Categories: Santoshi Maa

Santoshi Maa 31st December 2020 Written Episode Update – Mata Santoshi narrates story which scares Bubli.

Santoshi Maa 31st December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Mata Santoshi narrating story to Indresh & Bubli about Raja Pondrik that he use to think himself as Prabhu Shri Krishna who spread across his image within people but some people asked him who is in Dwarka then & he use to tell them he is just a Guala who steals butter & attraction of Gopiya’s & my Sudarshan Chakra has also being stolen by him & all are praising Raja Pondrik chanting slogan of “Jai Vasudeo Raja Pondrik”.
Mata says time came when some informer went to Shri Krishna telling that Raja Pondrik has told you to come & return his Sudarshan Chakra & Shri Krishna smilingly told the informer I will definitely come to return.
Shri Krishna arrives while Raja Pondrik laughs saying after all you came getting

scared & they both face each other while Raja tells Shri Krishna to return my Surdarshan Chakra & Prabhu Krishna gives him flowing through his finger while Raja holds in his finger but while holding he can’t sustain the power of the same & dies hence finally people understood who was actual Shri Krishna.
Bubli asks feeling scared that what does this mean & Indresh explains her if a person uses somebody else’s image to fake people then he finally gets his punishment of fake deed.
Indresh goes to bring the car while Bubli is scared to face Mata but Mata holds her telling that correct yourself soon or will face big trouble in your life too while Bubli leaves getting scared.
Mata tells Dev Rishi that Bubli’s soul is stuck somewhere & Dev Rishi tells her that we have to act quickly while Mata also says that I won’t allow anything wrong to happen to my devotee.
Swati who is in pale condition is ready with Devesh & all his family members to start the Haldi celebration as Devesh’s mother starts applying Haldi on her son & Swati while Devi Polomi is also watching happily.
Devi Polomi & Devesh’s sister in law perform dance on this occasion getting joyful while Dev Rishi also arrives.
Devi Polomi is thinking about her earlier attempt of applying Haldi on Swati but was saved by Mata Santoshi so says now nobody is there to help her from Devraj Indra’s wife to apply on her which will bind both of them to marry & she applies accordingly but Dev Rishi tells her that you have forgot your powers are finished after losing Devlok hence your power wont’ work on them & she is bugged on him.
Singhasan’s family members are selecting clothing as well as jewellery for everybody while Lovely is selecting gold ornament & Anju checks the round necklace fitting holding around Bubli’s neck by which she gets scared as she was thinking about the story Mata Santoshi had narrated to her. All wonder including Indresh & Anju says I was just checking & she gets alert while Indresh’s mother appreciates the necklace which suits her so to purchase & Bubli says fine. Lovely gets jealous & picks the costume which was selected for Bubli so Indresh mother sees & tells Singhasan some more costume is to be selected now & also calls Bubli giving her the keys to bring money from her locker to make Lovely more jealous while Bubli is shocked but Lovely gets so jealous she complains to Pinky saying that mother in law has become mad now.
Bubli goes inside taking keys & thinks not to get scared while plans something holding the keys of locker.
Swati remembers earlier incidences about her father cursing Singhasan & her mother also complaining about them hence gets up in fit of rage shouting who applied this & what is this happening while Devesh shouts her saying are you mad & Devi Polomi tells him it seems the power of tablet is over so take her inside while Dev Rishi hears what Polomi said & tries to stop Swati which is seen by Mata Santoshi too.

Precap: After seeing locker Bubli thinks I’ll take out 1 lac which won’t affect such a big sea while Lovely watching Bubli hiding something & intimate Pinky so they decide to go & open her secret. Swati utters Indresh’s name & Devesh slaps her while Mata gets wild shouting you foolish Man & emerges in his house which is watched by Devi Polomi too.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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