Categories: Savitri

Savitri 12th March 2013 Written Episode Update

Savitri 12th March 2013 Written Episode, Savitri 12th March 2013 Written Update

Savitri runs away from Sathya’s party .. As she is pleaded by a spirit of a woman ….to help her ….

Savitri is lead to the house of the dead woman where Savitri is able to stop the woman’s husband from committing suicide ..spirit gets its release as her husband is safe and happy …

Gulika tries to aquire the Maayavi Kitaab but fails

Savitri manages to reach Sathya’s house where everyone os pleased to see her back and pandit ji finds the day most auspicious for the couples wedding just three days hence ..

All are happy and want the wedding to happen after three days as deemed by pandit ji

Pre cap …At night Savitri dreams that after her wedding to Sathya she will be the cause of his death.. Wakes up in alarm ..

Update Credit to: sumana

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