Categories: Sasural Simar Ka 2

Sasural Simar Ka 2 9th February 2022 Written Episode Update: Aditi misunderstands Gagan

Sasural Simar Ka 2 9th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Simar telling Aditi that they have to keep the stairs at other side, but it fall down. Simar asks Aditi to hold her hand and get down. Aditi gets down and asks Simar to get down. Simar also tries to get down the wall and falls down on the ground. Aditi gets shocked and asks if she is fine. Simar says I am fine, and asks her to come. They are seen walking on the road. Aditi calls for auto. Aarav’s car is behind the auto. Simar and Aditi are about to sit in the auto and stop seeing Aarav in the car. Aarav asks auto driver to drive carefully and drives off. Simar and Aditi hide their faces. Simar asks Aditi to come, and they sit in the auto. Sandhya comes back home and tells that I have respected your decisions always. She asks what did you think and got my daughter’s

marriage fixed in that house. Aarav says Aditi can’t live there. Badi Maa says they are here to take decisions for her. Gajendra says he is right and says that house is not right for Aditi. Sandhya says didn’t you see that guy? Badi maa asks Sandhya to break the supari with her hand. Sandhya says it is difficult to break it. Badi maa says it is like your daughter, she has become stubborn due to that Narayan, and says if that supari is Aditi, then this nut cutter is Mayank, who will break Aditi’s stubborn with his strictness.

Sandhya says but. Badi Maa says you have fallen once due to your daughter and got youself and family insulted. She says how many times, shall I cover up her doings, first she eloped with Gagan, then her marriage is called off in mandap and we are suffering till now. She says Gagan Narayan will take advantage of her and asks until when you will save her. She says don’t see Mayank’s disability, but see his sharp tongue and says he can make Aditi see the reality. Chitra says we can’t get good guy like him and he will make our Aditi rule after becoming IAS officer. Badi maa says we all know that Aditi got stained, even if we close our eyes like a cat. She says after whatever she has done, only Mayank like guy will look at her, and it is better for us to send her off from here, else she will be here all life. She asks if anyone wants her to be here, then come infront now itself. Aditi and Simar come to Narayan house and get down from the auto. Simar says Aditi, everything will be fine, trust me.

Gagan is sitting in his room. Roma asks him to get up and get ready. Gagan says di, I want to say something to you. Avinash comes there, asks Roma to go and says I will bring Gagan. Roma goes. Avinash asks what happened yesterday at Oswal Mansion. Gagan recalls. Narayan says I know what would have happened there, they wouldn’t have listened to you, now listen to your father and do this engagement silently for everyone’s betterment. Aditi and Simar are coming there.

Badi maa says I believe that everyone agree for this marriage and says marriage will start in few hours, and baraat will reach in time. She asks Gajendra if he trusts her decision now. Gajendra says yes. Badi maa stops Aarav and Vivaan, and tell them that after this moment, she don’t want to listen anything on this topic after this, and asks Aarav to keep eye on his wife and says if she does any drama during the marriage then nobody can save her from me. She says it will be better if this marriage is done at the earliest. Aarav and Vivaan go.

Gagan gets ready in Sherwani and comes to the hall. Radhika and her family is waiting for him for engagement. Avinash asks Gagan to come and make him sit beside Radhika. Radhika smiles seeing him. Sapna gives engagement ring to Indu. Mahesh gives ring to Radhika. He asks Radhika to make Gagan wear the ring. Indu holds Gagan’s hand and forwards it. Aditi and Simar come to the door step and see Radhika making him wear the ring. Aditi gets shattered and runs away from there. Gagan takes back his hand. Avinash and others throw flower petals on them. Indu asks Gagan to make Radhika wear the ring. She gives ring in his hand. Radhika forwards her hand. Gagan holds her hand and is about to make her wear the ring. Aditi and Simar looks on. Aditi moves back and runs away. Simar looks at Aditi shockingly as she runs, and she goes behind her and holds her. Aditi is shattered and says again, my heart is broken. She says he has betrayed me again. Simar says I will talk to him. Aditi says Gagan made fun of me again and says why did I trust him again. Simar says I will talk to Bhai, everything will be fine. Aditi says now nothing is left to talk, and says he has ended everything. She cries. Simar says this can be misunderstanding also and says I will talk to him. She asks her to come with her and goes back. She sees Aditi not there and goes back running behind her.

Gagan recalls his love confession to Aditi and asking for a chance. He takes back ring from Radhika’s finger and removes his ring as well. Avinash asks what happened? Gagan says I can’t do this engagement. Avinash says Gagan. Gagan says I am sorry Maa and Papa, but I can’t do this engagement. He says I can’t lie to you all and with Radhika. He says I love just Aditi and this time, I will not betray her and says if Aditi is not for me then there is nobody. He says that’s it and apologizes to Radhika. He says I can’t ruin three lives and apologizes to her. He keeps the rings on the table and goes. Radhika gets upset.

Aarav wonders where is Simar and thinks to inform her. Badi maa asks Gajendra, did you send someone to bring magistrate. Gajendra says I have forgotten and says Giriraj and Vivaan are busy in marriage arrangements. Aarav says shall I bring magistrate sahib? Gajendra says ok, you bring. Aarav goes. Aditi runs on the road, recalling Gagan’s words. Simar runs behind her. Aditi is crying and running blindly, recalling their moments and Gagan’s engagement with Radhika. Simar asks someone if he saw Aditi and continues to run.

Precap: Aditi is about to jump in a river. Simar spots her on the last moment and screams, Aditi!!!!

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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