Categories: Sasural Simar Ka

Sasural Simar Ka 2nd January 2016 Written Episode Update

Sasural Simar Ka 2nd January 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Devika says i feel like khushi has gotten the map. Mata ji says thank God.
Khushi sees a key in the room. She says I got the key. She sees another keys and says which one of them is the one i need? On one its written rahul and other kayto. She looks in the map again. She recalls what the shadow said. She says please help me God. What it means. I can’t lose. I have to save my family and simar. i dont know what to do.
She recalls mata ji once said that rahu and katu means same coin’s two sides. she says so they both make one key. Both keys join and become one. Khushi says i got the key. Shadow says now there are two doors. You have to choose the right door. If you put it in wrong door, key would break. You do not have muchy time. The walls are cracking.


says to pari we will decorate the idol tomorrow. This makes my heart really happy. Pari says you are right. this faith makes us al stronger no matter how difficult circumstances are. Simar says in heart my powers will cut that down.

Khushi says what should I do now. she looks in the map. She says there is nothing written in the map. There are four directions. I think this one is the right foor. but i cant do a mistake. She sees the door on which four directions are made and on the other three. Khushi puts key in the one with four directions. The door open. Some light comes on her face.

Suddenly floor shakes. Pari says was that an earthquake. I think it was something else. Patali does it again. Uma says what is happening pari. They are shaking. {patali says mata rani cant save you. Only patali can.

Knifes are in the air all around Khushi. One goes through her body. shadow says the knives has touched you twice. one more time and evreything is over.
she walks carefuly. a knife comes near her neck and all of them destroys. shadow says this was your test that you passed because your soul is clean.Shadow says you dont have much time.
PAri says what is happening. simar says what happened? Pari says the floor is shaking. Simar says we should pray devi ma. Uma says devi maa save us. the floor stops shaking. Pari says how it stopped suddenly. Uma says miracle. Simar says devi maa never disappoints her followers.

Khushi sees so many glasses. she says which one is the real one. This is because of the mirrors. I have to break these mirrors. she breaks two mirrors by throwing stones at them. there are only two glasses left. shadow says you dont have much time. this cathedral is about to be destroyed. khushi breaks the stone. Only one glass is left. Khusi puts hand in fire and takes out the glass.

Precap-Devika puts water in glass. she says make simar drink it. mataji says to simar if you drink this you will be okay. mata ji picks the trishun i wont let this time break.simar says who will stop me.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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