Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Secret admirer raglak – one shot

Hiii everyone present here……..i am here with a raglak os………..i hope ragsan fans will not get miffed ……….

And….this os is spaecialy dedicated to my friend anju24………….she kept my every request in her ff…………….although she didn’t asked me………….but I m writing this raglak os specialy for you……….i  hope you and others will also like it……….



A room is shown…..where a girl is sleeping covered in blanket…………her bed and room is full with teddy bears…….looks like she is fond of  teddy bears………..

Her mom comes and opens the curtains of her room…….and asks her to wake up………….but she covers herself fully with blanket…………


After sometime………

Girl’s best friend swara comes to her and calls her ragini……… the girls is ragini gadodia….in her mid twenties….

Swara-rags………….he is coming today………by now he must had landed …………

Ragini wakes up with a jerk………….her cute face is shown………..

Swara smiles seeing her………

Ragini- yes yes……….laksh is finaly coming………my laksh is coming………

Ragini stands up and starts dancing……..then holds swara’s hand and starts couple dance……..

Swara- 0hk ohk…….rags……….if you want to meet her………then get ready fast…….


Ragini smiles………..and goes to freshen up..



She comes out wearing a beautiful floral suit…………….she looks damn beautiful…..



Down…swara and ragini’s parents are waiting for her………….she comes happily down…….and sits to have breakfast……..

After that ragini and swara leaves……….


Ragini and swara goes to a big mansion………where its written outside khanna mansion………ragini smiles seeing the board…………


Ragini enters….while swara gets a call and stays out………

Ragini sees a young man  facing otherside………busy in his phone……..standing at the pool side……

Her heart beat starts rising……..

She knows he is her laksh…………..only ragini’s laksh….


Ragini shyly…….slowly slowly steps towards him…….he was still facing otherside………..

Ragini (in very soft voice)- laksh…

The boys turns to face her……..and is revealed to be laksh…..

Laksh came back from London ……he went to London for higher studies….

As soon as laksh turns………..ragini hugs him……….


Ragini breaks the hugs………and looks at him…….with full of love….but laksh shows no emotion….

Ragini- laksh I waited for this day from last 4years….laksh……….i am very very happy to see you back……… we will live together forever……..laksh and ragini forever…………

Saying this……..she twirls around happily……….laksh looks on………..

Laksh- ragini stop…….

Ragini stops and looks at him confunsed…….

Laksh- ragini it was 4 year back………….we were teenagers  that time………it was all a attraction……and we misunderstood it as love…..we cant live together ragini………I think you should understand and move on….

Ragini gets shocked listening to him……….and gets teary eyes……..

Laskh leaves from there………ragini stands their shocked…………….she falls down……..and starts crying………

She recalls back  their moments 4 years back….


Flashback starts…

4 years ago….

Laksh was in in his 12 th class……he lives in delhi with her brother shaurya and his wife mehak and mother….

It was almost end of season……..after that shaurya had arranged to send laksh to London for higher studies…….

Laksh was a boy who enjoys his life a lot…………according to him….we should enjoy every moment of our life………..and he seriously believes in love………he is waiting  for the girl………who will come to his life……….and make him complete………..


On a pleasant evening………..after coming back from his basketball practice…………

He without changing his clothes…. he stepped out to balcony to enjoy the cool breeze with rain…..

It was raining outside….

After few minutes he saw a girl in her early seventeen’s came to her terrace with an umbrella in her hands covering her from rain…… But she opened her hands and feels the rain drops falling on her hands……

Except her face he can see her full.….She wore a simple elegant dark Blue frock till her knees…… She twirled around standing on tip of her foot.. …

Laksh  just looking at the interesting view in rain…..which makes him tempted and desperate…… His heart pricked to see her face but couldn’t as the umbrella covered it……. Thunder lights also giving more shining on her pale creamy skin…..

After two minutes he is much desperate to see her face. ….She is dancing and enjoying the rain but didn’t loosened the umbrella…..

He wished for a heavy wind which can take her umbrella with its speed…. But it didn’t happen anyway. …. He wishes he could joined her. But couldn’t…..


Laksh forgot about things and surroundings…… His gaze just stayed on her becoz if he ever turns his face away he may miss to see the rain beauty……

Someone shouted ‘ragini come down you may catch flew’…. For which that girl responded

Ragini- ‘okay just two minutes more ‘

then it hit his ears so she is RAGINI he thought….. Her voice was so sweet

ragini  slowly dropped her umbrella as rain is not much pouring…… He got excited to catch her face but her back is facing him….. Keeping her umbrella to the wall she loosened her pony tail and shakes her head to spread it around… She twirled around again and again few times.

Finally he catches her sight for which he was desperately waiting since an hour…..

His heart skipped a beat seeing her beauty…… Few rain drops on her face and on her lips makes her more beautiful…. When a cool breeze hit her face she shivered…….

Ragini looks at his direction….But before she could see him he hides from her sight…..


Mehak informed him that ragini and her family came today itself they shifted from pune to delhi……due to her father’s transfer….

Mehak teased him about why he is asking………

Laksh –I will tell u later bahbhi…….but promise you will not tell it to shaurya bro…

Mahek promises him……laksh pulls her cheeks……

Laksh- my sweet babhi love you bahbhi…

Saying this he goes for sleep…..

Next morning laksh woke up a bit late with a huge smile…….. As he got much information about his girl past night……from his mehak babhi……….

He freshened up himself and bought a flower bouquet……………

Because of the rain earlier evening ragini also woke up late…. Opening the door she got a flower bouquet on her door step….

It was delivered on her name with a message “Good morning beautiful.”… ragini liked the bouquet but wonder who could it be….

She took in the bouquet with her in a smiling face…. Standing in a corner laksh  sees ragini’ smile…seeing his bouquet…

Swara came to ragini’s home…….laksh silently leaves from there…..

Ragini tells her about the bouquet…

Ragini-don’t know who sent this without referring his/her name…


Ragini got ready for the school…

On the way a little… girl gave dairy milk chocolate with a Red rose to ragini….

With a  note. “Love your smile. Just keep smiling for me …”

Ragini smiles reading it….swara teases her…

laksh is passing by her and seeing her smile after reading the note ….

She wants to know who is sending this and why…

After her class ragini and Swara went to a mall…..

laksh follows her there too……. but make sure he goes unnoticed by her.. …There ragini choosing some dresses for her. But didn’t finalize any…..

laksh asked one of the mall assistant to give her a dress selected by him. …

As laksh said The Mall assistant handed her gift bag saying

Assistant- mam this is for you…….. One young boy gave me and left without saying much more than gives it to you….


ragini asked the man who is he, in which direction he gone, etc etc.., but they went in vain….

After reaching home…..ragini tries the dress…….and sees it looks beautiful on her……..she see a note…..

Written-‘’ this dress will suit you for sure…’’


Ragini  is so much curious now to know who is this secret person watching her every move..

Ragini clicked her selfie…….and send it to swara……

Swara replies- rags  who so ever it is……he has nice choice…you should surely thanks you secret admirer….

Ragini blushes…

Then she changes her dress into her night dress…and goes for sleep…

She is restless due to this stranger and his admiring nature ….

Ragini’s  thought- if he likes me why he is not coming in front and why sending messages secretly.. Is he known to me or is he really stranger? But why he is doing all this…

After thinking so much..she finally sleeps….

Other side laksh also thinks about her….


Next two days went by laksh’s surprises to ragini without his name

Last evening ragini was sitting on a bench in the nearby park…. As usual laksh bribed a small girl to pass the Teddy bear to ragini…


Ragini  was being alerted as she knew she was under someone’s watch since three days…. She was looking damn particular at everything to catch the secret person…..ragini  caught laksh  2-3 times gazing at her but kept quiet as she was not sure….


She took the Teddy bear and liked that very much. She kissed it very lovingly….. She asked that girl for her note as thinking that little girl may be forgot to give her….. But no….there was no note this time…she felt bad….

she goes back to home….and sits on bed…with teddy..

While playing with teddy, she turns the Teddy upside down….. A small chit fell down…

She read it… “Miss beautiful just enjoy my gifts and my messages till I show up… Don’t take stress in search of me; I can’t see you in pain”



Next morning As usual she received a flower on her way….. She smiled and saw the surroundings no-one is there… Even  swara didn’t came today….

From the corner laksh watches her…..

Suddenly a bike hit her and she fell down on the ground….. That bike rider went away without looking back at her…

Seeing all this laksh hurried towards ragini to rescue her. Taking her on his lap….

Laksh- ragini ragini…

He hugged her face to his chest and becomes teary eyes…

He cries seeing her unconscious……..he rubs her palm…to bring back her conscious…..

Slowly  ragini opens her eyes….


Laksh- “ragini are you okay?

He asked being worried…..

Ragini  smiled at him…..

Ragini- I know you will come., I know you will come Mr. Secret admirer….. Becoz you can’t see me in pain.”


ragini said with a smile and a spark in her eyes…. Laksh was confused and shocked as well…

laksh- “ragini  why you did this what’s the need to hurt yourself…. What if anything serious happened… ”

She kissed him on cheek……….laksh was shocked….

Ragini-“I know you won’t let anything happen to me.”…


Ragini recalls

Reading the same note again and again she got an idea… note…he said he cannot see her in pain…

she deliberately stood before a rashly coming bike and fell on the ground……


laksh looks at her with teary eyes….ragini consoles him…….and promises him not to do it in future……..they hug each other…



Day by day their love blossoms….


But soon……laksh had to leave for London for higher studies…..

Mehak knew everything about laksh and ragini’s relationship…………but laksh being little afraid of his brother…….asked mehak to not to tell him anything…….

Laksh and ragini decides…….to wait for each other……….and then when laksh will come back……….they will tell to their families…….

As ragini didn’t had her personal phone that time………and also laksh was very busy in his studies…….they could not contact each other…


Flashback ends…


Ragini recalls everything……..and cries….and gets heartbroken…….recalling what laksh said now…

Suddenly lights gets off……she gets fear…..and stands….up……and moves towards hall area……


Ragini- laksh……..swara……..mehak bhabhi……is anyone their………

Suddenly light some…….

Ragini sees the hall area fully decorated……beautifully with ballons……robbons……flowers……her pictures….

She turns around hearing……voice..

She sees swara………mehak and shaurya…..with karuna maa………and too her shock her parents  shekar and sharmishtha……..all were present there………..

They all wish her a very happy birthday………

So it ragini’s birthday………..


From back laksh comes……

Laksh- ragini……..

Ragini turns to see laksh ….. kneeling down holding his ears…

Laksh – sorry……for hurting….you…… was a joke…….

Ragini looks at him teary eyes…….she goes to him……and hugs him……in sitting position………

Everyone claps for them…

Laksh makes ragini stand………then stands infront of her……….he holds her hand……….and takes out a diamond ring from his pocket……..

Laksh- ragini……..will you become my better half……….will you become ragini laksh khanna from ragini gadodia……….will you marry me……ragini……..


Ragini looks at him teary eyes…….and nods yes………laksh smiles and slids the ring in her finger………………everyone claps for them


Other guests also comes…….and everyone enjoys the party……….raglak meharya and others dances romantically…


So after laksh left …….mehak told everyone about them…..but asked everyone to not reveal anything………….till laksh comes…


After laksh   becomes successful business man……..and ragini too works at ngo…

Raglak marriage……happens……and they both lives happily……forever……ragini laksh forever……….



So gys how was it………….i hope you liked it…….please share your views for sure………




die hard fan of ## MEHARYA(mehak shaurya) fav couple -meharya ,kanchi and sanveer ,ragsan follower of samiksha jaiswal (mehak of zkm) passion for dance...

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