Fan Fiction

Seperation made our relation more strong-chapter 10(part 2) EIGHTH WONDER & THE MOST PRECIOUS GIFT

Hey friends, I have a surprise or shock for u people at the end of today’s chapter.
Chapter 10
Part 2
Third person’s pov
“you idiot, stupid. How dare you do that?” swara asked sanskar still beating him with tears continuously flowing from her eyes. Sanskar stop her from beating him, “are u mad? One side you are beating me, but you are crying, I should cry, ouch its paining.” He said rubbing his arms where she beat him. “is it really paining? I…I’m sorry” she said looking down still crying and now she looked like an innocent kid. Sanskar admired her innocence and smiled, “aww, you are looking so cute.” Saying this he rub his nose with hers and then joined their foreheads. Swara smiled and hugged him, it was too cold and she hugged him more and more tight to hide herself in his embrace. Sanskar smiled as she tightens her grip, he hugs her back tightly protecting her from cold. She shivers as he tightens her grip on her bare waist and when he dug his face deep in the crook of her neck. They both were feeling so happy, SIX MONTHS, this seems like a very easy word while saying. But for swara and sanskar, even a second without each other seemed like a decade. They themselves don’t know how they lived without each other in this six months, how did they manage to hate each other, how it was possible for them to breathe, how was it possible that their heart beated properly without each other, how did they managed to survive without each other, how they did’nt go mad after loosing each other, well this all happened because of their so called EGO. But now they both will not let this three letter word EGO come in between them again in any phase of their relation. This was a silent promise which they both made in their hearts while still hugging each other.

Sanskar tried to release the hug but he smiled seeing swara making the hug more tight whenever he tried to come out of the hug. “well, I’m surprised. How is my wife being romantic today?” sanskar asked playfully. Swara broke the hug and looked at him confused. “you are very much unromantic na, suddenly you are not even leaving me and hugging me this tight, that’s why I’m asking, how did you become romantic all of sudden” sanskar asked. “excuse me. I’m not unromantic”. Said swara defending herself. “then prove it” said sanskar. “how should I prove it?” swara asked him. “that’s your problem” sanskar said. “umm… shall I propose you?” swara asked innocently. “swara which girl in this world would ask a boy like this, ‘shall I propose you’” sanskar said mimicking like her. “leave it, you are not at all romantic, you can’t do it”. Saying this he turns his face. Swara just smiled at him, and looked at her watch and said, “look up my romantic husband”. Sanskar looked up and within next few seconds, so much of crackers bursted at the same time, and one cracker while bursting displayed I LOVE U SANSKAR. “you always forgets your vitamins, I will make you remember that. You always wear different socks, I will correct you in that. I will always wake you up in early morning for disturbing you and as a penalty, I will give you a morning kiss. I will be always with you and this time I mean this so much sanskar. I will definitely never leave you. Just believe me and give me a chance. I promise you, neither will I ever leave you nor will I let you go far from me. I love you sanskar. I love you so much. Will you make me yours”. Swara completed and looked at sanskar whose eyes were filled with tears and he was just staring at her not knowing what to say. He was very happy now. He was very very happy. Swara smirked naughtily and said, “well, If you don’t want to make me yours, then no worries. I will make you mine.” Saying this she pulled him towards her and pecked his lips and hid her face in his chest. Sanskar was shocked by her bold act and reciprocated the hug. “when and how did you do this?” sanskar asked. Swara broke the hug and replied, “ragini is my sister”. That was enough for sanskar to understand that ragini already informed her everything.

Swara continued, “she said that you wanted to convince me, sanskar are you mad? What mistake did you do? I was at fault, I should only convince you and I guess I’m succeeded in that”. Sanskar smiled and said dramatically, “my wife has finally become romantic. This is the EIGHTH WONDER”. Swara slapped him playfully on his shoulder. “now shall I propose you” sanskar asked. Swara raised one of her eyebrows as he copied her line. “I don’t need to say more lines. You already love me so much, so I will just say four words”. He pulled her by her waist and asked with love filled voice, “will you marry me?” swara smiled and wrapped her hands around his shoulder, “I will not wait, you should marry me now itself”. “That’s absolutely fine” sanskar said and picked her up in bridal style and went inside the temple. All this while, they were standing at the entrance only, now only they entered inside the temple. They both remembered their confession and smiled. He put her down in front of god’s idol, he took a pinch of vermillon and filled her hairline. She cried with happy tears, they both prayed to god for their happy life ahead and started walking hand in hand. After coming out from the temple also, they walked for some distance enjoying the cool weather. There was complete silence, and the silence was broken by swara, “I’m sorry for everything sanskar”. Sanskar pulled her towards him by holding her arms, “did you forget, no sorry and no thank you in friendship and love. You break the rule na, so I’m going to give you a punishment. And the punishment is…”he wrapped his hands around her waist and completed, “you should be with me till my last breathe”. Swara smiled and joined their foreheads, “this is not punishment sanskar. This is THE MOST PRECIOUS GIFT I can ever get in my life”. They both remained in that position for some time feeling their closeness until the first drop of rain fall on them. It soon started raining, sanskar picked her up and twirled her around. They both were enjoying the rain. Swara said, “I’m so lucky to get a husband like you who loves me the same even after what I did.”sanskar pulled her more close to him and said, “who said that I love you the same. I love you more and more and more with each and every passing second”. He raised his voice everytime he said the word ‘more’ proving how much he meant them. They did’nt realise that when the rain and their closeness intoxicated them so much that they started leaning towards each other and placed their lips against each other and started smooching it.

They did’nt realise when their intensity grew too strong that they went to a nearby hut and poured out all their love and desire for each other. They did’nt realise when the barriers stopping their intimacy was removed. They did’nt realise anything, and was just lost in each other’s eyes. That night, their two souls became one again. This was the beginning of their happy life. Here after they won’t dare to separate because They had cried a lot. There were many sleepless nights for them. They were heartbroken. They felt betrayed. To sum it up in one word, they SUFFERED. This separation made them suffer a lot but this separation also made them realise that ego was their biggest enemy, this separation made them realise that whatever may be the situation, they just can’t live without each other. This SEPERATION MADE THEIR RELATION MORE STRONG…….
The end
Finally! I finished it. Thank you so much for your support. Tell me whether this end was a shock or surprise for you all. I want all to comment as this is the last chapter and do tell me which was your favourite part in the story. and I made the coverpic, how is it?


I love music... the rescuer of my stress and boredom!... I make a wish and blow candles every year on 23rd of November an ardent swasan lover.. currently obsessed with riansh

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