Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman 29th December 2015 Written Episode Update

Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman 29th December 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on

Hanuman succeeds in ending the fireballs completely. The petals are about to close. Hanuman asks Gav to hold him. I will not be able to get out holding Gav with me.

Kesari asks his commanders to increase security day and night. We should directly attack them as soon as we see one. The commander nods. A Rishi informs Kesari about Anjana looking at Surya Dev without blinking her eyes. She can lose her eyesight. Kesari asks him why she had to do this. Rishi shares that Hanuman’s education has become an issue in Surya Loka. She is doing it for him only. Kesari gets worried for both of them.

Hanuman and Gav fail in their attempt to get out of the Kaal-Kumbha. Gav advises him to leave him behind. With this much space, only you will be able to get out safely. Hanuman refuses

to go without him. Don’t say this again. They try again from another side but a soldier stands there ready to fight with them. It keeps revolving around the Kaal-Kumbha in high speed. The petals are closing down. There is a danger of getting hurt by the pointed petals. Surya Dev points out that this way the kids will not be able to get out. Narad ji appears there. Everyone is tensed for the kids.

Mata Parvati points out that Vishnu Dev taking Nar Avatar will go waste if Hanuman fails in getting out of the Kaal-Kumbha before time.

Anjana prays to Surya Dev. Give me all my son’s problems but save him. Nani tells her to stop. Your eyes are all red. Please stop. Anjana keeps praying. Kesari comes running there. What are you doing? Nothing will happen to our son. Please stop this Animesh fast. You will lose your eyesight. Hanuman will never forgive himself if anything happens to you. Please stop this fast. Nothing will happen to our son. She requests him not to force her to change her decision. You know the consequence can be negative too if I end it abruptly. Nani yet again tries to make her understand but Anjana sticks to her decision. My eyes are nothing before my son. My fast will only end when my son’s problem will go away. She folds her hands towards Kesari when he tries to talk her out of it again. He goes quiet.

The petals almost close down.

Lankesh’s FIL gives the good news to Ravan. Hanuman is about to get stuck inside the Kaal-Kumbha. It is almost impossible for him to get out if it now! Ravan gets glad. He prays to his Kuldevi. Such good news! You did a good job Varun Dev! You acted like an Asura even after being a Devta. You made me really happy. He does not care about Gav too. Let his father worry about him. Why should we worry about him! He laughs evilly. Varun Dev and Gav were just a medium to stop the education of that vanar kid. He was the biggest obstacle in my path. I just added more obstacles in his path now!

The soldier runs around real fast outside the Kaal-Kumbha. Hanuman thinks to concentrate so he can figure out his speed. He throws his shield outside at the right moment. The soldier gets hurt. It becomes invisible or dies. The Gods look relieved. Hanuman asks Gav to come. We must hury up. The Kaal-Kumbha closes by then. The Gods get worried for the kids. They cannot come out now. Hanuman does not even have his special powers.

Mahadev says even a small ray of hope in darkness can guide your way. That is Hanuman. He always wins over the darkness and sadness of hearts. Mata Parvati wonders how Hanuman will get out of the Kaal-Kumbha when it is already closed. No one has done it till date!

Gav tells Hanuman he got stuck inside the Kaal-Kumbha because of him. Varun Dev cries outside. I wish I had not listened to him. I am coming son! The Gods are having a tough time controlling him. Hanuman will get Gav out safely. Varun Dev says he himself got stuck there. How will he do anything?

Hanuman says my mother says one should not give up till they are alive. We will get out. I have to complete my education and the task for which I have taken birth. Hold my flag. He tries to push the petals. The one who tries never fails. It will open up. No problem can fall on me as I have Ma’s blessings. He fails in his attempt though. He looks up and gets another idea. Hanuman expands himself in size. Gav looks at him amazed. He puts his full force at the top. Devguru says what’s happening. Vayu Dev is sure Hanuman must be doing something. Varun Dev has faith in Hanuman and so does all the other Gurus. Hanuman shouts Ma and breaks open the petals! Lightning strikes. Everyone at earth notices the changes in the sky.

The Gods cannot see anything because of the smoke after the blast. Vayu Dev finally spots Hanuman. Gav holds onto Hanuman.

Precap: Surya Dev announces Hanuman as the winner. Anjana has lost her eyesight. Anjana does not mind it. The eyes of parents are their kids only! Varun Dev still wants to create another hindrance in Hanuman’s way.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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