Hello my beautiful friends!!!!! Thank you so everyone for all the love and support
Then you guys were asking that why I’m giving short updates ?? toh baat darasal yeh hai ki……. I have lot of ideas but i ain’t getting a way to put them in words… And also upcoming episodes will be short only so that …. Dabaav bana rahe ?????
Please don’t get upset…. ??
Sorry in advance only ??
Recap : maheshwari’s in japur /…. arshi’s engagement ceremony begins…………
As ragsan were going down, Payal, khushi’s sister calls ragini for some help. Ragini compiles and goes to her while sanskaar moves down.
Addy goes to play with balloons while dp searches for his friend. Rp finds one of his friend and he and sujata goes to talk with him.
VR calls arnav and khushi and makes them meet his friend and business partner.
VR : arnav khushi meet him.. he’s mr. Durgaprasad maheshwari, my frnd and business partner and she’s his wife mrs Annapurna.
Arnav and khushi look at each other shocked. They knew abt sanskaar’s family and they knew who were these ppl. ( though arshi hv not met them in person but they knew them ….) With a nervous smile they greeted them and touched their feet. As the got up they saw sanskaar right behind ap. He was looking for them only. Worry was visible on their faces.
VR introduced arshi to rest of the family except rp and sujata and addy. Arshi greeted them all and they congratulated them.
Arshi excused themselves and went aside.
Khushi : arnav if ragini or sanskaar saw them don’t know what will happen….
Arnav : i know yaar …. but they will be here only and how is it possible that in these two weeks they don’t come in front of each other…
Khushi : whatever arnav but if they had a face off sanskaar will not leave them…. n ragini …
Arnav : god… v need to do something…..
“ What do you want to do arnav??? ” a naughty voice came from behind. Both arshi turned and saw sanskaar with a naughty smirk on his face.
Arnav : sanky… what r u doing here ??
Sanskaar : o common dude… I k destroyed your moment but don’t be so rude…
Arnav : no no … it’s not like that….
Khushi ( changing the topic ) : sanky where is ragini ?? I can’t find her…
Sanskaar : she’s with payal di….
Khushi : okay … come let’s go……..
Elsewhere, ragini was coming down when she saw a little girl sitting sad in the corner. She smiled and went near her.
Ragini : hii
The girl, addy looked at her and then turned her face.
Ragini : what happened /? Why are you sitting here alone?? Tell me…
Addy : mumma said not to talk to strangers..
Ragini : but I’m your friend na ?
Addy looks at her confused.
Ragini : okay chalo let’s become friends… ( forwarding her hand ) hii my name is ragini …
Addy ( smiles and shakes hand ) : hi I’m addy and I’m 4 years old…
Ragini : oo cute name …( pulls her cheeks ) acha now tell y r u sitting here alone ???
Addy ; I can’t find my mumma…
Ragini : oo don’t worry .. come we’ll find your mumma together…
She stands up and takes addy in her arms. They move around the hall , talking. Addy saw parineeta and shouted mumma. Ragini turned around and saw a lady’s back.
Ragini : is she your mumma??
Addy nodded and ran towards pari. Ragini smiled and watched her going but sanskaar came and took her with him.
Lights went off and music started………..
( Baliye Te Mukhde Pe Dil Lalchave
Laungda Pe Laskara Jaanle Na Jaave )… (2)
<< sanskaar entered from one side , rolling his stole …. and then entered Akash ( ipkknd ) from the other side >>
Dekhe Bina Dekhe Tenu Raha Bhi Na Jave
Roop Saloona Tere Sono Changda
Duppatta Tera… (2)
Haye Duppatta Tera… (2)
Duppatta Tera..Nau Rang Da Haye Ni Mera Dil Mangda… (3)
<< sanskaar pulls ragini and comes behind her while she smiles and goes ….. sanskaar and akash do the signature step >>
Duppatta Tera..Duppatta Tera…
Haye Duppatta Tera…
Duppatta Tera..Nau Rang Da Haye Ni Mera Dil Mangda… (3)
<< ragini comes and they three do the signature step while everyone watches and enjoys. Maheshwari’s are not there, yet >>
Jaan Meri Jaan
Teri Haye Sadd Ke Teri Sadd Ke Haan Teri Saad Ke
<< ragini comes forward and sings around sanskaar while he smiles >>
Jaanu Naiyo Jana Kabhi
Jana Menu Chad Ke Menu Chad Ke Kabhi Menu Chad Ke
<< payal sings for akash and he takes her in his arms {{ they are married }} >>
Saari Khusi Duniya Ke Tujhpe Loota Do Yeh Yeh
<< akash pulls her towards himself >>
Aaja Teri Rahoon Mein Jindagi Bicha Doo
<< sanskaar maintaining some distance , winks at ragini >>
Roop Saloona Tere Sona Changda
Duppatta Tera… (2)
Duppatta Tera… (2)
Duppatta Tera..Nau Rang Da Haye Ni Mera Dil Mangda… (2)
<< the four of them again do the signature step his time with arshi also …>>
Yaar Mera Yaar Sare Jag Se Juda Jag Se Juda ..Sare Jag Juda
<< ragini lips sync standing behind arnav and looking at sanskaar >>
Pyaar Mein To Pyaar Karu Uspe Fida..Uspe Fida. Karu Uspe Fida
<< khushi too does the same standing behind sanskaar >>
Mehendi To Gore Gore Haath Mein Saja Le
<< arnav comes to khushi and holds her hands >>
Sun Sehzadi mujhe Apna Bana Le
<< sanskaar opens his arms and tilts his head looking at ragini who runs towards him >>
Roop Saloona Tere Sono Changda
<< sanskaar puts a hair strand behid her ear … they both are lost in each others eyes and moment is broken by akash who calls them to dance >>
Duppatta Tera… (2)
Duppatta Tera… (2)
Duppatta Tera..Nau Rang Da Haye Ni Mera Dil Mangda… (4)
<< all the three coupes dance later joined by all the family members and friends. >>
As the last tune plays, swalak and parish with addy comes ahead and sees everyone dancing. They too clap. Addy goes inside the crowd and starts dancing with other kids. Pari tries to stop her but adarsh asks her to relax.
As they see the dance, swara’s vision gets stuck on one girl who was looking like ragini ( she thought ).. as the ppl got aside , her thoughts got cleared as she saw ragini and sanskaar dancing together along with others.
Her eyes got blurred as she murmured the name and the glass in her hand broke into pieces as it hit the floor. The music stopped and everyone looked at her direction. Laksh ,pari and adarsh looked at the direction of her vision and they were equally shocked to see ragini and sanskaar .
The episode ends with shocked faces of ragsan, swalak and parish.
So how was this update? Ik u guys are eagerly waiting for the face off! Don’t worry it’ll happen….. But with a twist… With some time…..
Do tell me how you want the face off to happen…. All happy happy or some Dhakad twists….. And if u choose the latter then give me some ideas too….. Please ???
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Ossssooommmmmmmmmm. Don’t want happy .
Awesome..I have been waiting for ages for swaragini faceoff..I wanted swara to see how happy Ragini is and how she is stuck up with that orthodox family who don’t even allow birthdays
Superb dear. Ragini shouldn’t fall weak in front of maheswari’s especially swarwa.
Nice eagerly waiting for next part
Amazing dr. But very short and I want bold ragini when their faces off.
Awesome sissssssy. Just waiting for that moment when ragsan and their families faces off. I want ragsan shouldn’t forgive them. Update soooon. Lahari sissy where are you ? Misssssiiinnnnngggggg you badly?????
I want bold ragini and angry sanskar to face maheshwaris and your story is fab??????
Asusual tooooooo nice…but make the epi’s bit longer….I think ignoring every one and ragsan being adorable which slaps on swara’s face will be perfect…plzzzz make the face off damakedar and very very bold ragsan…and post next asap
Awesome. Make it longer update.
Awesome di….
Superb chappy. Want bold ragini.
Awesomeee. Just wanna say update next part ASAP.
superbb…luv it ..
Amazinggggggggg. Want longer update with only ragsan scenes.
Superb duperrrrr
Ragu don’t forgive swara and your family.
Awesome Superb Fantastic
Awaiting for the next one Eagerly…….