Sasural Simar Ka 2 14th May 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Simar thinking about Aarav’s words. Ranjhana song plays…..She swirls and hugs Aarav. He asks if she is Simar and says so much happened, but you are not crying etc, and swirling here. Simar says you had said that I shall not cry, and says when you are with me, then I shall make enemy cry. Aarav tells her about their secret room, which was his childhood room. He says we can’t meet openly and shall talk in code language. He says I can’t risk your safety and shall know where you are going and whom you are meeting. Simar says you had said that she is blackmailing me and asks him to tell everything. He says I will tell you everything when the right times comes, and says I can’t tell you now. He says if Dhami comes to know then don’t know what she will do. Simar says I trust you more than myself, but. They hide seeing Dhami. Simar looks at Aarav as they sit down to hide. Mahiya song plays….Simar says until we are together, we can face any problems.
They hear Badi Maa shouting. Simar says she is playing games with family. Badi Maa asks Dhami what does she think that she is clever and they are all blind. She says what do you think that you will show us video and we will doubt on our Simar. Dhami says this video. Aarav and Simar come there. Badi maa says I have seen Simar walking on the burning coal for our family and you are blaming her. She says nobody can doubt on Simar’s character. Sandhya says you said right, my Simar’s character is like that flame of the lamp infront of mata Rani. Reema asks did you hear Dhami? Simar says truth shall be out and there is no shame to reveal it to anyone. She shows the video in which Dhami talking to Samar and making the plan to ruin Simar’s character and break the relation. Simar asks Dhami which video seems right? She says you stooped low and tried to make my family against me. She says if I would have been quiet then it would be injustice with me and my family. Sandhya says my Simar’s heart is clean and has good thoughts. Badi Maa says we might have different opinions and thoughts, but when Simar’s matter comes then we will stand with her as her courage. Aarav smiles seeing Badi maa holding her hand. She says lie, conspiracy and everything is failed infront of this power. She tells Dhami that her reverse countdown starts now, and says her eyes are on her, and she can’t be saved.
Dhami shouts in her room and throws the things. She shouts Aaru. Aarav comes there and asks what did you do, you started another drama. He asks her to give the scissor and asks do you think that you will win me, by doing this. He says if my Simar gets even a scratch. Dhami asks him to leave it. Reema hears the noise and comes there. She finds Dhami’s phone and thinks to switch it on. Aarav says you say that you love me. Dhami says yes. He asks if you call this as love, I die every moment. Dhami says something happens to me, when I see Simar, I can’t share you. Aarav asks if anyone got anything with bad thoughts and says relations need to be kept intact. nobody doubted on Simar even for a moment, this is the power of her love.
Reema shows Dhami’s phone to Simar. Simar says all the Apps are password protected. Reema thinks what is her birth date? Simar says Aaru. Reema checks, but it is not password. Simar says we shall transfer the data, then shall unlock the phone. Badi Maa comes there and asks them not to hide anything, says I am sure that whatever you both are doing are for our family betterment. She gives approval to their plans. Reema says this is Dhami’s phone. Badi Maa asks Simar to do anything to take out Aarav from Dhami’s clutches, and says I want my grand son back. Simar promises her. Badi maa tells that Dhami can be treated with twisted mind and asks Reema to think two steps ahead of Dhami, but carefully. She says Jai Maa Durga. Reema says Data is transferred. Simar says I will go to give the phone to unlock at the shop.
Dhami says sorry to Aarav and says I will change, will be calm and will keep the relations intact, and asks for a chance. Aarav goes. Dhami looks for her phone and comes out of room. Simar comes and asks if she is searching this? Dhami is about to take her phone, but Simar drops it. Dhami bends down to take it. Simar asks why do you do such a thing and falls in everyone sight.
Precap: Dhami goes to hug Badi Maa. Badi Maa hugs Simar. Simar wishes her happy birthday and makes her wear sash and tiara. Badi Maa gets emotional. Dhami says your time is over now. Yamini comes there. Badi Maa is shocked.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
This yamini is cunning, she is using simar as her target to destroy oswal family, only maata rani can save now thru simar
I agree yamini devi has been using simar but simar and Aarav didn’t even know at all but l know that simar will be going nowhere because she doesn’t know why badimaa hates music but she will know soon but l can’t wait for dhami to be out Aarav and also the oswal family forever because she is really pyscho and insane she needs medical attention immediately which is very obvious and also she really have mental problems which lam sure she either has a bipolar disorder or schizophrenia and also the only way to beat her is used to be twisted like her to deal with her and also both simar and reema need to be two step ahead of dhami so that finally she will be out of their lives forever and also that she will never come back because she not needed at all because no one likes her so she needs to leave the show and also the oswal family forever because will don’t want her on the show competely and also will don’t want samar on the show also him to needs to leave the show because both him and dhami character are useless on the show and it will be for the best that they leave the show competely and also they never come back at all and also will want sirav and reevan happy romantic moment to be back forever soon after dhami and samar are out of the series forever completely
Dhami should stop deceiving herself because no one will ever listen to her and also no one send yamini devi to arrive at the oswal house this her plan with samar so that everyone will hate simar but she doesn’t realize that no one will ever doubt simar but her which is dhami its a good thing that simar and reema have everything about dhami now and now dhami countdown to leave the oswal family has begun because she is very annoying and also l can’t wait for her to leave the oswal family forever because she needs to leave because she is really mentally ill and also she needs medical attention immediately because its very obvious that her mental illness is getting worse and so as samar they both insane and sick which is dhami and samar and also l can’t wait for simar and Aarav and the family to be together forever in peace without dhami and samar been in their lives forever because they are annoying and also will want their character out of the series and also the show because they are not needed at all and also l love badimaa and also what she said to simar and reema that they should think two steps ahead of her and also they have to be careful and also the only way to threat dhami is really with a twisted mind and badimaa is really right about dhami she needs to be treated with a twisted mind because her mind is twisted so as her heart and soul and also she needs medical attention immediately so as samar they both need medical help because they both not well and l love sirav love is getting stronger than ever before they are God blessed couple and Jodi and also they can never be separated so dhami and samar should get married to each because they are both pyscho and insane and also their character on the show is completely useless so they need to be removed from the show competely
Their eyes are

I love Reema more than Simar but ushka role negatie kardiya tha ab thik hai
Even I like Reema more
Hope to see her in lead role in some other series with a good story.