Categories: Sasural Simar Ka 2

Sasural Simar Ka 2 24th May 2021 Written Episode Update: Reema and Aarav’s marriage date fixed

Sasural Simar Ka 2 24th May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Aarav telling Vivaan that whatever is happening was destiny. Vivaan asks if you think that Reema is your destiny. Vivaan tells that I agreed for Badi Maa and Maasi’s choice, I had no problem when Simar was their first choice. He says then she came and told everything to them. He says I have no objection even now when my marriage is happening with Reema. Vivaan thinks of Reema and their moments. He gets teary eyes. Gagan takes Reema’s pic with Badi Maa, Sandhya, Chitra and others. He asks them to smile. Reema poses with Badi Maa. Aarav asks Vivaan why he got tears in his eyes. Vivaan asks if only ladies have the right to shed tears. He asks Aarav if he is happy. Vivaan says if my brother is happy then even I am happy. He says world might get jealous, but I pray that my

brother shall get happiness of my share too. Aarav says you have become senti and asks why? Vivaan says I am senti and mental too. I can’t keep calm and says he wants to raise toast for him. Aarav hugs him. Vivaan takes the ticket of Reema and him and tears it. Avinash tells Badi Maa that they will give what they can and talks about dowry. Badi Maa tells that she is against dowry and has everything. She says she wants to talk to her Pandit ji for the marriage and asks if they agree for the earlier date. Avinash says yes and tells that they wanted few drops, but got a sea. Chitra calls Raj and asks him to do something, tells that Badi Maa will become great and asks him to do something that her face is gets blackened by Aarav. Raj says your wish is fulfilled and shows Devesh on video call. He says Devesh is a top most photographer and recently he clicked wonderful pictures of a model. He says Reema Narayan. Avinash tells Reema that today he is proud of her. Reema hugs her. Avinash tells Badi Maa that he can proudly say that she will find all the values in their daughter. Badi Maa says now I will leave. Vivaan looks at Reema’s photo shoot pics in his tab and gets restless. He thinks of his moments with her. He deletes her pics. Mahiya plays…..he recalls their moments. Music plays…

Simar 2 thinks to thank Simar Maasi and messages her. She thanks her for helping her to make everything fine and tells that she is like her mother. Reema comes there and tells that the sarees must be costly than what they gave her. Simar says they are much costly and tells that you have become their favorite. Reema says yes, ofcourse. Simar asks if she will forget her modeling dream after marriage. Reema says no and tells that she has changed her plans and it has become big. Simar 2 asks about Vivaan. Reema says pendrive and tells that she will handle him, as he works in Oswal’s company where she will become owner. She says once she gets married, she will set her dreams and will fulfill her dreams at a high level as she will have money. She tells that she will start her fashion branch in Paris. Simar says they are the people who is stuck to their roots. Reema says the roots can be plucked and planted somewhere. Simar says their sons could have stayed in foreign, but have returned. Reema says she will set everything and asks her not to give her lecture.

Lalit tells Roma that he don’t have good feelings regarding this marriage. Roma says everything is good, my sister is marrying your brother. Lalit says the matter is about the two families and tells that there are many secrets in Nani’s family. He tells that he has a doubt that Reema can’t adjust in oswal family. Roma asks him not to worry and tells that she trusts Reema. Lalit says if anything goes wrong then I can’t support you. Simar reads Simar 2 diary page about love. She then thinks of Reema and then reads Simar 2 message thanking her. She thinks only time will tell, if it is right or wrong. Aarav comes there and asks what is she reading? Simar says I would have tell if it is mine, but it is of someone else. Aarav comes there and hugs her. He thanks her and says everyone is happy because of you. He says he runs away with the marriage thought, but convinces himself thinking Simar Maasi has thought this and her decision can’t be wrong. Simar says I am not God, and I can be wrong too. She says if this decision turns wrong then this is the matter of your life. Aarav says if I trust someone blindly then it is just you and your decision can never be wrong. He says good night and goes.

Later he calls Reema to talk to her. Reema is sleeping. Simar 2 finds the phone ringing and picks the call. Aarav says sorry for calling her at night and asks if she is happy with their alliance. Simar 2 says she is simar and tells that Reema is sleeping and asks if I shall wake her up. Aarav says no. Simar says we both use same phone so I picked. He says ok and says good night. Aarav and Simar come to their windows and look at the moon. Ishq Ishq Plays…They turn to go back and then look again at the moon. Mahiya plays……

Pandit ji tells Badi Maa that he didn’t see such mahurat before, this mahurat came after 800 years and tells that the marriage date shall be 5th june. Badi Maa asks Sandhya. Sandhya agrees. She goes to Simar and congratulate her and then chitra. Badi Maa goes to Simar and makes her eat sweets, says this became possible due to you. Roma calls Indu and tells about the marriage date. Reema and Indu get happy. Roma asks her to select invitation card which will be sent in the evening. Reema asks Simar to help her select the invitation card and the arrangements. Simar says ok. Reema receives the invitation cards sample and also a letter. She opens the envelope and reads that she has been selected for final round of Ms. India Pageant. She thinks both marriage and Ms. India pageant date is same and gets worried.

Precap: Both families unite for the Ganapati Puja. Badi Maa gives the invitation card to Avinash for Aarav’s wedding. Reema sees Simar falling and Aarav holding her. She gets angry and slaps her hard.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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