Categories: Saraswatichandra

Saraswatichandra 18th July 2014 Written Episode Update

Saraswatichandra 18th July 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Prashant pulling Kumud to come. Saras calls again. She shouts Saras and asks Prashant what is he doing. Anushka tries to stop Prashant. Saras says did he reach home and asks Danny to take home fast. Prashant breaks Anushka’s phone and takes Kumud pushing Anushka. Anushka faints getting hit on the head. Prashant says come with me silently, else I will call Mahesh, your husband and brothers in law will die. He leaves with Kumud. Guniyal asks Badimaa what to make in food. She is tensed. Badimaa says I was tired. Guniyal asks her to swear on her and say it what is the matter. Badimaa says Saras called, he told me that………. She tells everything and Guniyal is shocked.

Guniyal says so much happened. Badimaa says Saras told me this asking not to tell anyone, especially

Vidyachatur. She sees Vidyachatur hearing everything. Prashant asks Kumud to walk quietly and sit in the car. The guard sees Prashant taking Kumud. The guard says where are they going. Vidyachatur cries and says no one told me this. Badimaa says as we all were worried for your health. He says call him. Badimaa says no, they went to catch Prashant, Saras will tell us everything after the work.

Vidyachatur gets tensed. They pacify him. Saras comes home with Danny and Kabir and calls out Kumud. They see Anushka fallen and try to wake her up. She wakes up with a wound on her head. They ask her where is Kumud. She says Prashant came and took Kumud by force. The inspector comes and is surprised seeing Saras. Saras says I was kidnapped. The inspector asks who kidnapped you. The guard comes and says Prashant took Kumud. The inspector says don’t worry, we will see.

Prashant ties Kumud to a chair and says its good Kumud ji, you know everything, I won’t need to do acting now. She cries. He holds her and says now you will be with me. He says don’t worry, here only you and me. He laughs seeing her and says its happening as I thought, now no one will separate us, don’t be angry. He says the day he saw her, he wanted to get her, to touch her. He touches her hands and says its happening today. He says now no one can separate us, not even your Saraswatichandra. He says I will tell him, his Kumud is mine now. She cries as her mouth is tied too, else she would have shouted on him.

The inspector asks any idea where he took Kumud. Saras gets a call and inspector asks his staff to trace this call. Kumud shouts Saras…………. Prashant talks to Saras and asks how is he now, your mind have stopped maybe in her worry, don’t worry for her, now Kumud is only mine. He says your anger won’t be good for Kumud. He says your idea was great, I was really afraid, that Pooja’s soul came back. Saras asks where is he. Prashant says if you love her, then find her and show me. He ends the call. The location is traced. The inspector says come Mr Vyas.

They come to the location and there is no one. Prashant has already taken Kumud from there. Saras says where did he take Kumud. The inspector says looks like he plaed this game, lets search in this house, maybe we will get some clue. The inspector says there is no clue. Saras says we can trace his call, there has be some other way. Danny says nothing will happen to her, we will get her. Prashant sits to talk to Kumud and says don’t see me with hatred, I want your love. I know you love Saras a lot. He says your smile, your hair, your Chundani, always attracted me to you. He says now I don’t want anything from life, except you.

He says now you are mine. Kumud cries. He says Lord did a mistake and I will rectify it by sending Saras to Lord. She says no. He says don’t hurt yourself, I feel hurt, now he is alive so you are hurt, but after he dies infronf of your eyes, everything will be over, his love, him and everything. He says he has to come here and die. He says then you won’t have any other way. She nods no. Saras calls Kumud’s phone and gets its switched off. The inspector says don’t worry, we informed our team. Saras gets Prashant’s message that location changed, and messages the address, asking him to save Kumud. Saras says it is Prashant’s message, lets go.

Prashant tells Kumud that now your husband will go to garage, ask me why I called him. He says I don’t want to hide anything and touches her. He says he will go with police and faithful brothers, but I want just Saras, I want to call him here alone, so that I can kill him easily. She shouts no. Saras comes to the garage with everyone and does not get Kumud there. Danny says he is misguiding us. Prashant messages Saras to come in white car if he wants to see Kumud. Danny asks is it his message, what does he want. Saras makes an excuse and says he will look ahead. Danny stops Saras and says you won’t go alone. Saras says do as I say, go. Saras opens the door of the car and Mahesh smiles asking Saras to sit. Saras sits in the car. Mahesh asks why is he worried and smiles. He takes Saras’ phone and removes the sim card. Saras asks where is Kumud. Mahesh says you look in hurry, we will go.

Prashant aims at Kumud and says I will kill you, Saras and myself, if you are not mine, then I won’t you become anyone else. Kumud cries and Saras looks on.

Update Credit to: Amena


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