Fan Fiction

Sense of belonging to love (KKB) Chapter 36

Life is not something to be lived but it is meant to be shared with those who love u…..But it doesn’t happens all the time. Leaving to live with loved ones or Living to leave from loved ones….Both has its own way of expressing love. Not everybody understands the depth of Living and Leaving of Love! This is what the upcoming updates of this ff is trying to convey to u all…..

Abhigya at home,
Abhi asked Pragya “Now tell me! What is bothering u?” Pragya “I….How do I tell u?” Abhi holding her hands “Tell me whatever it is….Don’t worry too much!” Pragya “I saw u already at the isolated place! You were crying badly holding onto some box….” Abhi in shock asked “You saw that?” Pragya in worried face nodded her head in response. Abhi “Arrey….It was just….Ok leave it! I was just emotional that day and nothing else!” Pragya “Are u sure?” Abhi looking directly into her eyes “I am telling u it’s nothing and now everything is about u!” Pragya couldn’t respond due to his strong determined look. Abhi “One more thing Pragya! All that u saw only made u closer to me and not far from me…..So then why should u worry about that day I was crying badly? Think about the same day that I smiled widely in happiness while I was carrying u in my arms!” Pragya “But the box?” Abhi “It belongs to me and just like u girls cry hugging pillow or soft toys and cry….I was just holding onto that for support!”

Pragya clearly understood that he won’t reveal further anymore about the gift box and for that he was joking…..Abhi now said “If u want the box then I can pass it to u! By the way it’s from Tanya only….But don’t ask me anything further….” Abhi then went up to his room and brought the box. Pragya was still standing there in shock filled with confusion. He came down the stairs holding the box. Abhi “Here u go Pragya! Open it and see for yourself!” Pragya opened the box and was surprised to see a locket. Abhi “In the locket, there is the picture of two of us….This is what I don’t understand until now….. why did she wanted both of us to be together even before her accident….But it doesn’t matter now since u are already with me……” Pragya “Did u tried to find out why she did like this?” Abhi “Pragya! This is what I can tell u and I have also no answers apart from this…..” Pragya “Oh…Then it’s fine…..I am sorry….” Abhi in a low tone said “It’s ok…..Do u want to keep it with u?” Pragya “No….

It’s better to be with u….” Abhi “No Pragya u keep it for now…..I will ask u later for this again….”
Pragya, I didn’t expect it to be so easy….I mean I didn’t expect that he would answer me with so much of ease…..I thought it would hurt him if I ask about this…..
Abhi, I know Pragya u are always worried whether it would hurt my emotions if u asked me about anything…..but I am always here to make u understand that I making u to be with more ease….especially with me….

Pragya attended a call and after that she immediately rushed to her room. She was busily packing her stuff and Abhi was now shocked to see the same situation again as before…..

Abhi “What are u doing Pragya?” Pragya “I am leaving….Don’t ask me anything!” Abhi came towards her and dragged her away from packing her luggage. Pragya “Just leave me! You can’t always pull me by force!” Abhi “What else u expect me to do when I am trying my best to keep u beside me but u always try to leave!” Pragya “It’s not easy for me to leave too but I have no choice now!” Abhi “Why? Now what happened?” Pragya “It doesn’t matter and what matters now is I need to leave and I know it’s difficult for both of us….but It have to happen!” Abhi pulled her even more close to him which made Pragya unstable…..Abhi “You want to leave right? Then why not do that kind of things today and leave?” Pragya sensed his meaning and by now he was touching her seductively……Pragya “Please…..I owe u so much that I have to leave u……” Abhi still touching her said “It’s always about leaving me right?”

Pragya with a lot of difficulty said “Not like that….but….I just…..” Abhi “What makes u so difficult to live with me?” Pragya remained silent and was unable to answer as already his touches were making her senses to be lost……Abhi “I know how much u want me in your life but why are u still like this?” Pragya “I am always like this….it’s just that now u are seeing me like this…..” Abhi now letting go of her and said “Fine! We shall leave together!” Pragya “Huh? I am saying I want to leave u! I am not saying that u should leave with me!” Abhi in a stern voice said “I don’t get your way of meaning and I am leaving with u to wherever u go! Come let’s go now!” Pragya was now very puzzled on how to make him understand……

Abhi “Either u live with me today in the way I want if not we shall leave together!” Pragya “What are u talking? Why can’t u understand me?” Abhi “Enough of trying to understand u! Now u try to understand me! I have just stopped at touching u! How long do u think it will take for me to go beyond that?” Pragya had no choice but just remained in silence in shock and Abhi “That’s better….You no need to speak anything further….U have to stay here until Ma returns from hospital! After that I will make u stay here permanently!”

Pragya, No I have to leave him….If he is around me then he will surely never allow me to leave! I have to plan something else to leave him. I should leave before Aunty gets discharged from the hospital. How do I tell him that it’s Aunty who is now asking me to leave from him? I can’t tell him that……

Abhi, Why is she so difficult to make her understand that I need her? Why is she so stubborn? And why suddenly, she went back to the same point again? Why?

Abhi, Damn this girl she really left me now! And that too from this kind of place where she knows very well that I can’t find her that easily!

Thank u all for the support! I can understand that u all want Abhigya to be united and also know why Tanya wanted Abhigya to be united? And then now in the precap it seems that Pragya left him! Don’t worry guys as I told u all before Abhi will have to go through a lot to get Pragya back from her insecure zone…..Yes Abhi’s mother did asked Pragya to leave but the reason is simple as she don’t like Pragya now to be her bahu….All these issues will be solved one by one in the upcoming updates! After solving all the issues then it will be the final chapter of this ff! So Keep reading and supporting as always…..

PS: Sorry for torturing Abhi in this ff! haha I am just trying to make him at least think and work towards his love here! In real kkb, I seriously don’t know when I will see him being like this…..


❤Crazy about Abhigya!!❤ Sinuaghis senses Inihsagus ??????

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