Sanskar Ki Sanskari Swara(SwaSan fs)
Shot 22:
Recap: swara clear Nikita and shekar that they don’t want any relation with them. Sanskar hurt to know swara took birth control pills without telling him.
SwaSan Room:
Sanskar is sitting on the couch when swara opened her eyes slowly and looked around. Sanskar immediately ran to her and made her sit. Swara held her head with her hand.
” head is paining??” Sanskar asked touching her forehead.
” little” swara mumble.
” wait I will bring food then will give medicine” sanskar said covering comforter on her and left to the kitchen.
Sanskar is angry but he don’t want to give more stress to swara by talking about pills. Though he has so many questions which swara has to answer but now her health is his first priority.
Later, sanskar enter with a tray having some light soup which shomi had already prepared. Sanskar sit beside her and started feeding with his hands. Swara noticed Sanskar is not looking in her eyes.
” sanskar” she called him.
” hmm” he got up as she finished her soup. Sanskar give her medicine. Swara silently had them and return glass of water to sanskar.
“Why I fainted??” Swara asked as sanskar was not telling anything.
Sanskar stare her confused face for few seconds then picked tablets from table and give to swara.
” bcoz of this” he said without any emotions.
Swara got astonished when she saw her birth control pills. She look at sanskar and their eyes met. Swara could see he is hurt.
” what’s all this???” Sanskar asked sternly.
” I’m sorry” swara gazed her lap not knowing what to answer.
” sorry for what??? Not willing to have our baby or hiding this from me??” Sanskar questioned startling swara.
” I want our baby” she didn’t like the way he said.
” then why were you taking pills damm it” Sanskar shouted holding her shoulder when his anger over powered.
” bcoz you don’t like babies” swara retorted. Here she was thinking of him and now he is blaming her.
” what?” Sanskar asked getting confused.
” yes one day you told in office that you don’t like babies then I thought you don’t want our baby also” swara cleared him.
” it will our baby why won’t I like??” Sanskar was amazed how serious she took his words.
” and we never talked or planned whether we want out child or not” swara said.
Sanskar thought she is right they were so busy with each other that they neglected to think about their future. But still she can talk to him.
” you should have talked to me” sanskar said.
” I was hesitate” swara told.
” still you are not open with me” sanskar’s eyes got wet.
” its nothing like that now don’t make it an issue Sanskar” swara said angrily.
” ohh really!!! Bcoz of you this happened you hided from me about pills” Sanskar shouted back.
” wow you are great husband who don’t care to know what medicine his wife is taking” swara cross her hands at chest.
” don’t act stupid swara how would I know if you won’t tell” sanskar rub his forehead.
” I’m not only at fault you also said you don’t like babies and when I asked about our baby you didn’t answered what your silence means Mr Maheshwari??” Swara asked.
” don’t you have common sense to ask again instead of using the idea of pills Mrs Maheshwari” Sanskar replied with same tashan. Uff both are same STUBBORN!!!
” okay say sorry and close the topic” swara said rolling her eyes. Sanskar’s jaws hit the ground seeing her tantrums.
” you should say sorry as mistake is yours” Sanskar shrugs his shoulder.
” it was your mistake as whole problem started with your statement ‘ I don’t like babies’ ” swara mimics his words.
” I will not say sorry” sanskar announced his final decision.
” then I will also not say and which I said earlier I’m taking back” she made faces.
Sanskar glare her once then went out of the room taking the tray. Swara lie covering blanket on her.
Whole day sanskar was working in the hall but often come to room with the excuse of taking file but actual reason was to check swara. When they see each other, they turn their faces. None of the both is ready to say sorry.
At night, Sanskar came when swara was already asleep. He lie on his side of the bed and slept.
Next morning:
Swara and shomi came with breakfast to the dining table where Sanskar is sitting.
” ma plz serve me” sanskar said before swara could serve. Swara give him deadly glare and took her seat and served her food. Trio had breakfast in silence. Shomi get to know tension is tight between swasan but didn’t interfered as its their husband wife matter.
” ma I’m going to office” swara said to shomi.
” ma tell her to take rest no need to come to office” sanskar ignored swara and said to shomi.
” ma I will go and no one can stop” swara give back her answer to shomi. Both are playing pass pass?.
” do what you both want don’t involve me” shomi said and left.
Swasan went out to the car but didn’t uttered a word.
SwaSan are in office. Sanskar is sitting on his chair busy on laptop while swara is on couch. John enter inside after taking permission.
” sir mam I need your both signatures” john said as swara is also owner of the company along with sanskar.
” give I will do” swara said to John when he was going to give file to swara sanskar stopped
” first I will sign give me”
” I will do first” swara said. John was confused whom to listen bcoz both are dangerous.
Swara got up and took file from John and signed quickly giving victory smile to sanskar. He also signed and asked john to leave.
Sanskar stood and went near swara. She lifted her head from mobile as she felt him near.
” what??” Swara raise her brow when sanskar stood almost sticking to her.
” my office I can stand anywhere” Sanskar shrugs placing hands in his pocket.
Swara moved back getting annoyed. Sanskar smile seeing her. He encircled his arms around her waist.
” what are you doing Sanskar??” Swara’s breathe got hitched as he caress her waist.
” my wife I can do anything” Sanskar smirk irritating her more.
” and I have to show to my wife how much I want our baby” sanskar whisper huskily in her ear.
” leave me” swara ordered controlling her inner turmoil.
” never” he Peck her lips.
” don’t forget you have to say sorry” swara reminded him that they are not talking to each other.
” I will not say” again his ego interpreted.
” huh! Idiot” swara said and move to couch.
” you too” Sanskar said.
Its time to leave the office, Sanskar came downstairs and saw swara is talking to some employees. He is damm sure they are speaking rubbish and wasting time.
” swara if your talks are over let’s go” he said loudly. All look at them.
” bye will talk tomorrow” swara said to her friends in office.
” what you keep on talking all the time?” sanskar asked as they came out.
” I’m not robot like you to work I need to relax” swara said.
” and I will not come with you” swara sit on the bench outside.
” now don’t do drama again swara” sanskar said getting irritated.
” you shouted at me inside” swara complained.
” I just called you loudly bcoz you were away” Sanskar cleared but she is not that easy to handle.
“Then you can politely come and say” swara said. Sanskar hit his forehead and went to bring his car from parking area.
Later, he stop the car in front of swara and came out.
” swara you are coming?” He asked for the last time.
” no” she is still stuck there. It was too much for sanskar, he picked her in his arms and made her sit in car.
” you can’t force me” she shouted furiously.
” I can” sanskar tied seat belt then went to driving seat.
He started the car and went not giving attention to Swara what she is shouting.
SwaSan Room (night):
SwaSan are lying on their side apart from each other. They are waiting other should say sorry. Sanskar pull her closer hugging her from back.
Swara look at him who has closed his eyes. Swara smile and turn towards him lying on his chest.
” I’m sorry” she said. Sanskar open his eyes listening to her words.
” I’m also sorry” he kiss forehead.
” I should not have hided in fact talked to you” her eyes got wet.
” even I should also not neglect this topic” sanskar said.
” hmm” she lean and kissed his lips.
” so let’s talk about our babies” Sanskar said. Swara blushes and hide her face in his chest
” now you are blushing when I’m talking since morning you were fighting” sanskar teases her.
” we will talk tomorrow” she said closing her eyes.
” okay” sanskar laugh and they slept hugging each other.
To be continued…
Thank you
Amazing dear.
Thanks dear

Awesome dear
Thanks dear

Awesome dear…..
Thanks dear

Thanks dear

Awesome ???
Thanks dear

Awesome and excellent dear
thanks dear

Awesome dear
Thanks dear

Thanks dear

It is awesome….nice one dear
Thanks dear

When will u post he is dangerous ?
It will be posted soon I had submitted?
Haaye last scene was sooo cute. Marsu, awesome dear. Jaldi se post karo. Waiting for their baby talks… Loveeeeeee youuuuuuuu lotzzzzzz. Tc
Thanks dear will post soon love u tc

Hard but and too much stubborn SwaSan are like each other hahahahaahahahahah?????????????. Loved their cute and silly fights my cutiepies??????????????.
Both are at fault but Swara should ask or talked to him regarding the baby before taking any decision. Chalo at last sab acha ho gaya… Now waiting for good news???
Right swasan are same???? and good news???? dhekte hai kab ati hai??? thanks depuuu dear tc

Thanks dear

Thanks dear

awwww… how cute it was damn supreme cute… n I loved it… their tashan n this fight… very nice… loved it… take care and post soon…
Thanks dear will post soon glad you liked

Wow i liked the way both said sorry. Bcoz both r wrong. Very nice mars. Loved it
Thanks dii glad you liked

Thanks dear


Thanks dear

Thanks dear

Nice Mars! Your stories are really awesome . How are you? ?
Aww thank you so much dear ?? I’m good u tell??

Wow ?
Thanks dear

Marssuuuu??????.. I’m back.. I commented yesterday but not get any reply
I’m extremely sorry dear I didn’t got time earlier but now I had replied you can check?????

I’m happy to see you back?????
Thanks anuu
Thanks dear

Well I was enjoying their fight. it’s lovely.
Thanks dear

Thanks dear

This is fabulous dear.. ?? Both are equally stubborn..but their fight is sooooo sweet and cute… our SwaSan is sooooo adorable… I loved it.. Thank ????????
Thanks dear glad you liked tc

Awesome part dear
Thanks dear

So cute episode
Thanks dear

Its too cute dear. Awwwwww. I loved it. Both swasan r at fault and the morning incident and office incidents were choooo chweet and cute. Plss post soon
Thanks will post soon

Thanks dear