hey guys thanks for your valuble i will try to match your expectations so thanks once again
so episode starts
A man is crying infront of potrait and saying meera why did you leave me and shika alone. we miss u alot. i will definetly findout who took u away from me and shika
An old lady comes from behind a and taps his back and says kabir dont be emotional we will have to findout meeras murderer
yes guys it is dr kabir
The screen shifts to hospital hostel
sanchi is seen explaining diagrams to isha and pragya just then hear a noise near their window they go and see who is it turns out be veer
sanchi ,pragya, isha gets shocked veer pulls sanchi aside sanchi ask what r u doing here at 12.00 if warden sees u here she will throw us out
veer says if u want me to go then i u got to come with me on a golgappa date
isha and pragya are giggling all this while
sanchi sighs and tells ok
veer then tells pragya and isha- thanks buddy
sanchi is quite red due to veer coming all of sudden
pragya and isha says- yahen to koi tamatar ke tara lal hua hein ans giggles
sanchi get embarrrsed and says – chalo padthe hain
Next Day
Dr kabir ask dr sanchi to assist him in an important surgery. sanchi say ok sir and then she remembers she has to go to meet veer and then realises that she left her phone at room dr kabir says it is getting late for surgery
on the other side veer is waiting for sanchi for 3 hours
veer gets angry and leaves
sanchi operation gets done and sees the time and remebers veer she goes to meet veer but he ignores him and goes outside the hospital she also goes outside
it starts raining outside heavily sanchi goes behind says sorry veer he ignores her and leaves sanchi follows him due to water she is about fall veer holds her they have and eyelock and he realises and leaves her and goes . sanchi starts crying and kneels down
background music- judaai
All this is noticed by Dr kabir he is feeling angry and as well as a bit of pain seeing sanchi crying
The whole night sanchi and veer miss and think about each other.
Next Day
veer comes to canteen he sees whole canteen empty and filled with ballons sanchi comes with his favourite food items and a cake with sorry written on it
veer says its ok sanchi
sanchi says thank you veer and hugs him
sanchi realises wht she did now and steps back embaresed
veer says its ok buddy we r friends
Next episode-
Sanchi is in dillema who to choose Dr kabir or her bff veer
pls don’t a separate sanveer awww so cute sanveer chamistry amazing next post soon keep writing
Nice if think she will choose veer not our Kabir
Too good episode yaar ???
Pls let sanchi choose kabir…. ? and today’s ff was awsm
Awesome.Keep writing dear???
I loved it.???
The episode was awesome…..plz plz ask her to choose kabeer I don’t want to see him in any more pain…..I loved kanchi and only kanchi
Nice chemistry between sanveer ????
Lov only kanchi i can’t see kabir in pain
Loved it
To good yr .plzz post long episode
To good yr .plzz post long episode ?
Sanveer..pls…let her choose veer. They are very nice like ur ff.
Angel it’s osm…want to see kanchi pairing but u may according to ur wish….eagerly waiting for ur next update asap ?
Nice yr hope saanci chooses kabir
Please update soon