Hello guyss…
I am here with another TS i.e. Two Shot.
Sorry if there are any grammatical errors. Proof reading is not done.
It was the party of the Valentine’s Day…as Ishani had suffered a miscarraige, this part was organized especially for her…for her mood to enlighten…the party started as Angre came and gave a rose to Ishani which she accepted and then Angre asked her for a dance, and she accepted it too…the piano started playing some soothing tunes which were meant for the couple to dance and on seeing it, Vansh was the one who was playing the piano with Riddhima standing besides her…
Angre then engaged Ishani in the dance, while Vansh quickly pulled Riddhima in his lap and started playing the piano…all this while, Ishani’s eyes were focused on Vansh and Riddhima rather than on her own dance…after the dance was over, every Raisinghania member presented a rose to Ishani to make her feel happy…and Ishani too accepted it happily…now it was the turn of Vansh and Riddhima to give the rose to Ishani…they gave the rose to Ishani but she just eyed them in hatred, took the rose, threw it down and crushed it under her high heels…everybody saw this and Vansh felt very bad…Dadi was about to tell something to Ishani but Vansh signalled her not to…
Ishani though saw the hurt look on Vansh’s face, remaind unaffected and just went somewhere far from there…Riddhima who had observed Vansh’s sadness was feeling bad for him and also was very angry on Ishani for her childish behaviour…Riddhima who saw that Vansh was still upset, went towards him, held his hand and gestured him to smile a little and Vansh could not deny his Sweetheart’s wish so he smiled for her happiness..
Now it was the time to dance so Riddhima dragged Vansh towards the centre and they both started to dance and sway happily on the song Janam Janam (as shown in the show)…
Now it was the time of the famous flying dance so Vansh just moved back as usual and spread his arms for Riddhima to come running towards him but to his suprise, Riddhima din’t come running towards him but just came walking slowly…
When Vansh saw this he got a bit confused and thought,
Vansh:Arre!!..What happened to Riddhima?!..why din’t she complete our dance?
Just then, Riddhima came walking towards him so Vansh asked,
Vansh:Riddhima…what happened?..why din’t you come to me for our flying dance?…has something happened??
Riddhima:No…nothing happened but to keep someone safe, I din’t do the step..
When Riddhima said this, Vansh got confused and looked around and then again asked to Riddhima…
Vansh:Whom from here did you want to keep safe Riddhima due to which you din’t do the step?
As Vansh said this, Riddhima held Vansh’s hand and slowly slid it on her stomach…on seeing this Vansh asked,
Vansh:Riddhima do you have stomach ache?…why din’t you tell me earlier?…we wouldn’t have….
Riddhima:Hold on a second Mr. Buddhu…I don’t have any stomach ache…I din’t do the step because I wanted to keep our baby safe..
Vansh:Ohh…then it’s……..WAIT!!..WHAT??…what did you just say??..our baby means???
Riddhima:It means that Vansh, I am pregnant…we are going to become parents…
As Riddhima said this, Vansh had a horrified look on his face but soon, his shocked face turned into a happy one and he, without caring about the surroundings, just picked Riddhima up and twirled her around while she kept saying him to keep her down…all the people present there, noticed this and once Riddhima was put down, the Rasinghania’s rushed to him and dadi asked,
Dadi:Vansh…what happened?…is everything ok?
Vansh:Dadi…everything is more than ok!!…it’s great!!
Chachi:Vansh…did you crack any deal??
Vansh:Chachi…think that this news is more expensive than any deal in my life…
Dadi:Vansh…why are you complicating things?…tell straight..what has happened?..
Vansh:Dadi…just now Riddhima gave me the news that I am going to become a father…Riddhima is pregnant..
Dadi:Whattt!!..Riddhima is this true??
Riddhima:Yes Dadi..this is true…I have taken the tests 2 times and both of them are positive…
Said Riddhima blushing while Dadi was on cloud 9 listening this news…everyone congratulated Riddhima and Vansh for this news except Chachi, Aryan and Ishani (as expected)…after everyone congratualted Riddhima, they all went to their respective rooms as the party was over except Chachi, Aryan and Ishani..
Chachi:Oh my Godd!!..what the hell just happened?…Riddhima is pregnant…that too with Vansh’s child!!..
Aryan:Yes Mom..now there will be one more person among whom the property will be divided….or there is another case that what if Vansh bhai transfers all his property in the name of his child!!…
Chachi:Yes Aryan that too is possible…but I din’t understand one thing that Vansh and Riddhima married around 6 or 7 months back and that too it was a forced marriage…Vansh had forced Riddhima to marry him but then too how is she pregnant now??
(A/N : I guess we all know that the answer is Vansh’s sabar )
Aryan:Mom…how would I know this?…I don’t know their bedroom stories…and now what can we do?..the damage is already done…let’s think about the future…
Aryan and Chachi went away from there thinking about the property and gold while Ishani was still standing there with an emotionless face but soon, her face changed into an angry one and said,
Ishani:No no no…I will not let this happen…I will not let Vansh bhai and Riddhima live peace…after killing my child, I will not let Vansh bhai be happy with his own child…I will have to do something…from tomorrow, be ready Riddhima…I will not let you live in peace…nor you nor your child will live…
Time skips to morning…Riddhima has got ready to go downstairs for breakfast…she was walking down the stairs when her legs colide with a white string which is almost invisible…she was about to fall so she shouts and Vansh on that moment comes and saves her…on listening her shout, all the family members come near and start asking questions to Riddhima…
Dadi:Riddhima…what happened why did you shout?
Riddhima:Dadi actually I was abt to fall so I shouted but Vansh came and saved me…
Dadi:You din’t get hurt right?
Riddhima:No Dadi…I am absolutely fine…
Vansh:Riddhima…where is ur attention?…do you know what must have happened if you fall?…Riddhima…now it’s not just you but our baby too…you have to take care of yourself for our baby…you can’t be careless…
Riddhima:I am sorry Vansh…I will take care of myself…but Vansh…now I did not fall by myself…there was a string here which was almost invisible…I tripped over that and was about to fall…
Chachi:Riddhima…now that we all know that u cannot take care of urself, don’t blame others for ur carelessness…there was a string right..show me where is it?
Riddhima:Chachi it’s not there now but trust me it was there when I was coming downstairs…
Ishani:Oh ho Riddhima…if u r telling that some sort of string was there, then where did it vanish within 1 min…and see bcoz of my carelessness, I lost my child…so be careful…anything can happen…
Saying this Ishani went and slowly everyone dispersed towards their respective rooms…Vansh adviced Riddhima to take more care of herself…few weeks passed but such attacks on Riddhima continued…once, someone had mixed poison in Riddhima’s food and she was abt to eat it but got saved as it fell down…Sia had gifted a cradle to Riddhima but later that night, Riddhima found the cradle broken…Vansh also found suspicious abt the attacks on Riddhima but he did not have a valid evidence that who was doing so…
Riddhima also used to recive some creepy texts and calls which said that Riddhima had booked an abortion appointment and it was a reminder to come on time…Riddhima got panicked abt it but still did not mention anything to Vansh…
One fine day, Chachi and Aryan were in a room discussing in their room abt how to finish Riddhima and Vansh’s child when they heard a voice at their door,
The voice:I can help you!!
All the family members except chachi, Aryan and Ishani had gone out…Vansh and Angre went to their office and Dadi and Sia went to the temple…
Riddhima was just walking around the house when someone came from behind, hit her with a rod and put her in a big box which was of her height….then someone dragged the box out of the house and gave it to a man, who put the box in a tempo and drove it off…
Dadi and Sia came back from the temple and Sia went to call Riddhima for giving her the sweet..she went in her room but didn’t find her so she called her but strangely no one answered..she was abt to go out when her eyes fell on a letter placed on the table…she took it to read it and as soon as she did so, she screamed loudly…
Vansh was driving his car in a haste as he got a call from Aryan saying to come home quickly so he was on the route to go home…as soon as he went home, he found a crying dadi and Sia while Chachi was calming dadi down…he went and asked,
Vansh:Dadi, Sia…what happened…why are you both crying?..and Aryan why did you call me??
Chachi:Vansh…just see what blunder your wife is going to create or already has created…
Said chachi and passed a letter to Vansh…the letter said,
Whatever I am going to do is totally my decision and no one has forced me. Vansh I am going to abort my child. I can’t take this burden anymore. Because of this child, I am not able to live my life. The life, which I was living earlier, before the arrival of this child. Vansh from outside, I was showing that I was very happy but from inside, I did not know what to do. Vansh I am still young to take the responsibility of a child so I am going to abort it. Sorry if you feel bad but I can’t handle this anymore.
With this the letter ended and Vansh was more than shocked…he was not reacting at all…after Sia shook him harshly, he came in sense and again looked at the letter but then a look of hope was there on his face as he said….
So this was the first part of this TS guys…
The next part will be the last one..
Hope you all liked this part. If yes, then pls do comment.
Thank you
Beautiful Post asap
Amazing episode
Amazing episode

dear eagerly waiting for next update
Post soon I am waiting abhi se
Awesome episode
Post asap soon di

It’s amazing