Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman 28th June 2017 Written Episode Update

Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman 28th June 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shatrugan thinks already they are getting late for lord ram’s work and these boys are wasting our time, who are they? Hanuman thinks these cannot be lord ram’s kids, they are very arrogant. Luv and kush say we will not let you go ahead, go back otherwise you will face the same fate as your general. Hanuman walks ahead and luv and kush attack their arrows and make a cage around hanuman. hanuman with his gadha hits the ground and the arrows go and make a cage around luv and kush. Luv and kush are shocked and say he created a shield around us only, kush says yes he is a great warrior. Hanuman flies inside the cage. Shatrugan says wait hanuman ji, I know who these boys are, I know what to do with them. Shatrugan comes down from his chariot and takes his sword, he goes and breaks the

cage. Shatrugan says these boys are right they seem to be the students of a great rishi, they are right our sound is disturbing the rishi’s and other animals in the forest. Luv and kush smiles and says you understand right. Shatrugan says tell me whose students are you? luv kush say we are the students of maharishi Valmiki. Shatrugan smiles. Hanuman thinks I knew right, they are mata sita and lord ram’s sons. Shatrugan says rishi Valmiki is a great person. Luv kush say now tell us who you both are. Hanuman thinks if shatrugan brother says then we will be in trouble, I have to do something. Hanuman says he is the king of Mathura and I am his servant, we are going to Mathura for shree ram’s work. Luv kush get excited and say shree ram? Maharishi Valmiki has written the Ramayana and he continues to write it, he always reads the Ramayana to us, we are disciples of lord ram, we are sorry to become an obstacle in your path for doing lord ram’s task. Luv kush say we are ready to do sit ups as punishment. Shatrugan and hanuman laugh and shatrugan says no need for that, it is okay. Luv and kush say now that you have come here please come in our ashram and meet rishi Valmiki. Hanuman gets worried and thinks what to do now? hanuman says no sons, we cannot be late for lord ram’s work, we have to go. luv says don’t you have even a little time? Shatrugan smiles. Hanuman is worried.
There in the ashram, sita is near her hut and says where have luv and kush gone? Have they done anything to that army? Suddenly she sees luv kush coming. Luv kush escort shatrugan and say this is our ashram. Sita sees and gets worried, she goes and hides inside the hut. Shatrugan and luv kush come in the ashram. Valmiki comes and sees shatrugan. Luv kush say see who has come. Valmiki welcomes shatrugan. Hanuman doesn’t enter as he remembers his promise and he hides outside the ashram. Sita sees shatrugan from the hut. Shatrugan sits with Valmiki and says these kids are very intelligent brave and kind. Valmiki smiles. Sita thinks did hanuman tell everything? then she says no he will not break his promise, then she sees hanuman outside, hanuman sees sita and has tears he does pranam. Valmiki also sees hanuman and nods his head to come in. hanuman looks at sita and nods him to come in, hanuman goes inside the hut small and becomes normal. He looks at sita and cries and takes her blessings. Sita smiles and says hanuman you have come after so many years. Sita has tears. Hanuman says mata I tried to control the situation and not bring anyone here but I failed. Sita says sit down hanuman and gives him his favorite fruits to eat. Hanuman eats heartily and sita says I felt before that you were her. Sita then says hanuman tell me about your lord, how is my swami? Hanuman says mata, how will he be without you? sita is sad.
Outside Valmiki tells shatrugan that to defeat lavnasur he has to first take his divya astra granted to him by gods, he can be defeated then. Valmiki says lavnasur is a powerful demon and is very cruel. Luv and kush say can we come too? Shatrugan smiles and says yes but now you have to learn in the ashram then we can go and fight demons together. Shatrugan says hanuman ji, where did he go? inside hanuman says if I don’t go brother shatrugan will find out about you. hanuman goes out as sita hides. Shatrugan says what were you doing? Hanuman says entering this hut felt like I was in the heart of lord ram. Shatrugan smiles and says now lets go, you said it would be time. Hanuman then burps. Shatrugan laughs and says now I know why you went there. Hanuman blushes. Shatrugan says lets go hanuman ji. Hanuman thinks how do I go without mata sita’s blessings. Hanuman keeps his gadha down and to pick it up he takes sita’s blessings, sita blesses hanuman. hanuman then goes with shatrugan as sita also tells him before to come and meet her again. hanuman and shatrugan go.
By night the army hanuman and shatrugan reach Mathura. Hanuman says why does Mathura look so lit today? It looks suspicious I will go and check. Shatrugan says yes. Hanuman becomes small and flies inside the palace of Mathura. He sees lavnasur and his army, lavnasur says my soldiers before we go for the yatra of victory over trilok we shall enjoy tonight. Lavnasur says I have all the power I need, I have bahubal, Yamuna bal and astra bal so now we will destroy trilok. Everyone nor start drinking madeera and everyone is drunk even lavnasur. Hanuman says so this is the plan, I have a plan to defeat lavnasur. Hanuman goes back to shatrugan and tells him everything. hanuman says they all are drunk with madeera. Shatrugan says before they go to trilok we have to defeat them tonight only. Hanuman says yes I have a plan for that. hanuman says to shatrugan that if he does as he says, they will win. Hanuman says brother shatrugan you have to first openly challenge lavnasur for a fight telling him you are raghuvanshi, then lavnasur who is drunk and his army too will come out, lavnasur will stop his army from attacking and on knowing you are raghuvanshi he will say yes he will fight you. hanuman says then you say you will fight him hand to hand combat not with divya astra as he will defeat you like ancestor king maandata, then you put me forward to fight in hand to hand combat and I will defeat him and he will also say yes as he is drunk. Shatrugan then does as hanuman says and all the events happen as said. Lavnasur says you raghuvanshi will challenge me? I will kill you with hand to hand combat only. Shatrugan doesn’t take hanuman’s name and hanuman is worried and says why didn’t brother shatrugan take my name? he will be defeated if he fights with lavnasur. Shatrugan says only a raghvanshi will defeat lavnasur and it is a job for a raghuvanshi.

Precap: lavnasur fight shatrugan and puts him down and is about to punch him and kill him. ahnuamn thinks I wont let that happen and stops lavnasur.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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