Fan Fiction

sanskar’s love by janavee (Intro)

Hi friends.. Janavee is back..
I really didn’t know ill get so many responses.. Yea but responses are towards RagSan.. They look cute together.. I read that they are buddies in real life..but in my fiction just check the sequence… Yea more one thing suggest me title ??

Ragini family
Ragini and Swara are twins..of Shekhar Gupta and shamistha Shekhar Gupta.. They love both girls equally.. Both girls are modern yet they obey traditional values.. Both are studying.. They have cute elder brother Vaishnav (suggest me actor who will be strict but love sister’s more than anything in world).. Dadi is also there but she is not like serial Dadi ok?.. She loves her grandchildren equally but little bit of.. She is like best friend for girls..and for boy also.. But he calls her girlfriend (gf)..
Ragini love swara more than anyone..they both share best bond as best friends and sisters..
Swara love Ragini more than anyone but she feels jealousy when she see’s Ragini pampered by Vaishnav..
Vaishnav love his sisters equally..but Ragini spends more time with him then swara.. So others feel he loves Ragini then swara.. He has completed MBA now he will be handling business with his father..

Shekhar Gupta is businessman..loves his children and wife.. He loves his wife most and shares a funny and romantic relationship with her.. Ragini and Vaishnav are his favourite… He calls Swara as angel.. Ragini as bacchi and Vaishnav as villain..bcz Vaishnav doesn’t allow him to be with his daughters..
Shamistha Gupta is a cute and adorable mother who loves her children.. She teaches them what is right and wrong in life.. She shares bond with girls and want them to get married with prince charming..
Dadi ..she is bestie for girls.. She spends more time with swara.. She wants swara to get everything doesn’t mean she hates Ragini..but she just love Swara 10% more than Ragini.. both girls love her lot..whatever happens with them will be reported to her..
Now coming to Ragini friends..
Ofcourse her brother and swara are her best friends..but outside home also she should have friends right.. Here comes her 2 friends..yea girls.. Kanchi Singh- Anjali(anju) she will be partner for Laksh..
———(suggest me actresses)-Ananya (Anu) she will be Ragini’s brother’s crush..

Now you’re time…
Ragini brother..
1) Arjun Bijlani
2)Barun Sobti
3)Avinash Sachdev
Ananya Kapoor
1)Shalmalee Desai
2)Shweta Gulati
3)Aditi Sajwan
Title of fiction..
1) My love story with my bestie (RagSan)
2)My lover Mr. Sanskar life(RagSan)
3)Friends yea..Lover’s don’t know yet(RagSan)
Swara yea she should be having guy right..then what to do? I think sanskar’s family intro will solve it soon..
Pls suggest me…
Swasan fans…yea me too? ill be coming up with a fiction soon..don’t worry ? but for now RagSan please sorry friends..
With love Janu…??? love you all..take care ? ? ?

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