Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman 10th February 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on
The episode starts with sita in ashok vatika and she says when will my lord come to take me? And is he sending a message? Vibhishans daughter angla comes and the woman soldiers says she is vibhishan ji’s daughter. Angla comes and devi sita says has my lord sent a message? Angla says my father vibhishan has been crowned the king and he went to take blessings from lord ram but lord ram did not sent any message devi sita. There hanuman tells lord ram that what should he do? And devi sita is waiting and should he help for anything? Lord ram says hanuman you have to send a message to sita for me. Hanuman gets excited and says yes lord and I will send the message. Lord ram tells hanuman the message. Hanuman flies to ashok vatika.
There sita is waiting and angla says when will
the message come? Suddenly a soft breeze comes and sita says the message has come and this soft breeze is a message that the son of pavan dev is coming and my son hanuman is coming. Hanuman comes and lands. Devi sita is happy and she says what message has lord ram sent for me my son? Hanuman says yes lord ram has sent a message, hanuman then kneels down and keeps his gadha and does pranam. He then says lord ram said he defeated ravana and has crowned vibhishan the king but now its her decision what she wants to do. Devi sita thinks my lord has asked me because he is bounded by patience and he can not go off his limits. Devi sita tells hanuman that my lord has sent you to ask me because he is bounded by patience and tell my lord that I will come to him as I wait to meet my lord. Hanuman says yes and says I will bring new clothes and jewellery for you mata. Sita says no hanuman and I want to meet my lord in those same clothes he left me in panchvati in the hut and those same jewelry which fell down when ravana kidnapped me and they landed in your hands. Hanuman says okay mata.
Hanuman goes to lord ram and lord ram says what message has sita sent for me hanuman? hanuman then shows lord ram the holographic image of sita telling what she wants. Lord ram says yes hanuman and gives hanuman the jewelry and hanuman takes it to ashok vatika.
Hanuman gives it to mata sita and the women there put the jewelry on mata sita. Hanuman flies back as there everyone is decorating the way with flowers on which mata sita will walk. Vibhishan goes to ashok vatika to escort sita, he does pranam mata and takes her blessings. Mata sita walks as everyone walk behind her.
Lord ram is worried outside lanka. The doors of lanka open and everyone is excited to see devi sita. Devi sita walks on the flower path and she comes towards lord ram. The flowers turn golden and shine. Everyone is happy and they start saying devi sita ki jai. Lord ram looks at the ground and doesn’t look at devi sita. Sita walks and stands in front of lord ram as everyone say devi sita ki jai. Devi sita is shocked as lord ram doesn’t look at her. Hanuman thinks what has happened to lord ram? And why isn’t he looking at devi sita?
Devi sita says my lord what have I done? Why aren’t you looking at me swami? Lord ram thinks sita will now think that I am not looking at her but I am bound by decorum as I have to be the king of ayodhya and I have to stay in decorum. Devi sita thinks I know my lord is bound by decorum but does he doubt my character? Laxman then puts flowers on devi sita’s legs and he takes her blessings and sita blesses laxman. Sita then says lord please tell me what I have done? And I swear I am pure by my soul, everyone is shocked. Sita says I am pure and I know you are forced to stay in decorum but what is the problem? And have I done anything wrong? Hanuman says lord please look at devi sita and don’t ignore her like this and I know you are waiting to see devi sita, please look at her my lord. Lord ram is in tears and so is sita and everyone else. Lord ram says sita I have to be bound to my decorum as I am going to be the king of ayodhya and I have to do what a king does. Laxman says brother please look at mata sita as she has longed for this meet. Sita says my lord I am pure by my soul but if you think my character has any fault then I will prove it to you by going through an exam. Hanuman thinks what will devi sita do to prove her pureness? And I have to stop this. Hanuman says lord ram please stop this and look at devi sita. Sita says I will sit in fire and it has been written in the books of shastra since ages that the truth is always revealed over fire. Devi sita says laxman you will put the woods on fire and if there is any fault in my character I will burn in the flames. Laxman is crying and he says brother ram I cant do this and you have to look at mata sita and she cant sit in the fire. Lord ram is in tears and he thinks I cant let sita go in the fire but I am bound to decorum. Laxman is crying but he has to put the logs on fire. Hanuman says no mata sita don’t do this no!! sita walks to the fire wood and does pranam and says I swear to my sould, my body and my religion of being a wife that I will sit in the fire with all truth. Lord ram is in tears. Everyone is crying.
Precap: sita is stepping into the fire and hanuman says no!! everyone is crying. There is a fire bolt coming down from the sky.
Update Credit to: Tanaya