Oh very good morning hai Ji!!!! ???? I’m like so happy with your response!! I know RagSan scenes are very less… But please don’t mind….. Sabr ka fal meetha hota hai???
Oh my God! It’s half century….. We are done with 50 chapters….. I still can’t believe it……. I never thought that this story will go so far…… Damn ????
But this is all because of you guys who always supported me, encouraged me and loved the story!!! So thank you so much! I’m so grateful to you all!!
Keep showering your love like this only and who knows the story hits a century ??? just kidding!? Future ko future mein hi rehne dete Hain!!!! For now Love you itnaaaaaaaaaaa saaarrraaaaa
Thank you everyone for your exciting comments ? will post the next part asap! ?
Let’s start…..
Recap: ragsan in jaipur and swara is pregnant..
Arnav holds ragini in his arms as she looks on blankly ahead. Pooja n Khushi looks on confused.. Sanskaar with teary eyes looks at Ragini and then at the direction where her eyes are stuck. .
His Pov!
Why God why?? why r u doing this with Ginu ?? how much pain n hurt u’ll give her??
The lady comes there and is confused to see the scenario. she looks at arnav n khushi who themselves are confused …
Lady : chote…
Arnav: dii aap??
The lady is revealed to be Anjali Jha , arnav’s sister. ( Played by Daljeit Kaur ) Ragini looks at Anjali n then arnav. she straightens herself and wipes her tears.
Pooja : dii wht happened??
Khushi : ragu r u fine??
Ragini looks at Sanskaar who blinks his eyes and comes behind her supporting her.
Sanskaar : nothing to worry guys… she’s just tired…
Arnav : but sanky…
Sanskaar : bhaii its okay…
he assures him. Arnav nodw unwillingly.
Anjali : chote whts going on??
Arnav : dii.. they are our friends .. Sanskaar,Ragini n Pooja…
Sanskaar and pooja shakes hands with her n hugs her while ragini is just looking at her with unknown feelings playing in her heart. Anjali looks at her and could see lots of pain n love in her eyes at the same time. She gently took her in her embrace and patted her head.
Anjali : Hii Ragini!
As she spoke her name Ragini just hugged her back with a drop of tear falling down her cheek. She knew whtever she was thinking was not at all right n she’s just over reacting.
Ragini’s Pov
God don’t do this to me pls…… Ik there are 7 people with same face in the world but……
Her thoughts are broken as Anjali breaks the hug. Ragini smiles and greets her.
Ragini : hii….. Di…
Anjali : how are you??
Ragini : I’m fine…. N u?
Anjali : I’m all Good….
She smiles and turns to arnav..
Anjali : chotey show them their rooms…. I’ll just come…
Arnav nods.. Anjali leaves after bidding bye to all….
Arnav and khushi takes them to their rooms. They all kept their bags and wat down on the bed .
Arnav : ragu are u fine??
Ragini: yeah… What will happen to me??
N she chuckles.
Khushi : but it doesn’t seems….
Ragini ; what khushi?? I’m fine… It’s just that I’m tired….. I’ll sleep for a few hours and then I’ll be fine….
Sanskaar and Pooja were just looking at the trio… Arnav and khushi left from there as they were called. Sanskaar too stood up to leave for his room but Pooja stopped him.
Pooja : bhaii….
Sanskaar : yes poo….
Pooja : pls be with Di… I need to make some calls… Then u can go to ur room….
Sanskaar nodded. Pooja went out and sanskaar closed the door. He looked at ragini who was sitting on the bed with a smile on her face.
Ragini looked at his concerned face and stood up. She pressed her lips and then looked at him again.
Ragini : sansku… I’m so tired… I’m gonna sleep for some time…. And u also…
Sanskaar came and hugged her from behind… Ragini closed her eyes as tears made way out of her eyes.
Sanskaar : now no one is here ginu… Don’t act pls….
Ragini: sansku…. I don’t wanna talk abt this…
Sanskaar: but ginu…. Ik the storm that is going inside u rgt now… And ik its not at all easy…
Ragini: but what we can do sansku…. When I saw her I thought my momma is there in front of me… The way she took my name.. The way she hugged me… I could feel mothers love in her touch….. I… I….. Miss my mumma sansku…. I miss my janki ma….. ???
( uk what guys…. I’m crying rgt now….)
N she couldn’t control herself and burst out crying in sanskaar’s embrace as they slid down….. Sanskaar protectively took her in his embrace and patter her back n hair as tears flew from his eyes as well….
Ragini: sansku… Y didn’t I got mothers love in my life?? What wrong did I do to anyone that God snatched my mom away….. I…. I….. I miss her sansku….. I miss my ma…. ??
Sanskaar: ginu…. Ginu…. Pls don’t cry ?….
Ragini : sansku…. San…. Sansku……
And she slept in his embrace while crying…. Sanskaar hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.
Sanskaar : I wish I could give you mom’s love ginu…. I really wish….
He picks her up and makes her sleep properly and leave from there.
sujata : jijji…
AP : what happened sujata!?
Sujata : jiji I’m not feeling good.. It seems someone wants me now… Someone is remembering me….
Ap: it must be acidity sujata… U had eaten lots of pakoras in the evening…. So may be that’s y….
N she chuckled. Sujata, not satisfied goes to her room where RP was working. She sits on the bed with a sad face . RP sees her.
RP : wht happened suji??
Sujata : kuch nhi ji… Bus…. Sanskaar ki yaad AA rahi hai…. ( I’m missin sanskaar)
N she felt choked. RP got up and came near her. She looked at him with teary eyes.
Sujata : pls mahri ek bar baat Kara do usse… ( pls let me talk you him once)
RP : uk na sujata what happened last time….
Sujata : pls….
She folds her hands in front of him with teary eyes. RP holds her hands and nods no. Sujata cries and hugs him.
After sometime, RP sees her and finds her sleeping in his embrace. He smiles slightly and wipes her tears and makes her sleep properly.
{{ like mother like daughter ?? }}
Sanskaar came to his room and went to bathroom for a quick shower to relax himself . he removed his clothes and let the water poured over him. As he closed his eyes, ragini’s crying face , her craving for family’s love everything flashed in his mind …..
“ y I never got mother’s love in my life ??”
“ I miss my momma … I miss my janki ma”
He recalls Shomi’s pleads over the phone. He thinks about Dadi , Shomi ,Ap and Sujata.
He comes out after the bath and sits holding his head .
“ am I doing this right ? whatever that is happening,is that rgt? Ragini being away from her family bcoz of me, is that rgt? Despite of having a family still raginii is craving for family’s love is that rgt?”
“ family ”
He lets out a chuckle. A tear escapes his eye as he recalls his convo with the maheshwari’s.
“ family voh hoti hai jo trust kare … bharosa kare ..voh nhi jo kisi aur ki baat sunke apne bête ko dhakke maar k gghar se nikal de………”
He remembers his moments with everyone. How they used t be a happy family but everything changed. He stands up and rubs his eyes and face.
Sanskaar : what the hell r u doing sanskaar ….. ik u don’t want to go to that house again but bcoz of that u can’t compromise with ginu’s happiness…. n from beginning her happiness has been with her family … ik she said that now nothing matters to her but ik her eart still crave to see thm …. but maye be bcoz of me she’s not able to say anything….. I hv to do something …….
He thinks and moves here and there and then stops. He smiles and looks at his phone’s call logs.
“ Adarsh Bhaiya”
“ yes , he can help me in this…. after we go back to delhi I’ll talk to him and Ginu also …………”
He smiles and goes to sleep for sometime as he was also tired. The episode ends with sleeping faces of RagSan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kya hoga sansku aur ginu ka?? Socha ??????
Chalo matt socho…. Kyunki yeh log bade Ziddi hai Meri tarah…. Sirf Dil mein aate Hain soch aur samjh mein nhi ????
Please do share your views and don’t forget to vote if you liked it! Thank you so much
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With love
Congratulations for Ur 50th update
Thank you so much
Superbbbb duperrrrr.
Thank you so much
Thank you so much
Thank you so much
Ossssooommmmmmmmmm. Feeling bad for ragini.
Thank you so much
Pooooooor ragini she’s craving for mother’s love can’t see her. Awesome.
Yeah…… ? Thank you so much
Amazing!!! sanskar show your on ragini because of your love she never feel alone !!!
Awesome. Congrats
Congoooo dr for golden jubilee.? Amazing update dr.
Feeling very sad for ragini. Poor girl but sanskar is there na to heal her pain. Awesome.
AmazingggggggggggggCongratulations for 50th chappy. I wish you must write 100 chappy.
Mindblowing . Is she really ragini’s maa?
Thank you so much
No no… She’s not her mom..
Awesomeee. Waiting to see sanskar confession.
Superb dear. Sanskar you are the best lover.
Awesome. Poor still she didn’t get mother’s love but suji is there na to give her mother’s love. Sanskar please patch up with your family .
Awesome. Loved it.
Aww my bacha crying sissy can’t see princess crying. Sanky cares for princess is amazing sissssssy.
Awesome dii… ragsan scenes were wonderful…
What he is upto?
waiting for next update.
Superb. Update soon don’t make us wait for long.
Awesome Superb Fantastic Amazing
It’s really very much Interesting……
Ragsan are just Mind Blowing…….
Eagerly Awaiting for the next One……