Categories: Shakti

Shakti 3rd June 2016 Written Episode Update

Shakti 3rd June 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Electrician coming to Mahinder house. Bebe asks him to check. Electrician sees Soumya in the room and asks about her school. Soumya says she doesn’t go to school. He asks why? Soumya says my mum said if I go to school then chudail will come and take me. Nimmi comes hearing him and scolds the man. She gives him money and asks him to get out. The man says that he has respect in society. Nimmi sends him out of house. Mahinder comes and asks who are you? Nimmi says he was talking to Soumya and manipulating her. Electrician says he is electrician. Mahinder asks him to check the wires and repair the electricity. Nimmi says this man will not get inside the house and kicks him out of house. The man goes angrily. Mahinder comes after her, shouting and asks what did you do? Nimmi says I can

do anything to save my daughter. Electrician comes with his neighbors and friends and asks them to open the door. Electrician says she is a mad woman. House owner says that he did a mistake by giving his house on rent to them.

Mahinder apologizes. House owner asks them to leave within half an house. Toy seller comes there and says their daughter is also mad, and have attacked me with knife, shows the wound. Electrician asks the people to send their stuff out. Mahinder asks them to listen, and Nimmi apologizes. The people throw their stuff out of th house. Soumya picks her chunari and goes to electrician. She apologizes to Electrician and calls him veer ji. She says we have left our pind and came here. If we are thrown out from here, then Papa ji will get angry on mum and everyone will fight. She says I always stays with mum and is scared. Mum gives me knife for my protection. I got tensed when you held my hand, asks them not to kick them out.

An Elderly man says she has won our heart with her matured talk and gives them a chance. House owner agrees. Mahinder says this will not happen again and thanks everyone. Nimmi says I knew that you are my tigress daughter, but didn’t know that you are so understanding. She says you have saved our respect. Bebe says everyone have spit on our respect and went. A neighbor tells Soumya that she is their neighbor and introduces her daughter talsi. She goes.

Nimmi makes Soumya sit on bed and asks her to use kataar after a lot of thinking. She asks her not to harm innocent people. Soumya says I really thought that the woman is chudail. She asks how to know that the person is good or bad. Nimmi explains to her that if any person takes her forcibly, or misbehaves with her then that person is her enemy, and the person who speaks nicely with her and love her is good. Later Soumya tries to wake up Surbhi and wondrs what to do. Mahinder checks for his wallet and thinks he has forgot wallet in home. Soumya takes money from Mahinder’s wallet and sketches enemy and friend on it. Mahinder sees her holding his wallet and asks how dare you to steal money from my wallet. He is about to beat her, but Nimmi comes infront of him. Mahinder tells Bebe that Soumya was stealing money. Nimmi asks him to calm down and says I will ask Soumya. Soumya says I didn’t steal money. She says I was drawing. Mahinder scolds her for spoiling the note. Nimmi praises her drawing and asks her to say sorry to Mahinder. Soumya says sorry. Nimmi tells Mahinder that she is a kid and not an enemy.

Soumya cries and tells Nimmi that Papa never loves her and scolds her always. Nimmi makes her have water. She sees Surbhi and asks her to get inside. Surbhi comes. Nimmi asks her to stop crying. Surbhi tells Soumya that kids are calling them for play. They leave.

Nimmi looks at Soumya while she is playing. Nani says everything will be fine, and asks her to make tea. Soumya sees veiled woman and apologizes to her thinking about Nimmi’s words. Nimmi is making tea and the boiling milk falls from her hands. Surbhi comes home and tells Mahinder that Soumya is hiding somewhere and not coming out. Nimmi gets tensed and tells Nani. Mahinder says she must be here. Surbhi says I searched for her everywhere, but couldn’t find her. Nimmi runs out of house. Soumya tells veiled woman that she is good and asks if you will befriend with me. Veiled woman shakes hands with her. Soumya asks today didn’t you bring toys? Woman shows the toys which are kept in the vehicle. Nimmi cries and running on road, while Mahinder follows her. Veiled woman signs Soumya to get inside. Nimmi sits and looks at the toys. The veiled woman takes out chloroform and makes Soumya smell it forcibly. Soumya faints.

Mahinder sees veiled lady taking Soumya in the vehicle. He follows her and gets Soumya back. He tells Nimmi that Soumya is not dead and is alive. Nimmi slaps him hard making him angry.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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