Categories: Shakti

Shakti 30th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Heer decides to part ways with Virat

Shakti 30th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Mahi calling Preeto. Preeto comes to hall. Mahi says we were living here without her since 18 years and tells that they will live without her even now. She says I can’t bear Soumya anymore, even you want her to leave and you had told that I am your bahu and Heer’s mother and I stood by you in the matters of happiness and sorrows. She says I can’t bear anymore and asks her to ask Soumya to leave from there. Preeto is shocked.

Daljeet comes to Angel and asks if she got mad to go there. Angel says she got scared seeing someone and got sweat on her forehead. A fb is shown, Soumya warning Angel not to come near her family. She says she came here to take revenge for Maharani, and tells that she had heard about Soumya, who is called as Heer’s mother and says she had returned

to get me jailed. Daljeet says IG has given your case to my Dad and says you will get rotten in jail. Angel says if I get rotten in jail hen will take you too there. Sant Baksh comes there with Police team and gets shocked.

Mahi tells Preeto that her bahu Mahi doesn’t want to see Soumya here and asks her to ask her to return from where she had come as she is not needed here. Harak Singh says where Soumya will go, this is her house. He asks Preeto to say and says I told you to throw Soumya out of house. He says you had felt pain when she left and now you are upset when she returned. Mahi says I am the bahu of the house. Harak Singh says we all know your sacrifices and you have right on the house, but Soumya has first right on the house. He says Harman had loved her and she had loved him too. He asks the family members to tell if they want Soumya to leave. They nod no. Preeto says Harak Singh is right and says that she was thinking all night and came to the conclusion that the relation which she shared with Soumya, can’t share with anyone. Mahi recalls Preeto telling that she is Harman’s wife and Heer’s mother and nobody can snatch this right from her. She says I stood by you since all these years and now she is more related to you. Preeto keeps hand on Mahi’s head and says kids do like this, as they know that parents forgive the kids, if they do mistakes. She goes to Soumya and turns to Mahi. She tells Mahi that she stayed here since all these years, as you had no other place to go. She says I asked Soumya to go from here, as I didn’t know that my big power and strength is her. She says I couldn’t give good upbringing to Heer and couldn’t handle Soham. She says I will not ask her to go. It was all my mistake. She apologize to Soumya. Soumya says I shall apologize to you. She hugs Preeto. Mahi goes away form there upset and sees them hugging each other happily.

Sant Baksh asks Daljeet what is he doing here? Daljeet says I came to do enquiry. Sant Baksh asks him not to interfere in the case and handle Virat’s case. He then asks Angel why did she go to Harak Singh’s house? Angel says your bahu Heer is of our community, so we can go. Sant Baksh warns her and says once I come to know about your truth then see what will I do with you.

Heer is sitting at Virat’s bedside and holds his hand. She recalls their moments and his words that they will start afresh and everything. Tu hi mera khuda plays….She kisses on his forehead. Her tear fall on his face and he gains consciousness. He says Heer. Heer makes her sit on the bed. Heer shows the bouquet and says it is for you. Virat says did you remember when did you give me bouquet first, when I fall down from the terrace and you had come to see me. Heer looks at him. Virat says this world will understand our love and says that’s why I have taken a decision. Heer keeps finger at his mouth and asks him to promise that he will agree to her sayings. She says we have named our lives for each other and I have realized that we can’t spend this life together. She says whenever I come near you, your life gets in danger. She says she don’t want him to get in any kind of danger and that’s why they have to separate. Virat is shocked and gets up. He asks why do you talk about separation, if it is easy for you, if our love doesn’t matter to you. Heer says our love just gave us pained and not peace. Virat says everyone’s love story is not peaceful and says last time what had happened to me when you left me. Heer says we are not destined to be together and says I had forgotten that the world is divided into three genders. Virat says lets take the test of our love and see if our love unite us or not again. He says lets make a fresh start and see if our destiny unites her. Heer says she is not joking. Virat says lets see if we are made for each other or not. He says I don’t know about you, but I trust my love. Their flashback is shown. Virat throws the bouquet in anger and the flower petals fall on heer. Tu hi mera khuda plays….Heer walks out of his hand.

Precap: Heer dials a number. Soumya goes to receive it.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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