Categories: Shakti

Shakti 3rd September 2019 Written Episode Update: Show takes 5 years leap, Little Heer is shown

Shakti 3rd September 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

After 5 years:

Soumya is seen doing aarti of the goddess while bhajan is played. She prays to Mata Rani and says today Heer is 5 years old. In all these 5 years, mummy ji and I have brought her up like we thought and asks her to give them strength to give right upbringing to Heer. She says she is Harman ji’s Heer and my life and asks Goddess to keep them blessed.

After 5 years, Harak Singh is dancing in the birthday party and asks himself to stop dancing. He says lets cut the cake and calls Heer. Heer is shown getting ready. Harak Singh asks where is heer? Preeto says she is getting ready and asks her to come down. Raavi asks her to come down fast. Preeto asks her to come else she will cut the cake. Heer asks her to have patience and says I am coming. Fb : Harman is shown saying the same.

Heer applies lipstick to her lips and does the make up. Soumya comes there and makes a surprised face. Heer calls her Gulabo. Soumya laughs. Heer says I call you Gulabo as I like you gulabi cheeks. She says she wants to be beautiful like her and that’s why applied loud make up. Soumya says you don’t need to apply make up to look beautiful and wipes the extra make up. Raavi and Sindhu call her. Preeto asks Mahi to bring cake. Soumya calls her Jaan and says my Jaan is beautiful and ready. Heer says she is looking good. Mahi thinks what kind of people is these to celebrate a kinnar’s birthday, kinnars think themselves as curse, I try to make them understand, but they don’t understand. Preeto says I ask you to bring cake for her so that you develop some love for her. Mahi says I get more hatred for her and think that I gave birth to that kinnar that day. Preeto asks her to mind her tongue and come down. Heer kisses Soumya and asks her to look at themselves in the mirror. She says we are looking same. Soumya thinks their destiny can’t be same. She asks her toc oem. Heer asks if we will go like this and they give kisses to each other. Soumya says my jaan is very beautiful. She thinks Heer is like Harman, her accent is like him and she likes orange color. Soumya and Harman’s moments is shown. Soumya says your Heer is like you Harman ji.

Harak Singh calls her and says I will cut the cake. Heer calls him Harak Singh and says today is my birthday, I will cut the cake, why you. She comes running and hugs Preeto. She says cake is good. Preeto says it is chosen by Harak Singh. Heer says you are best dadu. Harak Singh says lets cut the cake. Heer asks where is Veer Rohan and Soham. Raavi says I will check. Soham and Roham are making the collage. Raavi says they are not here. Harak Singh says until those lafandars come, Heer will not cut the cake. Soumya says they must be thinking of surprise for Heer. Electricity goes. Harak Singh asks Veeran to check why did electricity go?

Soham and Rohan show the collage frame and wishes her happy birthday. Heer thanks them. Rohan plays the music and they dance on the song… kuch hai junoon saa….Preeto, harak Singh and others smile. Heer dances with her brothers. Preeto imagines Harman dancing. The kids take Soumya to dance with them. After the dance, Harak Singh lights the candle. Rohan and Soham hold Heer’s hand and make her cut the cake. Harak Singh is happy. Everyone sings happy birthday. Heer makes Harak Singh eat cake first and try to touch his feet. Harak Singh asks her not to touch it and gives all his happiness to her. She says I don’t understand. Harak Singh says you will understand when grown up and asks her to make everyone eat cake. Heer makes everyone eat cake and goes to Mahi. Mahi thinks of Preeto’s threat and eats the cake from her hand. Heer touches her feet. Preeto looks on. Soham asks Heer to touch his feet and says he is elder than her. Heer refuses to touch his feet. Rohan says lets have a group hug and asks them not to fight. Soumya tells Preeto that until now everything is fine and says Rohan and Soham will become Heer’s shield. Preeto says just like Harman was with you like a shield, Roham and Soham will be with Heer. She misses Harman. Soumya says even I miss Harman, but we shall not lose hope, Harman ji will come surely.

Soumya takes cake and congratulates Harman. She says Heer is like you and if you would have been here then would be very happy. She says I will eat cake after her. Heer comes there and calls her. She says she brought cake for her papa. Soumya says we will make him have cake together and touch the photo frame with him. Heer says even you have not eaten the cake and makes her eat it. Soumya hugs her.

Precap: Mahi threatens Heer asking her not to come near her. Heer cries. Preeto tells Mahi that she would have left her today. Mahi threatens to tell the truth to everyone. Preeto holds her and tries to suffocate her. Soumya comes there.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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