Fan Fiction

Sealed with a kiss ~ os ….happy kiss day

hey guys back again with another os…
happy kiss day…
here we go…

it has been 6 months that twinj are married to each other…nd they are deeply madly nd crazily in lovevwith eo bt haven’t confessed it yet…they tried mamy times to tell eo but weren’t able to…..

one fine day kunj has off from office as it was a weekend nd thought to do some special arrangement nd propose twinkle as they wee leavng alone as the family wa out on a trip….he decorayed the whole room as twinkle was not at home nd she was with chinki….after decorating the room he called twinkle nd asked her to come soon….
after 30 minutes she came back nd headed towards there room it was complete dark she called for kunj but the light switched on nd rhere shesaw kunj sitting on his knees she was surprised cum shocked to see this when kunj said twinkle i donknow wy where when nd how i fell in love with u…will u be mine forever ….will u accept me…tears started flowing from her eyes kunj stood up md said srry if i hurt u plz dont cry…but she hugged him nd ndsaid i will love to be urs forever …

i love u too…he broke the hug cupped her face nd made hr wear thecringvnd wiped her tears…he held her chin nd looked at her lips whn she leaned nd he captured he lips in a passionate wild kiss showing there love for eo…both weresucking nd nibbling on eo lips when kunj bite her and a moan escaped fro her ndhe entered her mouth they explored eo mourh nd broke the kiss after 15 good minutes while twinkle blussed nd huggd kunj nd kunj said….OUR LOVE IS NOW SEALED WITH A KISS…nd smiled….

the end..

hope u like it…
love u..


happy to go lucky girl...and die hard fan of sidmin and crazy for sidhant

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