Fan Fiction

Say That You Love Me – Episode 13

Say That You Love Me

Hi Guys I know you all are waiting for my ff but I wasn’t well so yhats who couldn’t post…..!!!


Previous Episode: Swara bring kidnapped and Sanskaar rescued her….!!!


No Proof of Reading

Episode 13 : Marriage


It was the day of Swara’s marriage…
A mandap is shown…where bride and groom are sitting…

Soon all rituals are finished and Priest announced both of them as husband wife…

Many mix emotions were seen on Bride’s face…but Groom’s face was covered with garland(sehra) that’s why no one was able to see his expressions…

Soon both came out from Mandap…and take blessings from all elders…everything was perfect…But till when???

Suddenly Groom left from there leaving his newly wedded bride…with her family…making bride sad…


IN Garden

Groom removed his garland and guess what…I know you all know who it is??? But still I tell you…it’s our Sanskaar….

Sanskaar say on the bench and started to remember what has happened…in 24 hours which changed his life…

***Flashback Starts***

Outside Swara’s Room

After doctor left…saying that she needs rest…all were thinking what to do now…
Just then Rohan enters in room….who go out to drop divtor…..worriedly holding phone in his hand…

Rohan(worriedly) : Papa…wo…wo…

Ram(asks) : what happened Rohan why are you looking so worried…is everything fine???

Swara was getting her consiousness gets totally broken listening to Rohan’s words…

Rohan(worried) : Papa…just now I got a call from…from…Swara Di’s would be In Laws…(hesitate)and…and…

Dp(angrily) : Rohan don’t creat suspence…tell clearly…what they said…

Rohan(closed his eyes and says in one go) : they…refused to make Swara Di marry with their son…

Listening to this all gasp in shock…they didn’t know that Swara is awake now…as all were looking at Rohan…but listening to sobbing sound…they turned and see Swara…

Ap and Sujhata sat on both sides and started to consol her…whole she who was already injuried and broken…gets a more wound on her soul…

Paravati(crying) : why they…suddenly…back off…

Rohan(hesitately) : I…I…

Sanskaar who was silent till now…and listening to all this patiently…becomes impatient and shouts angrily…

Sanskaar(roared angrily) : what’s the matter Rohan…tell us clearly…WHY THEY SUDDENLY REFUSED…???

All members gets scared from his shouting…as they know Sanskaar’s anger…so having no choice Rohan blurted out all…which Swara’s to be In Laws said…

Rohan(hesitately) : they…said that they…can’t marry…their son…with(don’t know how to say) a…a…

Sanskaar(angrily) : what A????

Rohan(closed his eyes and said in one go) : A Characterless Girl…

Swara whose state was already vulnerable becomes shattered…listening to this…She becomes like lifeless body…a body without soul…

Sanskaar(shouts art the top of his voice making everyone flinch) : HOW DARE THEY TO SAID ALL THIS…I WILL KILL THEM…

Dp(makes him relax) : relax Sanskaar… it’s not time to act like this…we have to think wisely…

Rohan(explains further) : they said all because Raj…called at there home and said bullshit about Swara Di…so they broke alliance…

Sanskaar : but that Raj was in jail…how come he called them…

Ram : it has only one meaning…that someone has bailed him or…he ran away from police…

Parvati sat on bed with thud…and cries seeing Swara’s state who was now sitting like a statue….with no emotion…bowing her head down…

Parvati(cries) : Now what will we do…my daughter…who will marry her…that Raj…tomorrow is marriage and…

Dp(determined) : This marriage will happened tomorrow…

Ram(asks worriedly) : But how…Groom’s family has already back off…then how…

Dp(determind) : Sanskaar will marry with Swara…and thaats my final decision…

Sanskaar and Swara both becomes shocked listening to this…whole all smiles as they all wanted this from start…Swara see Sanskaar…and was about to say something but….stops listening to further words of Dp…

Dp(sternly) : it’s my final decision….and Sanskaar if you try to refused this time…then remember one thing…I’ll break my all tied with you….

Saying so Do leaves from there…while Sanskaar sees Ap with helpless look….to which she shrugs her shoulders…making him angry…

He sees Swara who was sitting bowing her head down….
Being angry he left from there…with out any further talk…

And then while day passed and marriage day comes….

***Flashback End***

Soon Sanskaar felt a hand on her shoulder and sees Dp standing there…with a proud smile on his face…

Dp(tells him politely) : I know…you will never say No to me…(proudly smiles)I’m proud of you…and honestly…I never wanted to make Swara….married in some other house…(emotionally)she is the last symbol of Shekar…I can’t let her ruin in others hand…

Sanskaar(hesitate) : Dad…I want to say something…I….I need time…to..accept this relation…(explains his situation)I know we ate married now…but still I need my space to accept this relation whole heartedly…

Dp(understand his state and smiles) : I know…that’s why I already told Ap…to don’t send Swara to your room…I think…till Swara completes her studies…that time will be enough for you…

Sanskaar didn’t said anything just nodes in yes…
Dp leaves from there…leaving Sanskaar alone…


I’m Swara’s Room

Swara was sitting on bed…with Ragini and Uttra…who were teasing Swara…making her red…

Ragini(happily) : omg…I can’t believe…finally you become my sister in law…I’m so happy…(teasing Swara making her red)and what a luck…your and Sanskaar’s Room are infront of each other…hayyyeeee…

Uttra(teasing Swara) : correct Di…whenever Bahi wants…to meet Swara…he will come…anytime…

Ragini sees Swara blushing so she diverted the topic…making Swara sighs in relieve…

Ragini(smiles) : it’s late Swara…and you are not well too…so you go and change your dress…and take rest…we are leaving…ok

Swara just nodes…soon Ragini and Uttr a left from there…Swara changes her clothes..and last down on bed…she started to think…about recent incidents…which had changed her whole life…in one second…

***Swara’s POV***

Life…A four letters word…but contains…every element in it…

How unpredictable life is…
Some hours before I was going to marry with an completely unknown person…and now here…
Here in married to My Love…
I think it’s called Destiny….

When I first time met with Sanskaar…I felt…a new feeling…some warmth…in my heart…that time…I was so blind…in my so cold Mom’s words…that I couldn’t recognize that feeling…it was Love…

When he saved me from Raj…I was really thankful to him….and when he offers me lift…I was so dumb head…
If he would have left me there that night…someone else…would have…done worse with me…

But me being me…I didn’t understand situations… but he still helped me…then that Raj…made me a whore…in his eyes…he sent me to please him…that time I was feeling like dieing…

He didn’t touch me…in fact…he insults…me And he was right at his place… if any other person would have in his place…he would have forced me…but Sanskaar didn’t do that…but still his words…were not less then a knife…which straightly…pierce my heart into pieces….
That was the first round which he gave in my soul….

After hearing all that I just want to do one thing…death…I just wanna embrace death…but there also…he saved me…

Then when we meet in his house…he thinks that I’m there to lure him…but what can I expect…he thinks me as a charaterless girl…that time I was not that much hurt…

But what he did that night…was enough to break my soul…he touched me…I though he also have feeling for me…but his words…were not less than…fire…that words burned my soul alive…I become totally lifeless but still…My Love for him never ended…

Then he saved me…he give me new life…and today by marrying with me…he gives me peace…I know…he hates me…

But I think he will Love me soon…I’ll give him time…as much as he wants…I think…God has tested me…so that he can gave me…best…and Sanskaar is best for me…

Today I’m feeling like…I have completed…this much happines…I have never experience it…but still…there is something missing…and I know…MY LOVE WILL EIN OBER HIS HATE…

***POV Ends***

Thinking all that she soon drifts into sleep…with a peaceful smile…on her face…


Next Episode : Suprise???….!!!


If you all want suprise soon then comment fast…I’ll post suprise soon…!!!

And don’t forget to vote guys….!!!

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