Fan Fiction

Seperation made our relation more strong-chapter 5 A GLIMPSE AT THEIR LOVE GAVE THEM HOPE

Chapter 5
Third person’s pov
Sanskar was shocked, “ragini, I promise, I never insulted swara like that”. Tears were continuously flowing from his eyes. He will never even think in his dreams to insult swara like that. Ragini was just staring at him emotionlessly, she was too much depressed. Her sister was serious in the hospital, thousands of questions were there in her mind and now the topic which was ended before six months, SWARA’S INSULT has started again. Now moreover sanskar is saying, that he did’nt insult swara. All she wanted now was peace, she wanted to be alone. So she said to sanskar, “sanskar I want to be alone. You go to hospital and see swara”. With that she gave him hospital details and got out from the car and started walking on the road aimlessly. She reached to a lonely bus stand and sat there and was thinking of some solution. She needed HIM badly right now. If HE was here, she would thrown herself into HIS arms and would cried out loud. If HE was here, maybe this mess itself would not been created……

Sanskar was sitting on the one of the chairs present outside swara’s room. When he came, he saw shomi in a very miserable condition, seeing her daughter in such a state was killing her. He realised that she needed rest, so he convinced her that he will take care of everything and sent her home. Sanskar was physically present there but mentally somewhere else, he wanted the time to go past where he was leading a happy life with his swara. He wanted to live those moments again. His eyes were red because of continuous crying, the tears were not tired and continuously flowing from his eyes. The doctors here did not allow him to meet his love and they could not say even a single positive word to him. The dialogues they kept on repeating was, “she is in a very critical condition, we can’t say anything right now” and they said him about the three options of swara which ragini had already informed him. Thinking about the first two options itself shivered him to death. Ragini’s words were echoing in his ears SANSKAR, U, ME AND EVRYONE IN OUR FAMILY HAD DONE MISTAKES TILL TODAY. SWARA HAS FORGIVEN EVERYONE AND HAS GOT THEM TO THE RIGHT PATH,EVEN SHE IS A HUMAN SANSKAR, EVEN SHE WILL MAKE MISTAKES. BUT I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHEN SHE IS MAKING A MISTAKE, WHY NO ONE IS FORGIVING HER AND MAKING HER UNDERSTAND WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG. Whatever she said was an eternal truth. His thoughts were disturbed when he heard a sound. He saw that the doctor was coming out. He wanted to go to him and ask about swara but as he was sitting for a very long time, his leg became numb, so it took some time for him to get up.

After he got up, before he could go to the doctor he saw that they were taking a bed with them in which swara was lying with a pale face due to weakness and her head was bandaged. But he could not even go near her. They took her to other room, he just got a glimpse at her for one second. The doctor came near him and said, “we are shifting from this room and after eight hours only we can say anything” and he went from there. Again a negative answer, but this time he was not tooo sad because he atleast got a glimpse at his love. He suddenly got a new ray of hope just by getting a glimpse at her. He remembered the three options, even if she goes to coma, she will have to getup for him. If she suffers a memory loss again then he is ready to become kisan again for her, otherwise if she gets fine and be angry on him then also he knows how to convince her. Hold on. Why was he thinking to get back to her now, he closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. He remembered how ragini told him that swara realised her mistake and tried to apologise to him. She made a mistake, she realised her mistake, she tried to apologise but she was not given a chance, a misunderstanding took place and they were separated again, he remembered all their moments and opened his eyes and realised that he can’t live without her.

Well this was not the realisation that ‘he can’t live without her’, he very well knows this from the very first second he fall for her, now what he realised was that this statement is an unchangenble fact in his life, he was dying to see her from morning and when he finally got A GLIMPSE AT HIS LOVE, it gave him hope, it made him realise how much he needed her. Even a positive word from this doctors would have not given him this much hope which he got by getting a glimpse at his love…..

Ragini was still sitting at the bus stop staring at the ground not knowing what to do. A van came that way and stopped. Maybe it stopped because of some problem, the driver tried to start the van and he was succeded after few trials. Ragini looked up and her heart skipped a beat seeing a person leaning on the van’s window and sleeping. Before she could even getup, the van started going. She got up and ran after that van. But It went. She was smiling like an idiot and even tears were flowing from her eyes uncontrollably. Because she saw that person right now for whom she was craving for a whole six months. LAKSH. She just got a glimpse at him and that itself gave her a heavenly feeling. She thought like there was reason to cry and wiped her tears. Her sister can never leave her, she will definitely become alright and sanskar’s confession during morning gave her hope that swara and sanskar will be surely united and now 1111, the van number in which she got a glimpse at her love also gave her hope that she will get him back soon. It was evening and the darkness started spreading but for her, now only light was coming in her life because SHE GOT A GLIMPSE AT HER LOVE after a whole six months……


I love music... the rescuer of my stress and boredom!... I make a wish and blow candles every year on 23rd of November an ardent swasan lover.. currently obsessed with riansh

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