Hii guys…. First of all thank you very much for liking my ff…. It really means a lot!! N I’m soo sorry that I’m not able to update the chapters regularly.. But I’m u know hospitalised due to ill health… I’m not able to write due to which I’m not able to post also…. I’m so so so… Sorry! But I’m helpless…. I hope you’ll understand!! Keep supporting me guys…
Link for previous chapter Chapter 22
Recap: ragsan romance and orphanage masti…..
Here goes chapter 23…..
Its morning 4am!!!
Sanskaar is doing packing of all stuff while ragini is sleeping, hugging a pillow…. N sanskaar is smiling seeing her.
Sanskaar’s pov…
Ginu…. How many months have passed since I know you but every time you show or tell something new about yourself.. Yesterday u saved me from being embarrassed… But I promise u Ginu… I’ll definitely propose you. …. I’m not good at these things but I’ll try my best……… The way you have came in my life as a blessing.. As a smile… I’ll always be there for you.. Now your eyes will never experience the tears of pain and sadness…. Your lips won’t know how to be sad…. You’ll just be happy… I’ll make sure you get all the happiness of life.. N for that I’ll die also…. I love you so much Ginu…. I didn’t knew that I would love you… I agree when I first saw you I was totally flat on you . .. My heart was beating soo fast when I had kept the knife on your neck…… When you were feeding me I was so happy bcoz after 5 long years someone was feeding me with her own hands…… I could see a very kind and beautiful person in you who could be my friend….. But I had to stop myself due to my revenge…. For you I was mentally unstable n u were feeling bad for me but for me I was always enjoying your company…. .but I used u for my revenge.. How selfish I had became.. .. Then one day I got to know that u love laksh… at that time I didn’t knew y but I didn’t felt good but still I helped you bcoz u had become my best friend and I didn’t want to lose you……
His thoughts were disturbed by ragini.
Ragini ( rubbing her eyes): arre sansku…. Where are u lost??
Sanskaar: what happened ginu??
Ragini: from last 5 minutes I’m calling u….
Sanskaar: oh… Nothing…. U get freshen up.. And check the packing once… If everything is there or not…. I have packed your clothes too….
Ragini: you have packed my clothes?? Y sansku i would hv done it….
Sanskaar: its okay ginu… U were sleeping na so I didn’t want to wake u….
Ragini: that’s so sweet of u sansku…. Love you so much..
Ragini hugs him.. Sanskaar also hugs her back…..
Sanskaar: okay now get freshen up… Arshi might be coming..
Ragini: okay dear.
She pecks his cheeks and goes…. Sanskaar smiles.
Sanskaar and Ragini have packed all the things and are now waiting for Arshi…
Ragini is wearing a blue kurti with jeans, have left her hair open and sanskaar is wearing a red t shirt with shorts… Both are wearing shoes and have worn goggles!! Looking pretty and handsome as always…….
Sanskaar: yaar where are these people?? Its getting late…. 10 minutes ago they said they are reaching in five minutes….
Ragini: have patience sansku….. Look here they come…..
Arshi comes there in open jeep ?….
Khushi is wearing a simple yellow kurti with jeans.. N high pony…. looking very cute and pretty….
Arnav has worn black track pants and a blue shirt…. With goggles… Looking hot!!
Sanskaar: where were u?? From past 15 minutes we are waiting….
Arnav: control sanky… there are still 5 minutes left to strike 6… If u both are so excited that u both are ready half an hour before than what we can do???
Sanskaar: acha acha thik hai…. ( alright)
Ragini: khushi I have prepared some snacks for the journey….
Khushi: cool.. I have also… Chalo now lets keep your things….
Sanskaar and arnav keep the luggage at back…. The journey starts…..
Arnav is driving, sanskaar is sitting beside him, ragini and Khushi are at back…….
Arnav: sanky. .. Just look at these girls ?… I mean just look what they have worn?? We are going to Goa man.. You need to be hot and s*xy……
He winks at sanky… RaShi looks at one another and gives a naughty smile.
Sanskaar: exactly… If they wear these clothes on beach.. People will die laughing at them….
ArKaar hi fi…….
RaShi just smiles……..
Arnav: I guess they have gone deaf and dumb…. They are not saying anything and smiling like fools…..
Sanskaar looks back and sees them smiling..
Sanskaar: what?? What so funny?
Ragini: nothing sansku…….
Khushi: u both concentrate on road otherwise we’ll be in hospital rather than Goa…
Arnav: khushi are u alright??? I mean u r not fighting with me???
Khushi: abb bhains ke aage been bajane ka kya fayda??? ( crying in wilderness)
Arnav frowns.. Sanskaar laughs and ragini smiles…. Khushi smirks…..
Then after that both the boys didn’t said anything…. Khushi and ragini slept behind…….
Then after few hours they stopped to have food ?….
Khushi : have v reached??
Arnav : no dear…. We will have food here…. Come…
Khushi gets down from jeep ? with support of arnav.
They go and sit on table.
Ragini is still sleeping.. Sanskaar doesn’t want to disturb her as she’s looking so cute.. He’s just staring at her… Khushi signs arnav to look at them….
Arnav: sanky… Stare at her later… Come lets have food…..
Khushi: let him see na….. U don’t want to do any romantic thing n not let others also do……
Sanskaar laughs at arnav, Khushi looks other side and arnav thinks…….
Arnav: what type of girl u r yaar??? When I do romance u r always blushing and when I don’t u hv problem…. Tell me wht should I do?? ( he starts eating the parantha)
Khushi: you…. You just eat this parantha and become like one. ….. Mote ( fat) ……. Huh….. …
Sanskaar ( lightly caressing her hair and cheeks): ginu…. Ginu get up! Lets have food ?……
He says this very cutely and lovingly……
Ragini ( taking his hand under her cheeks) arre shone do na sanskuuuuuu………
She says this while making a cute pout…..
Sanskaar: ginu.. Meri jaan… If u will say like this.. Then i’ll never be able to wake u up…….
Ragini smiles in her sleep…. Sanskaar also gets in the jeep and picking her up by holding her arms so she gets up…..
Ragini lazily gets up but still eyes closed.
Ragini: no one wants me to sleep peacefully…….. moreover I’m soo hungry……
She opens.s her arms to show how hungry she is and makes a cute sad pout. Sanskaar smiles seeing her childish acts.
Sanskaar: bachi he rahegi… ( she’ll remain a kid only.) Ginu… Get up see our food has come……..
Ragini ( opening her eyes): where?? where is food sansku??
Sanskaar: there.. Come!!
He forwards his hand and she smilingly holds it and they come to arshi….
Arnav: ho gayi neend puri?? Female kumbhkaran????
Ragini: hawwwww……
She hits him on his hand and sits beside khushi.
Sanskaar: come on yaar.. Now u both don’t start…. Lets have food….
Arnav: exactly.. I’m so hungry….
RaShi: bukkhar…
Sanskaar: did u both said anything??
Khushi: did u heard anything???
Arnav: bro leave it… They are like that only… Lets concentrate on food at least it’ll not argue with us……
Khushi is abt to say something but Ragini stops her… Arnav smirks….
Later, after having food they again start their journey. This time sanskaar is driving, ragini is sitting beside him and arshi are at back……… They have covered the jeep with its cover.. ( u understood na guys…!??)
Both the couples are in their own world…..
Arnav is trying to get forgiveness from Khushi and tries to make her smile.. While khushi is enjoying his attention…….
Here are love birds are having cute cute eye locks in between and sanskaar has hold her hand… Ragini is blushing…….
Sanskaar seeing the chance that no one is watching him and the road is clear he quickly kisses ragini on her cheeks making her turn red like a strawberry……..
Ragini looks at him and they have a small eye lock! Sanskaar winks at her making her blush harder…… Ragini slightly hits him on his arm and then encircling her arm through his, she keeps her head on his shoulder.. Sanskaar smiles seeing this…..
Behind arshi are happy to see them happy….. Arnav side hugs khushi and ask for forgiveness….. With a cute smile of his……. Khushi melts and buries her face in his chest…. Arnav kisses her forehead………
Ragini’s pov.
Today finally from for the first time I’m going to Goa… I’m so excited…. N this all has happened only because of u sanskaar.. ( she holds his arm more tightly and smiles..) from past 2 months u hv changed me so much…… Now ik how to get happy in others happiness….. I never imagined that after what I hv done i’ll get a Lil happiness also… But sanskaar u hv filled my life with so much happiness and good vibes. .. …. U r a blessing for me sanskaar……. I know u will be always there for me. N I hope I can also stand with u in every up and down of your life…… Sanskaar u deserve all the happiness and good luck in your life and I wish that I give u so much happiness that u forget all your pain. … ….. N for that u should have ur family beside you sansku……. FAMILY…….. ( she gets tears in her eyes which is noticed by sanskaar… He looks at her and asked what happened?? But she nods no and ask him to concentrate on road. ……. she looks back and sees arnav. And Khushi talking something by side and smiling and blushing…. She smiles seeing them and then at sanskaar, sees him a Lil tense .. So she gives a slight peck on his cheeks so that he forget her tears….. Sanskaar smiles….. She then again sits in the same position….) so where was I?? Yeah family….. Sanskaar ik u don’t want to talk to them but sansku u have ti understand.. They are our family….. They have forgiven us… Yesterday only papa ( rp) told that everyone wants us back….. Thay have realised their mistake like we did at the right time…… . Sanskaar 2 months have passed….. I don’t know how to talk u abt this as ik u’ll be hurt and I don’t want to see u hurt…. I was also hurt sanskaar but those who love us.. For them I think we should at least meet them once…………… But the final decision will be yours sansku… Coz ik u’ll never take wrong decision for me and us………. Your one decision to bring me here has completely changed my life and I love it…… Thank you sansku.. Thank you for everything…. I love you so much sansku…. ( she squeezes sanskaar’s hand and smiles…..)
Sanskaar: I love you too ginu….
Ragini looks at him with surprise….
Ragini: how do You know???
Sanskaar: if you’ll squeeze my hand so tightly and smile like this then obviously u r thinking abt me n saying I love you…. Right????
Ragini blushes hearing this and thinks to pull his leg…..
Arshi smiles seeing them…
Ragini: sansku.. Its true that I was saying I love you…. But not to you…….
Sanskaar: ( jealous): what??? To whom were u saying I love u in dreams?? Who’s my ” sautan “???
The trio laugh at his statement…….
Ragini: arre… U hv only told me abt him…. And I have fallen in love with him….. He’s so handsome… U know???
Sanskaar thinks…..
Arnav: bhai… abt whom u hv told her that she’s going mad abt him…???
Sanskaar: don’t know bro…. Ginu???
Ragini: ok ok… Let me clear your confusion.. U remember once u told me abt prem…….
Sanskaar: prem???
Ragini: yeah…..
She sings him to remember by widening her eyes and giving a smirk….
Sanskaar: ginu… Abt whom u r talking man??
Ragini: how can u forget him yaar???? Arre apna SALMAN KHAN yaar…….. ( she keeps her elbow on his shoulder)
Sanskaar suddenly applies break hearing this due to which Ragini falls on sanskaar and arnav falls on khushi……
Sanskaar holds Ragini by her waist tightly and look deep into her eyes… Ragini is stuck in her position….
Khushi Is breathing heavily.. They also have a cute eye lock.. Arnav moves her hair which are falling on her face……….
All the four are having passionate eye lock with their respective partners…
Sanskaar brings ragini closer to him by holding her head….. Not breaking the eye lock… ….
Arnav comes close to khushi… He looks at her lips and then in her eyes…….. Khushi closes her eyes…….
Ragini closes her eyes and leans forward for the upcoming kiss………sanskaar also closes his eyes….. And then their lips meet to taste the nectar of their love……
” How she felt when he kissed her—like a tub of roses swimming in honey, cologne, nutmeg and blackberries…………..”
They were having a very passionate kiss and never wanted to part away…….
On the otherside… Arnav went ahead, wrapped his arms around her and took her soft lips in his and started kissing her first softly and then passionately… Khushi also responding very well…….
” He took her into his arms again, using all his strength to be gentle, and let his lips touch hers so lightly he could hardly feel it… ”
All of them are in their own world, caressing each other and hv forgotten the world around them………
Ragini ‘s, sanskaar’s., arnav’s, khushi’s pov…
” And we were kissing like drowning people breathe—like suddenly we’d discovered something that has never been so sweet before that moment…..”
But then suddenly they hear voice of horn ? both the couples part ways and realizes that they are still standing in the middle of the road….
Sanskaar signs through his hand ” sorry ” and takes the car to the side and stops………..
All 4 are blushing soo hard and are not able to lift their heads……
Then after few minutes sanskaar looks towards ragini who’s playing with her fingers and blushing……. He holds her hands and asks whether she’s fine through her gestures….. Ragini keeps her other hand on his and smiles assuring him that she’s fine……… They both smile…
Arnav and khushi looks at each other and blushes remembering recent moments between them…… Arnav winks at her to which she smiles and hugs him……….
Episodes ends with smiling faces of ragsan and arshi.!!!!
So guys how was it?? Ik u all might be angry on me but I can’t help dears I’m really not well… N my mom is not even allowing me to touch my phone.. Somehow I hv taken phone n I’m updating it…. Please guys forgive me!!! I hope u’ll understand and will keep supporting me… Thank you so much…..
Do tell me how was the epi through ur comments….. Till the bbye….
Keep reading
With Love
superb dear.. take care
Thank you dear!!
awesome episode… . loved ragsan and arshi… get well soon dear… keep smiling and stay blessed ??
Thank you so much dear!!
Take care
Thank you dear!!
Oh dear plz take care of urself..get well soon dear..n plz dnt stress urself..u r really precious for us
..keep rockng n stay blessed dear…love u dear..take care. 
Coming to update!!!it ws superrrrr amaznggggggg….loved sanky’s care towards ragz…dey love eo soooo much…..dey r sooooo adorable ..truelly loved d episode dear…thnku so much for such an awesome ragsan story
Thank you so much fairy dear!! It really means a lot!! I didn’t knew that I’m that precious for you * teary eyes *… Thank you so much for this love!! ???
Richa dear..hw r u feeling nw? U ok?
This update ur ff made my day…loved it soo much dear…ragsan and arshi are soo cute…
Thank you so much sree!
Yeah I’m fine now thank you!!
Awesome loved it can’t wait for more
Thank you shana!!
Love it. Please give me a hug. And I salute you. Wow. Love your writing skill.
Thank you so much dear!!
A very big teddy bear hug to you!! ????
It really means a lot!!
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Superb dear. But don’t stress urself dear… Take care
Thank you!!
Yaar take care of. Yourself and hats off to you that in this state also u hv update this chapter… Get well soon dear… God bless
Mind blowing!!!!
Loved ragsan n arshi…
Take care of yourself dear…
No problem. Health first. Please take care. Today’s episode was brilliant. I love your ff.?
Thank you so much bela ‘!!
Amazing.. R u alright dear???? Take care n get well soon babe!!!
Yeah I’m fine now… Thank you!!
It was mind blowing di…pls take care of urself.. How r u now??? See..if u r not ok..then dont write till u get fyn…otherwise i l not speak to u..bcoz for me my di is imp more than the ff .tc..luv u…get well soon..big big hugs to u di..
Awwwww my choti!!!
I’m feeling better now dear.. Thank you so much!!! Love you very much…. Teddy bear hugs to you too…..
Thank you so much dear!!!!!????
Thank you!! Yeah I’m fine now..
nice loved it,hope your well.xx
Thank you dear!! I’m fine now
Gws..take care of urself.. N about epi its fab mind blowing loved it ??? suprb love u n keep smiling
Thank you so much dear!!!! ?
Amazing episode i loved it….awesome superb…
Keep rocking dear
Thank you sinzo dear!!!
Awesome Superb Fantastic
Really it was an Amazing one
Loved Ragsan alot
Thanks for updating by taking risk DEAR
Take care of ur self first get well soon and update because nothing is more important than health
Will be waiting for the next one…………….
Thaaaank you so much spp dear!!!! ?
U r always welcome dear
Take care
awesome episode
Take care of your health dear ”
Bro take care of yourself first.. Chapters can be uploaded later also so first health okay??? Otherwise we are not going to talk to you…
N the chapter was just outstanding like always.. Loved it!!
Take care..
Thank you so much nisha!!
Surely i’ll take care of myself!!
Nice epi…ragsan and arshi both scenes are awesome….take care of ur health….
Thank you dear!?!
wow !! awesome epi der
but pls take care of ur health n gws best wishes
Thank you dear!!
excellent !
how r u dear ?? pls take care of ur self na …… ff toh upload hoti rahengi but aap apna dhaayan rakho pls ….
Thank you!! I’m fine now..
get well soon
Thank you!!
mind blowing epi …………… jaldi se thik
Thank you!!
mind bogglinggggggggggggggggg