Hyy everyone!!
I will make it a two guys i dnt anyone to get hurt so will write both the endings
Sanskar was shocked to see raging sitting
Sans – Ragini???
Ragini disappears in the form of air
San – is this all my imagination??? No no it can’t be my imagination i just saw her now she was in front of me ( tears drop from his eyes)
Ragini please come i need to see you!!
He stops crying and throws everything here and there while throwing things he sees a box it’s very big it was made of wood… He opens that box there was a red saree
He takes out the red saree and remembers
” it was ragini sitting in the mandap all were wearing very royal clothes sanskar takes sindoor from the small box he takes it a pinch
and fills Ragini’s maang. Ragini and sanskar
smile looking at each other…”
Sans – Ragini aur me??
He sees a diary under the red saree he takes the diary out and sees it it’s cover picture was of rgini’s painting he touches it very emotionally
Sans – ragini….!
Sanskars phone rings it was his dad
Sans – dad?? Oh no!! Its 3 i should have reached home…!!!
Sanskar takes that box with him he keeps the box on back seat and says
Sans – i should solve this mystery….
He starts his car and goes to his apartment mayuri
Mayuri 301
Swara is in her room lying on her bed she was crying very badly
She says – sanskar where are you?? And remembers something
” its swara standing in a long green dress the terrace was very beautifully decorated with flowers swara was standing on the flowers ?
A man comes in a black suit with red roses
Swara sees hjm and says sanskar
Sanskar – hy swara my darling..!
Swara – hy my darlzz!! What’s all this???
Sanskar sits on his knees and keeps the flowers near swara and takes her hand with his
Sanskar – from the day i met you…. I was very happy i will not say that my love towards you is deeper than the sea i will not say that my love towards is higher than any mountain… But one thing my love is not comparable to any thing swara i love you… I want you to be my life..my wife my everything swara will you be mine??
Swara was smiling continuously
Swara – sanskar i was waiting for this moment from years I love you sanskar i love you so much..!
They both hug each other sanskar keeps his hand on her cheek he kisses on her forehead
Swara kisses him on his cheek
They both see into each otherz eyes.
Sanskar lifts swara up and makes her sit on the table they both kiss each other very passionately sanskars Hands were on swaras cheeks swaras hands were on sanskars head.
They both were enjoying their moment……”
Swara – i wan that sanskar who loved me who wanted to marry me……..
She hears someone knocking the doors and gets up and cleans her face.. And goes to open the door…………..
Precp –
Swasan reading the dairy……