who’ll change???
Rp: simple… the one u r living with will change ur clothes.
Ragsan look at each other shocked and then turn their faces being shy and embarrassed.
Rp ( smiling to himself): I mean ur wife will change na…… Bcoz a child of 6 feet with stubble will not let his mother change his clothes rgt???
He laughs while sanskaar and ragini smiles shyly..
Sanskaar: yaya….. o acha…… That way……. I thought…..
Rp: what u thought haan??
He smiles naughtily….
Sanskaar: nothing pita shree…..
Then all 3 laughs….
Then ragini hears swara’s voice from back.
Swara: chacha ji…. Papa is calling you….
Rp: yeah coming…
Rp ( to Ragsan): beta I’ll talk to u later…
Ragsan: bye…..
They cut the call.
Ragini gets a Lil emotional thinking abt Swara. She stands to go.
Ragini: i’ll just come.
Sanskaar( holds her hand): ginu… U don’t need to hide ur tears from me…….. …..
Ragini sits besides him.
Ragini: sansku… hum unse kitna bhi dur rahe but hai toh voh hamara parivaar hi na…… ( they are my family if I stay away from them also…) sansku…. Kabhi kabhi aisa kyun hota hai ki apne bhi paraaye ho jate hain…. ( y our own people become strangers)
Sanskaar takes her in his embrace and tightly side hugs her… She keeps her head on his chest and sobs.
Sanskaar: ginu….. because sometimes it is written in our destiny that paraaye bhi apne ban jaate hain… (strangers becomes our own… Our life….)..
He also gets tears in his eyes.
They sit like that for sometime and then both composes themselves…
Sanskaar: ginu… Go wash ur face…. I don’t want them to make fun of my ginu…..
Ragini cutely nods.
Ragini: u also go n get freshen up…….
Sanskaar stands up pats her cheeks and goes to his room…
Both come back and hv some talk……. Then the door bell rings.
Ragini goes to open the door finds arnav and khushi there.
Ragini: hii….
Khushi: hi ragini…. Sanky kahan hai?? ( where is sanky)
Engine gets jealous.
Ragini: he’s inside… Come
Khushi: okay
She goes inside while ragini watches her go…
Arnav: hum bhi aapke bulawe ka intezaar kar rahe hai… Kya hume andar aane ki ijazat hai..???? ( I’m also waiting for u to call me in…… Can I come in!???)
Ragini ( smiles): of course… Aayie….. ( come)
All 4 sit and talk for some time… Arnav is sitting with ragini and Khushi is sitting with sanskaar closely.
Ragini: i’ll prepare something for us..
Khushi: actually.. I’m very hungry….
Arnav :Come ragini we’ll go to kitchen… I’m also very hungry lets. Prepare something……..
Sanskaar: no she’ll not go anywhere… U take khushi…
Khushi: hawww….. Sanky u’ll make ur guest do work….
Sanskaar: So arnav shld also not go… I’ll go with ginu….
Khushi: So u’ll leave ur guest unattended….. How sad?? Kya Yehi tumhare sanskaar hai? ( is this ur culture / traditions)
Ragini: sansku u sit… I’ll go… Come arnav ji…
Arnav: no ji pls…..
Ragini and sanskaar smile remembering their conversation on ” ji “…
Arnav: come…
Ragini: yeah…
Sanskaar and khushi.
Khushi: aur batao sanky… Whts going on??
Sanskaar: umm… Nothing…. U tell…
He’s just looking towards kitchen and not concentrating on wht khushi is saying.
Khushi smiles seeing him like that.
Khushi: So.. Ur name is sanskaar??
Sanskaar: ya.
Khushi: do u love someone??
Sanskaar( without thinking): ya…
Khushi smiles
Khushi: is she present here??
Sanskaar: yaa
Khushi: her name is ragini??
Sanskaar: yeah…. Ginu….
Khushi smiles…
Khushi: yes yes….. I told him that u love her….
Sanskaar coming back to his senses after hearing her shout.
Sanskaar: wait wht??
Khushi: I told arnav that u love ragini…. See I was right as always……
Sanskaar: its nothing like that khushi…. She’s just a very good frnd of mine… N moreover I hv promised her dadi that I’ll take care of her… N u know na I don’t believe in love and all…..So pls….
Khushi: sanky…. till u will not feel the love how will u believe in it??? And remember sanskaar u only once said that in love we shld not expect anything in return… We should just love unconditionally….. U love her na…. So then let her realise ur love for her…..
Sanskaar: but…
Khushi: no but vut………. Okay tell me truly.. Don’t u feel happy seeing her happy ..?? Don’t u feel hurt when she’s hurt?? Don’t u feel like crying when she’s crying?? N moreover… Weren’t u feeling jealous all the time when arnav was being close to her……….. Just think abt it once…..
Sanskaar thinks his moments with her…. When she jumps with happiness after their selection for training, how he also felt happy then when she was crying, he was also crying and last night incident when ragini was hurt……. He remembers each and every moment spent with her…….
Sanskaar: yes khushi… If wht u r saying is true then Yes I love my ginu……. But I don’t think that this is rgt… I’ll not let her know until I believe that love exists…. I don’t know whether I love her like that or just as a frnd…… But jo bhi ho… I’ll not tell her…. N u’ll also not tell her k???
Khushi: shhssss……. Slowly… Wht if she hears?? N sanky i’ll not force you but I want to say one thing that one day u’ll realise ur true love for her….
Sanskaar nods…
She smiles while sanskaar thinks….
At the same time in kitchen. Ragini has made arnav her brother and vice versa.
Ragini: So bhaiya wht will u like to have??
Arnav: anything…
Ragini: okay… I’ll prepare aloo parantha with boondi raita…… Sansku loves them……
Arnav: really??
Ragini: yeah… U’ll eat na…
Arnav: of course….
Ragini smiles.
Arnav: acha ragini… Can I ask you something??
Ragini: yeah…. Ask na….
Arnav: u came here alone with sanskaar… Weren’t u afraid??
Ragini looks at him confused.
Arnav: I mean…. I know sanky is a very good man… But still coming here all the way from Kolkata and living with a stranger I mean that…..
Ragini: I understood ur point bhaiya…. Firstly I was a bit uncomfortable and scared… Scared of this new place….. But by seeing sansku’s care towards me… I also tried to open up with him….. He has always supported me… Took care of me…… Gave his shoulder for me to cry….
She becomes a bit emotional by remembering those incidents..
Arnav: So u hv a special place for him in ur heart..
Ragini: yes…. He holds a very special place in my heart…
Arnav: So do u love him??
Spoon which she was holding falls from her hand listening to this.
Ragini: wht r u saying bhaiya?? I can’t even think of that…. Wht he’ll think that he helped me out of that mess and I took advantage of him…. No ways….. N moreover I don’t think this love and all is made for me….. I don’t want to bother sanskaar….. ( a lone tear escapes her eyes)
Arnav: wht do u mean ragini?? Love n all is made for all… It happens when it has to happen……
Ragini: u don’t know wht has happened with me that’s y u r saying all this…..
Arnav: I know everything ragini… Sanky told me everything…
Ragini looks at him. He nods.
Ragini: noo… I think khushi loves him… I can’t come between them…
Arnav ( chuckles): ragini… Who told that khushi loves him???
Ragini: whts the need to say…. anyone could say that khushi loves sansku by the way she was hugging him….
Arnav: ooo… So some one was jealous haan???
Ragini: bhaiyaaaa…..
Arnav: o Common ragini….. It was all our plan…
Ragini: plan??
Arnav: yes..
He also explains her everything..
Ragini: jo bhi ho bhaiya… But I don’t think that I love him… N even if I do… I don’t think he loves me… He’s always busy teasing me…..
Arnav: oh don’t be silly ragini….. sanskaar… Only for u, he went against his family… After knowing the truth he could hv stayed mum and enjoy with his family… But ni, he chose u… Not only because somewhat u were in this problem bcoz of him but also bcoz he knew that u r innocent… Didn’t u see how he was jealous seeing me with u……….. N u also….. U were also jealous seeing him with khushi… This is love ragini .. and also.. He wanted u to change urself, to believe in urself and wht not……..
Ragini looks at him….. Blank face….
Arnav continues: ragini…. Doesn’t ur heart ache seeing him in problem..??? don’t u like to help him when he’s in problem??? Don’t u like it when he’s laughing or smiling from his heart?? Don’t u feel happy???
Ragini remembers everything arnav told……… She cries…
Ragini: yes bhaiya…. I love him…. I love him very much…….
She hugs him…
Ragini: thank you so much bhaiya….. But……..
Arnav: but wht??
Ragini: if he doesn’t love me??
She stumbles. Arnav supports her.
Ragini: I won’t be able to take the same pain again….
She breaks down and sits on the floor..
Arnav hugs her.
Arnav: ragini…. Look first of all stop crying….. Look I know he also loves u……
Ragini: how can u be so sure???
Arnav: just wait and watch ragini……
He smiles while ragini looks at him…
Ragini soon composes herself and prepares the left over breakfast..
Khushi and sanskaar also comes in the kitchen. Arnav and khushi sign each other thumbs ? up and smiles…… While ragini and sanskaar are blushing at the mere presence of each other.. And think abt their confession and smiles…….
Khushi whispers in sanskaar’s ears: sanky will u stop blushing like a newly married girl???
Sanskaar looks at her and then makes a plane face……
Same with ragini and arnav..
Arnav: ragini y r u blushing like tomato???
Ragini: voh…
Arnav: leave it… Come now…
She nods and leaves with the dishes. She places the plates for everyone and then serves parantha and raita to everyone….
Khushi: its very yummy ragini….
Ragini: thank you Khushi…
Arnav: aakhir help kisne ki hai??? ( who has helped her??)
Sanskaar: o pls haan arnav….. I know that she must hv done everything n u must be standing there gossiping….
Ragini smiles.
Sanskaar: its very tasty ginu as always….
Ragini blushes and sanskaar also smiles… Khushi coughs…. To bring them back….
Ragini: r u okay??
Khushi: yaya….
Arnav: okay guys… Come lets go out for some outing….
Ragini: I’m. Sorry arnav bh….
Arnav ( cutting her and indicating her not to call him bhaiya): y r sorryy ginu ???
He says this to tease sanskaar.
Sanskaar: arnav… Don’t call her ginu….
Arnav : letme call na…. When ragini doesn’t hv any problem then y u speaking?? rgt ginuuu??
Ragini: yup… Arnav… Its okay…
Sanskaar: ginu….
Ragini: wht??
Sanskaar gets up and goes to his room annoyed….
Ragini: oh no did I teased him so much….
Khushi: no ragini…. U go n try to melt him…..
Arnav: n yes…. He also…..
Ragini: he also what??
Arnav: he also loves u…
She’s so tensed That she doesn’t listen him…. Properly…
Ragini: yaa……. Wait…. Wht??? Wht did u just said bhaiya???
Arshi: that he also loves you…… But u know he doesn’t believe in love so he’ll take some time and u hv to make him realize…….
Ragini: sachi??
Khushi: muchi my dear… Now go and make him confess his feelings for u.
Ragini is so happy…. She jumps n hugs both of them and goes towards his room……..
Khushi: omg…. They both are mad…..
Arnav: actually….. Yeh toh acha hua that rp uncle told us abt them varna……. It would hv been impossible to convince them…
Khushi: actually.. I must say being so far also rp uncle got to know everything….
Arnav: aftteall he’s also a father…..
A fb is shown where rp is talking to arshi and telling them everything abt ragsan and asking them to make ragsan realise their feelings for each other…….
Fb ends…
Arnav and khushi hugs each other..
Episode ends with angry face of sanskaar, happy face of ragini and arshi hugging……
Precap: how will ragini make him confess his love????
Note: arnav and khushi knows everything about sanskaar but have only met rp…. But sanskaar doesn’t know that they all know each other…
So how was it?? Drop ur comments pls……
Guys I hv written an os on raglak….. Do read it… I know many of you hv read it……. Baaki dekh lo jise padhna hai…. HerEs the link…..
And also…….
I’m making a card for varun as his birthday is coming… If you hv seen his earlier gift segment with telly bytes you’ll see my card also… I’m the same richa whose card varun read and was blushing….
So the main pt of telling you this is if you want to send your wishes to him you can tell me I’ll write it in the card…….. Everyone is welcome… Those who want to send then they can… N if u hv any suggestions for card or anything you can tell me…… Thank you!!
richa it was fabulous as usual dear you can tell some special qualities about varun and what u most like about him and some special message and i will upload my next part today soon…..!!!!!!!!!! love u lots and lots and varun tejaswi also……!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much sriya… For ur suggestions…..
Thanks s!!
Thanks j!!
yaa let wait ragini going to proceed her plan next part soon
She’ll definitely proceed her plan n I’m sure you’ll love it….. May be….
It was awesome episode… I loved it…atlast they understood that they love each other… Wow….waiting for ur next update
Thank you so much joona!!!!
awesome update soon. finally realised the feeling ?
Thank you j!!
Just loved it richa
Thank you nia!!!
oh loved it..finally they realised uff can’t wait for the confession..update soon
Thank you sss!!!
Thanks lovely !
Awesome Superb Fantastic
Loved it alot
Finally they both realized there feeling
Hope Ragini makes Sanskar confess
Excited for the next one
Waiting for the next one……………
Thank you soo much spp!!!!!
U r welcome dear
Superb dear
Thank you ammy!!
It’s tooo good loved it as usual
Thank you so much megha!!!
Thanks rafeee!!!
Beautiful!! They are so cute
Thank you ananya!!
Thanks myra??
Awww… Lovely epi…. N make a beautiful card for our varun….
Thank you naina… .
Beautifully written….
Thanks kiara!!!
Thanks crazy girl!!!
FINALLY!!!! The wait is over….
Loved it…
Thanks sanam!!
Ur welcome….
Awesomeeeee…….loved sanskaars jealousy…..
Thank you mira….
Awesome di.. I loved it..
I want to wish him di.. I l Send u a pm abt it.. Is that OK??? Tonight I l Send hopefully… When is the last date for that??
Thank you dear priya….
You can send all the wishes you want till this week I guess……..
Thanks lisa…
Thanks alia…
Awesome… Loved it….
Thanks manvi
Thanks shagun…
Thank you dear…
Superb… Loved it dear.. .
Thanks kiran…
Amazing… Finally they realised….. Wonderful…
Thank you kiran….
Amazing… Finally they realised….. Wonderful…
Thank you kashwi…
Welcome ji.. N sorry for commenting after so long…
It’s okay… No need to say sorry…
Loved it…. Awsm…..
Thanks sania