Fan Fiction


Hey everyone!!!!! How’s u all???? I’m soo sorry for not being regular but I’m helpless coz of my health and studies…… I hope you all understand… Still i’ll try to give atleast one chapter a week…… Now without wasting anymore time lets get started…… Its a very long chapter hope you all will enjoy……

Link for previous chapter

Chapter 23

Recap: trip to Goa and ragsan and arshi romance…

To lighten that mood, arnav asked sanskaar to come at back as now he’ll drive the car….

Sanskaar compiles and he goes back and arnav comes in front…..

Sanskaar: ginu.. Aren’t you coming back too??
Arnav: arre sanky.. I’ll not eat your ginu… ( ragsan blushes) spend some time with your good old friend too… what say khushi??
Khushi: exactly.. Now I’m only an old friend for him…. Who cares abt me??

She turns her face….

Sanskaar: arre khushi y r u saying like this!?? its nothing like that… Its just that I was only asking her.. Look pls.. U r my best friend……

He continues pleading and Khushi and arnav who are not able to control anymore burst out laughing ?…… Ragini too laughs….

Sanskaar: what is so funny?? Here I’m…… _____ oh.. So u all r making fun of me… Cool… U all r in one team and I’m alone as always… ..

He sits at the corner of the seat….

Khushi hits him on his hand and says..

Khushi: don’t u dare say that again….

Arnav hits him on his head and says….

Arnav: this is empty ( indicating his head) .. You’ve proved it today…… Huh… How many times I hv told u not to say anything like that……. Ragini u only give some sense to him….

Arnav turns and finds Ragini missing….

{ they are still standing at the same place }

Arnav: Ragini……

The other two also gets surprised seeing Ragini not in the car….. They all get down and find ragini sitting down in the road side crossing her legs………

Sanskaar: ginu… Yeh kya bachpana hai?? ( what is this childish act??)
Ragini is quiet..

Khushi: what happened ragini? y u came here like this….

Arnav sits besides her….

Arnav: ik.. Y she has came here….

SanShi: why???

Arnav: common yaar…. Sanky….. U r such a great businessman and can’t apply ur Lil brain in other things.??? Y u always have to say something which upsets her??????

Sanskaar understands what arnav wants to say….. He looks at ragini who silently cries….

Ragini: arnav…. What he said is rgt only… … He’s alone.. I’m alone.. All r alone here only.. Right sanskaar….

Sanskaar ( thinking): pakka.. Gaya aaj toh tu… Sansku nhi sanskaar…. Kuch bhi bina soche samjhe bolta hai yaar Sansku….. ( u r gone today… She said sanskaar instead of Sansku… Anything which comes in ur mind u just say without thinking…)

Sanskaar: arre arnav get a side na.. Let me talk… ( he pushes arnav a Lil..)

Arnav: dost dost naa rahaaaaa….

He sings indicating sanskaar who makes a ” what was that face “?? RaShi laughs……

Sanskaar smiles seeing ragini….

Arnav winks at khushi who shows thumbs up to him…..

Ragini stops laughing after seeing sanskaar… She gets up and goes to arnav……. Sanskaar too gets up…..

Ragini: I think we should move now…. Otherwise it’ll be late…
Khushi:she’s right.. We need to move… Already we have wasted 15 minutes here itself……

Arnav shrugs..

Arnav: okay.. Hop in everyone….

Arnav sits on the driving seat.. Ragini beside him and SanShi at back….. Behind ragini and arnav resp. …

Sanskaar feels little upset as ragini didn’t even gave him a chance to explain or ask for forgiveness………… He keeps his head on the head rest and takes a nap…….

Ragini too sad Bcoz of sanskaar’s words sleeps………

Arnav and khushi look at each other and lets out a cool breath……..

After 1 hour they reach a dhaba ( restaurant) for the lunch…..

Sanskaar and ragini are ignoring each other and arnav and khushi are stuck in between them…..

Sanskaar: arnav ask her ( ragini) to pass me the paneer…
Ragini: khushi tell him to take it himself.. No need to order anyone… Huh…..
Sanskaar: arnav tell her that I’m not ordering anyone okay…. I’m not like her….

Arnav and khushi looks at them with disbelief… They are fighting like kids…..

Ragini: o hello… Khushi tell him that he can never be like me…. Just look at him….. Huh…….

Sanskaar: arnav first ask her to look at herself….

Ragini: khushi ask him not to compare girls with boys okay…

Sanskaar: arnav. ..tell her . They can’t even be compared…… Boys are so cool.. And girls they.. Huh… They just know how to bore others and talk nonsense…

Ragini: khushi tell him….. That these boys only know how to flirt with others and change us…. They don’t know where their things are and always Want to command us…….

Sanskaar: arnav tell her that they just want to change us and can’t do anything themselves…. N if we suggest them they’ll shout on us only……..

Now it was enough for arnav and khushi also….

Khushi: sansky how can u say like that abt us ?????

Arnav: so what wrong did he said?? U girls are always after us to change ourselves…

Ragini: look arnav u don’t get into this….

Sanskaar: y?? He’ll get into it.. Infact he’s in it… N if Khushi can come then he can also….

They all stand up from their chairs and are shouting and banging the table… …

Ragini: she knows that I’m correct that’s y she’s in…

Arnav: ragini… Even ik sanky is correct u r wrong…. ( he keeps his one hand on sanskaar’s shoulder and points a finger on them…)

Khushi: arnav how dare you??

She takes a glass of water and throws it on his face….. All gets shocked…

Ragini: well done khushi.. They deserve this only….

Sanskaar: o really??

He takes another glass and throw it on ragini…. She gets totally shocked….. She looks at him with anger….

Sanskaar: awww…. Baby ko rona aa raha hai?? ( u r feeling like crying)

ArKaar laughs…..

Khushi takes another glass and throws it on sanskaar…

Sanskaar looks. At her with surprise….

Khushi: abb kise rona aa raha hai?? ( now who wants to cry??)

All the people sitting in the dhaba are seeing them with surprise, shock, and what not!

Arnav: khushi how can u do this???

Khushi takes a can of cold drink and again throws it on him….

Khushi: like this…..

RaShi laughs and hi fi each other……

ArKaar looks at each other then takes the dal and paneer kept over their and throws it on RaShi resp…..

Everyone there is astonished to see a fight like this…….

RaShi are too shocked to respond… But they get into sense when they hear Arkaar laughing…..

RaShi gets too angry and pick the Raita and Rajma bowls and throw on the faces of Arkaar resp……….

Arnav and sanskaar look at ragini and Khushi with soo much anger and vice versa resp…….

They shout together…

Arnav: Raginiiiiiiiiii
Ragini: arnavvvvvvvvvv
Sanskaar: khushiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Khushi: sankyyyyyyyyyy

All the four hold each other’s hair and start pulling each other…..

All the people are too shocked and were afraid to go towards them bcoz they didn’t want to land themselves in trouble……….

Ragini ( while pulling arnav’s hair): arnav how can u do this to me haan tell me??????

Arnav: first u did na……

Sanskaar: khushi u knew I was saying right still u took her side and see Bcoz of u what happened???

Khushi: haww sanky… First u do mistake then instead of saying sorry u r arguing with me……..

Ragini: arnav u also know that I was right then y??

Arnav: no ragini u r wrong this time…….

All the four fall down on the bench which brokes…….

The four are looking like the ghosts ?!!!!

The owner of the dhaba comes there and sees all this…..

Owner: stop this nonsense……

He shouts on Top of his voice….

All looks at him including the ” four fighters “……

Owner: what the hell do u think u r doing here?????

All the 4 look down and are still blaming each other…

Arnav: look bcoz of u girls we hv to bear this insult also…

Khushi: not bcoz of us but bcoz of u both only… Huh……

Sanskaar: khushi just stop it now and accept ur defeat..

Ragini :: y should v accept our defeat?? Bcoz of u both our clothes are dirty now… N u r blaming us…. How bad is that……. Huh…….

All are looking at them with disbelief as they r still fighting like this…

Owner: will u all just shut up and tell me what’s going on???

RaShi Arkaar: i’ll tell you……

And then again 4 of them started saying together and blaming each other……..

Owner ; oh god.. Please save me……..

The four fighters stop and look at him………..

Owner: look… Just let it be…… U all go to the bathroom, get changed, pay the bill and just leave from here……. Its a humble request please…….

He joins his hand in front of them……..

All look towards each other and Run to take their clothes as all wanted to go first……..

Owner: hey u all… Where u all r running go slowly….. There are 4 toilets ? 2 for men and 2 for women…. Now go………….

All look down embarrassed and goes to freshen up……..

After half an hour…. The boys come out and pays the bill……

Arnav is wear plain blue shirt with shorts……

Sanskaar is wearing white shirt with Tom and Jerry on it and shorts……….

Arnav: look at these girls… Still they haven’t came out…….

Sanskaar: what else they’ll do… Always make us wait and then when wee say something they’ll get angry onus only……….

They come towards the car and sees that ragini and Khushi are already sitting in the jeep and chit chatting….. Khushi is on driving seat and ragini on the passenger seat……….

Khushi is wearing a baby pink top with capri ( 3/4 pants…) hair open…………

Ragini is wearing a white plain t shirt and a small jacket with blue jeans……. Hair open…..

Khushi: look they hv come… Lets go………

Ragini: o great… Look we gv to wait for them so much and they say we make them wait………… Chalo chalo lets go now…………..

N they start the car and start moving slowly…….

ArKaar are standing there shocked…….. And then start running behind the car…….

Sanskaar: hey wait what are u doing..?? Let us sit at least………

Khushi: no……

Arnav: what no khushi???

Ragini: no means no…… U made fun of is in front of so many people……..

Sanskaar: arre but……..

They take the car a Lil ahead….. Boys stop there only and look at each other with disbelief…….

On the other hand the girls laugh and hi fi each other……

Sanskaar: yaar yeh ladkiyan hamari tarah kyun nhi hoti???? Y they hv to overreact every time………..

Ragini ask khushi to stop the car for a moment….. They didn’t want them to be left behind…….

To be cont….

Chapter 24 cont……

ArKaar comes ahead…. And arnav starts singing………

(( ik many of u don’t know hindi so I hv written the english translation for the song also in square brackets))

Arnav: Ladki kyon na jane kyon ladko si nahi hoti
[ I don’t know why women can’t be like men ]

{ arnav sings coming parallel to the car on khushi”s side….. And sings…. Khushi’s one eyebrow goes up and she looks at him with ” oh really ” look????

( the car is going very slowly on the side … Its highway so the Few cars which are coming are just passing by…..) }

Sanskaar: Soch thi hai zyada
Kham woh samajh thi hai

Arnav: Soch thi hai zyada
Kam voh samajh ti hai…..

[ They think too much, they understand too little ]

Sanskaar: Dil kuch kehta hai
Kuch aur hi karti hai
Ladki kyon na jane kyon ladko si nahi hoti ( x2 )

[Their hearts say one thing, they do something else
I don’t know why women can’t be like men ]

{ sanskaar starts singing and hits ragini’s head slightly…… Ragini’s gets angry but tries to stay calm and smiles sarcastically at him……… Sanskaar smirks…… . }

Arnav : Soch thi hai zyada
Kham woh samajh thi hai
Dil kuch kehta hai
Kuch aur hi karti hai
Ladki kyon na jane kyon ladko si nahi hoti ( x2 )

[They think too much, they understand too little
Their hearts say one thing, they do something else
I don’t know why women can’t be like men ]

{ arnav shakes the steering a bit to irritate khushi but she tries to stay calm and moves her hand on his face, arnav smiles but then she slightly slaps him…………. Ragsan laughs……… Khushi gives arnav a winning look and hi fi’s with ragini…….. }

arnav: Pyar usse bhi hai magar shuruwat tumhi se chahe
Khudh me ulji ulji hai par balo ko suljaye
[ She also is in love, but she wants you to start things
She is entangled within herself but she lets her hair loose ]

{ he touches her wet hair and moves them here and there…… Khushi gets irritated and slaps him hard on his arm……….. Arnav smiles……… }

Sanskaar : I mean you’re all the same yaar
Hum achche dost hai par uss nazar se tumko dekha nahi
Woh sab to teek hai par uss bare me maine socha nahi

[ “We’re good friends, but I haven’t seen you in that way”
“That’s all fine, but I haven’t thought about that” ]

{ sanskaar stands on the foot rest of the jeep and irritating ragini by coming in front of her and making ajeeb ajeeb ( weird) faces…….. }

Arnav: Sab se alag hai tum ye keh ke paas tumhare aaye
Aur kuch din me tum me alag sa kuch bhi na usko paiye
[ “You’re different than everyone else,” saying that she comes close

And in a few days she won’t like anything unique in you ]

{ arnav also stands on the foot rest and tries to sit near khushi and side hug her but she pushes him away……… }

Sanskaar: Uff ye kaisi shirt pehnte ho
Ye kaise bal katate ho
Ghadi tez chalate ho
Tum jaldi me kyo khate ho
Give me a break
[ “What kind of shirt are you wearing?”
“Look how you get your hair cut”
“You’re driving the car too fast, why are you eating so fast?” ]

{ sanskaar pulls ragini’s shirt from a her shoulder …. Shuffles her hair… And pinches her nose…… Ragini moves her hands in the air to make sanskaar away from her………… }

Arnav : Tumhe badalne ko paas woh aati hai
Tumhe mitane ko chal bichati hai

Sanskaar :Bato bato me tumhe fasathi hai
Pehle hasati hai phir bada rulati hai
Ladki kyon na jane kyon ladko si nahi hoti ( x2 )
[To change you she comes close to you
To destroy you, she sets a trap
In words, she gets you stuck
First she makes you laugh, then she really makes you cry
I don’t know why women can’t be like men ]

{ sanskaar and arnav again irritates ragini and Khushi by pulling their hair….. Trying to sit beside them…… Touching them on their faces and holding the steering………

And now it was enough for the girls…. They stop the car, gets down and look at arnav and sanskaar with anger……… }

Ragini :Eh itna hi khudh se khush ho to piche kyon aate ho
Phul kabhi to hazar thofe akhir kyon late ho
[ Hey, if you’re so happy with yourself then why do you come after us?

Why do you bring flowers sometimes, a thousand gifts after all ]

{ ragini comes down near sanskaar and pushes him a Lil from his shoulder and ask him the above questions?? }

Khushi :Apna naam nahi bataya aapne
Coffee pine chalenge
Mai aapko ghar chod du
Phir kab milenge

[ “You haven’t told me your name, do you want to go drink coffee?”

“I’ll drop you home, when will we meet again?” ]

{ khushi too comes near arnav and starts revolving around him and then keeps her hand on his shoulder and says the above lines….. And then smirks Stamping on his foot……. Arnav makes a sad face…. }

Ragini : Bikhra bikhra be matlab sa tuta phuta jina
Aur kehte ho alag se hai hum tan ke apna sina
[ You lead a scattered, meaningless, broken life

And you say that you’re different, crossing your heart ]

{ Ragini does some silly actions to irritate sanskaar and then brings her chest a Lil ahead to say the above lines….. Sanskaar looks at her with naughty smile…. Ragini composes herself…… And goes from there…….. }

Khushi : Bhiga tolya kahi farsh pe
Toothpaste ka dakhan kahi
Kal ke mauze ulat ke pehne
Waqt ka kuch bhi hosh nahi
[ A wet towel on the rug, the toothpaste cap lying somewhere

Wearing yesterday’s socks inside out, you have no sense of the time ]

{ Khushi says all the above lines keeping her one eyebrow up and showing like she’s picking up the towel and makes a weird face……… Arnav feels embarrassed…. }

Ragini: Jine ka tumko dang sikhlati hai
Tumhe janwar se insan banati hai
Uske bina ek pal rehna sakhoge tum
Usko pata hai ye keh na sakhoge tum
Iss liye ladkiya ladko si nahi hoti – 2

[ They teach you the manners of living
They turn you from animals into human beings
Without them you cannot live a moment
They know that you can’t say that
This is why women are not like men ]

{ Ragini says the above lines by pushing sanskaar a Lil such that his back is touching the jeep and she comes near him and pulls up her invisible collars to say the last 4 lines……. Smiles and goes ahead……. }

Sanskaar : Jane kaun kaun se din woh tumkoyad dilaye
Pyar ko chahe bhul bhi jaye
Tarike na bhulaye

[ Who knows what days she will remind you of
She may forget about love, but she’ll never forget dates ]

{ sanskaar comes towards ragini and revolves around her and Starts irritating her. … … Ragini makes an angry face and stamps his foot….. }

Arnav: First march ko nazar milayi
Char april ko mai milne aayi
Ikis may ko tumne chuwa tha
Chhe june mujhe kuch hua tha

[ “Our eyes met on March 1st, I came to meet you on April 4th”
“You touched me on May 21st, something happened to me on June 6th ]

{ arnav looks in khushi’s eyes and then touches her and n makes a weird face…….. Khushi gets angry and gives a tight punch ? in his stomach… }

Ragini : Ladko ka kya hai kissi bhi mor pe woh mur jaye
Abhi kissi ke hai abhi kissi aur se woh jud jaye

[ Who knows about men, they may turn around at any turn
Now he is someone’s, and next he will join with someone else ]

{ Ragini says this while coming to khushi, sanskaar behind her and then both the girls shrugs……… }

Khushi : Tumhare mummy daddy ghar par nahi hai
Great mai aa jau?
Tumhari friend akeli ghar ja rahi hai
Bechari mai chod aau

[ “Your mom and dad are not home?”
“Great, should I come over?”
“Your friend is going home alone”
“Poor thing, should I drop her off?” ]

{ khushi then says the above lines and does some actions and makes cute faces…… }

Arnav: Ek ha kehne ko kitna dehlati hai
Thak jate hai hum woh ji behlati hai
[ To say “yes” once, she makes you dance around so
We get exhausted, she convinces us ]

{ arnav slightly hits khushi on her head and then says the above lines….. Then both the boys keep their palms under their chins and make a cute pout tilting their faces towards the right side…… }

Khushi : Woh sharmati hai tabhi chupati hai
Ladki jo ha kehde usse nibhati hai
Iss liye ladkiya ladko si nahi hoti – 2

[ She gets shy, sometimes she hides
When a girl says yes, she stands by it
This is why women are not like men ]

{ khushi removes their hands and acts like blushing and says the above lines…….. Arnav smiles seeing her…… }

Arnav : Na na na

Khushi: Iss liye ladkiya ladko si nahi hoti
[ that’s y women are not like men.. ]

Arnav: Ladki kyon oh god

Khushi: Iss liye ladkiya ladko si nahi hoti

Sanskaar: Na na na na oh god shut up
Alright alright iss me jagadne ki kya baat hai yaar
[ what’s the need to fight yaar ]

Ragini: Pehle pehle baware jaise aas paas mand rai
[ first they’ll keep roaming around us like butterflies ]

Sanskaar: Arre but i

Ragini: Phir busy hu kehkar tumko woh tarkai
[ then saying that they are busy they’ll ignore u ]

Sanskaar: Come on RAGINI

Ragini: Samjha karo darling aaj bohat kaam
[ understand na darling I have so much of work ]

Sanskaar: Arre meri bhi to suno
[ but listen to me also ]

Ragini: Door hua to kya dil me tumhara naam hai
[ what if I’m away ir name is on my heart ]

Sanskaar: Oh wow

Ragini: Jiss chehre par marte hai woh boring ho jaye
[ on the face they go drooling suddenly it gets boring ]

Sanskaar: I’m not listening to you

Ragini: Kuch hi din me nazre inki idhar udhar mand rai
[ after some days they’ll look here and there ]

Sanskaar: I’m not listening to you

Ragini: Sirf pyar se zindgi nahi chalti
[ we can’t live only on love]

Sanskaar: Ok i’m not with her

Ragini : Tum interior decoration ka course kyon nahi kar leti…….
[ y don’t u do interior decoration course ]

Sanskaar: okay that’s it…………..

{ ragini and sanskaar & arnav and khushi argue for few minutes……. All these arguments are going on………… }

Now it was enough for boys as they were frustrated…….

ArShi were behind the car and RagSan were in front of the car…..

Both the boys keep their hands on the girls mouth to shut them up………


Sanskaar keeps his hand on her mouth…. Ragini tries to go away…………. But sanskaar stops her by holding her hand…. His hand still on her mouth……… They have a cute eye lock…….. Which is showing irration and frustration………….

Sanskaar: ginuu.. What has happened to you suddenly??
Ragini ( removing his hand) : what has happened to u sansku?? U were not like this na……. Well I don’t want to talk about it……….

Same time…


Khushi removes his hand from her mouth….

Khushi: what r u trying to do arnav???
Arnav: common khushi.. What has happened that u r reacting this much???
Khushi: I only overreact every time arnav…. Now please I don’t want to talk any more…..

Both Ragini and Khushi comes together from their respective places to the front seat of the jeep……

Khushi sits other driving seat while Ragini sits beside her…….
Arnav and sanskaar looks at each other, shrugs and nods their heads negatively……..

Khushi: do u both want to come or we should leave???
Sanskaar: yea yea coming……

Khushi starts the jeep and both the boys sit at the back………..

There is pin drop silence in the jeep… All are sad but what can they do……..

After few hours, it’s 8 pm now.. they have reached Goa… Have stopped to have dinner……

They again start their journey after having dinner……

After sometime…

Arnav: khushi now let me drive….. Look ur eyes are getting watery…

Ragini looks at her. And keeps her hand on her shoulder….

Khushi: Ragini I’m fine…… Don’t worry…

Ragini: if I also knew driving then it wouldn’t have been a problem.. But khushi I think u should not drive now….. It can badly affect your health….

After much convincing khushi compiles and goes back.. Arnav is about to go but sanskaar stops him and goes ahead…..

Journey again starts but all are looking everywhere except each other…….

Its 10 pm now…. There is still one hour left to reach the hotel… But our girls are too tired to be awake till then………

Ragini dozes off.. First she’s juggling here and there but then sanskaar keeps her head on his shoulder and pats a Lil bit…..

Ragini smiles in her sleep seeing which sanskaar too smiles……

At back….. Khushi has already slept on arnav’s shoulder holding his arm tightly….. Her hair are flying in the air and arnav is just adoring her beauty……

ArKaar look at each other and smile…..

Episode ends with smiling faces of ArKaar and sleeping faces of RaShi!!!!!

So yeah here was the next chappy…. I hope u enjoyed it. . Ik its very long n boring one… Bit….. Yeah do tell me how was it through ur commentsI would be waiting n once again so sorry for not being regular………………..


Okay I actually wanted to ask you all that…. does anybody knows that name of the ff in which sanskaar is a doctor and ragini comes to him for her check up n during checking they flirt with each other….. PLEASE someone tell me the name na…


Thanks for reading…….


Keep reading
With Love


" Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose......... " Wattpad id - Richie19_ Do follow..

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