hi guys im gonna be writing an ff on sns…its me ananya sachedev and you all know me..positive replies please…
scene starts at a new renovated modi mansion…a lady is seen doing arti…
fb shows another lady doing arti…in old modi mansion..but everyone is present….the lady turns and its none other than our gopi…fb ends
now the lady that turns is Sona…but there is no one with her…she goes to a few portraits and their faces are revealed…they are gopi,ahem,paridhi,kokila,paraj,chirag,hetal,sharavan,dharam and durga…she changes their garlands..
fb shows a bomb blast in modi mansion…fb ends
Another scene shows Naiya going to jigars room and feeding him food…he murmurs “paridhi”
Fb shows…pardhi running to save gopi but they both die..fb ends
Another fb shows…gaura telling naiya to keep the gift and that will help naiya getting vidyas baby..fb ends
Vidya is seen looking at sharavans pic and says if I had forgiven u
Fb-vidya faint sharavan takes her and gives her to meera…he runs to save his mom but the bomb blasts..durga and sharavan die
Meera is seen looking at dharam s pic
Fb-dharam is saved but someone fires a gun and then meera tells him that shes expecting he asks her to take care and dies in her lap
Rashi comes and opens her cupboard and sees gopis pic..she says ma if u had not come then
Fb shows molu telling gopi about rashi..gopi runs to rashis room…and takes her and throws her from the steps..and jigar catches her…someone holds gopis hand and the bomb blasts…she and that person die
Samar is seen in office ..taking to ahem spic ..if I had not told u about badimaa them
Fb-ahem holds gopis hand they both die

Sorry if I hurt you but your story is very much similar to Ragini’s story also on SNS…But this one is also good?
Its okay but only fst episode was similar but has an entirely different plot..thanks
yes,its like ragini’s ff
Actually Ragini stopped writing it so I really liked it? so…if u say I can stop
Idea credits-Ragini
Dear ragini is it okay if the plot is a little similar…otherwise its different…
What?Ragini stopped writing?
Abanya…u started many ffs.But y u r not continuing any of them?
Pls continue it. Daily update it