Fan Fiction


Hi guys,.. thank u fr ur support.. I had replied to all and check it in my previous ff..
Thank you silent readers..i will try to update it regularly guys..
Now lets move to search the treasure…
On reaching the parking arjun asked abhi about the travel to their home as they had to discuss many things..they have to reach there as soon as possible..
A: arjun and purab listen..u both take aaliya,bulbul,nikil,tanu,vijay and saanjh with you in one car guys and me,prags,ranvi,ishu,guru,aru, dev and sona will come in one car
P: guys we will talk abt all at our home.. lets leave from here first nw..
At that time rithik and arnav with shivanya and khushi had reached there..
Khusi: guys we got the official agreement fr the tender..
Shivu: and we have to sign and submit the agreement to the authority by Monday while getting the first part of the map..
Rithik: lets discuss remaining at home..
Saanjh : k guys..lets leave from here nw..
All agreed to her..rithik with arnu,khushi and shivanya travelled in another car..

After half an hour they all reached their home one by one..

First to reach the home was abhi…after them arju and rithik reached..
Prags entered the house first and all entered one by one..

Everyone settled themselves in the couch at hall..
P:arnu did u guys completed the work given to you..
Arn: nods positively with a victorious smile by seeing Arjun Saanjh Rithik Shivanya ranvi bulbul and purab…
A: is there any problem arised when u guys are there..
B: no abhi.. infact they doesn’t even know till nw about this..
P: that’s excellent guys…
Tanu: guys wt are u speaking about?
Arn gives some papers to pragya by saying about this only tanu.
Aaliya: bt wt was that papers arnu.
Saanjh: the things which is gng to help us in reaching our destination..
Shivanya: oh don’t confuse them saanjh..tell them clearly..
Rithik : guys it was the copy of all the parts of the map to the treasure island..
Aaliya, tanu, nikil, vijay,dev and sona :simultaneously asked wt?
Sona: the map that too the full part..its impossible guys
Aaliya: was under 360 degree surveillance guys..
Dev: then hw could u get that map…
Nikil and vijay: nt only a part of was then entire map which is completed..
Aru: tell us clearly that hw do u manage to get the map
Ishani: ya guys..tell us..was it the exact map of treasure island
All the others passed a smile..
Khushi and guru: guys stop smiling and tell us hw did u get that?
Arnu: oh my darling.. let me tell u in detail..

A fb starts…

After the conversion to make kapoor run behind them pragya and abhi had some other plans too…
Pragya sends a photo to arnu and rithik and asks them to speak to her at video call without others knowledge..
They too called her..
P: hey guys
Arnu: prags why did u asked us to call you without others knowledge
Rit: and wt was that pic seems to be some sort of security system
P: exactly ritwick.. it is a security system.. I need u guys to break that system and to get some papers from there..
Rit: have u gone mad prags.. the pic itself shows it is a 360 degree security..then hw..
P: hey u can do it guys.. it was really important fr us guys…
Arnu: wt was that papers are which is that much impotant to be get by hacking the security system..
By that time arjun and saanjh came there.. they too heard the conversation..
Prags on seeing them asked them to listen carefully..
Saanjh: wt was that papers yaar..
P: that was the map of treasure island guys.that too full part..
We have to get that before starting our guys pls try to get that before anyone..

Hey guys that’s all fr today as I am very tired and will try to update regularly guys….please drop ur comments both negative and positive…
What was the need fr map to be obtained by hacking the system..wt was abhi plan..whose security system was that..hw they succeed in obtaining the map..stay tuned guys.. will update the answers fr this soon,.. love u all guys..


Myself Sri..Finished my BE-ECE..Wish to start an trust for welfare of the childrens in roaside..

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