Categories: Santoshi Maa

Santoshi Maa 26th February 2021 Written Episode Update – Singhasan is released from Jail with Devesh’s help.

Santoshi Maa 26th February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Swati trying to convince Indresh to open the door telling him that I was coming to inform you about the proof but Devesh was following me hence thought to show it to mother so that she’ll decide & his mother also tells him that to release you I did this but he instead opens the door telling Swati that if he wouldn’t had shot the gun then Bubli would had killed you & Swati remembers about Bubli’s warning to her hence he asks her for whom he did this & Swati is mum while he tells her that only to save you he did this & asks his mother also that I was fine to be in jail but why you never cared of father who is aged & how will he stay in jail?
Indresh gets call from police station of Singhasan tried to do suicide cutting his nerve & he

runs to police station informing his mother about it while his family members too go behind him.
Indresh asks inspector about his father’s conditions while he tells him that he is fine due to knew in time or else something weird would had happened. Inspector sends only Indresh to meet him while nobody is allowed due to Singhasan not wished about meeting anybody else.
Indresh asks Singhasan why he did this while he is fooling Indresh in his emotional drama.
Devi Polomi comes to police station while Indresh’s mother asks her that you are the same lady who was caught red handed stealing jewelry but she instead tells her that it was me but I hadn’t stolen or I wouldn’t had being here while Swati asks her that you are the same who was neighbor of Devesh & she tells her that this is also coincidence that when I was here you were the neighbor & when there hence Devesh’s neighbor & Devesh also arrives behind her while Swati gets scared & Indresh’s mother guards Swati. Devesh is trying to come close to Swati to plead her but she gets scared & Indresh’s mother including his brother Abhay shouts him to stay away while he tells them that you do not have to get scared by me now as I am lawyer of Singhasan & all are shocked.
Singhasan informs Indresh that he has appointed Devesh as his lawyer while Indresh gets shocked asking him why you did this as he isn’t a reliable person but instead Singhasan tells him that he has changed now & this time he can only save me.
Dev Rishi asks Mata that what is this happening & will Indresh understand his father’s true colors because he is distancing with Swati & Singhasan is tricking him as also Devi Polomi is helping Devesh continuously while Mata explains him that until human’s become wicked till then Asoor powers like Devi Polomi’s will exist in this world to instigate them but we have to take some stand to help our devotee’s as my as well as Swati’s test is going to begin for this trouble to face.
Devesh meets Indresh while Indresh pleads him but he instead leaves showing his anger on him & Devesh appreciates Singhasan of making his son change towards him while Singhasan warns him.
Swati tries to give milk to Indresh but he pushes the glass in anger which breaks & Swati gets depressed crying for help from Mata while Mata comes to calm her.
Flower garlands are arranged all over Singhasan’s house while Swati wonders hence asks Indresh but he doesn’t answer her so she asks mother in law & she tells her that her father in law is arriving getting released from jail & she wonders asking how come this happened & Indresh asks here that aren’t you happy but tells her that because of Devesh this has happened as he used fake certificate of Bubli being a mad woman hence due to her mad behavior father had to shoot her in wake of guarding you & Swati is shocked.
Singhasan arrives hugging Indresh & steering Swati in anger.

Precap: Swati pushes Devesh from coming near her while Indresh shouts her & forcing her to drink liquor while Swati is shouting him that what are doing & today is my fast of Mata Santoshi & he curses her saying that she is the same Goddess who didn’t come to help me when I was in trouble hence God is he who helps at right time & tells her that Mata Santoshi is not my Goddess but Devesh is my God while Mata Santoshi feels bad & Devi Polomi feels very happy.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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