Categories: Shakti

Shakti 9th June 2021 Written Episode Update: Mahi plays clever game to snatch Harman from Soumya

Shakti 9th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Soumya and Harman are dancing on the song Rang de tu mohe gerua. Soumya sees someone’s reflection and informs Harman. Harman thinks who is there? Soumya gets the feeling that Mahi was there. They go inside the house. Soumya goes to Mahi’s room and is about to knock on the door. Harman stops her and says Mahi is sleeping. He says all the doors and windows are closed. Soumya says I really saw someone’s reflection. Harman asks her not to worry and come to the room. They go to the room and find the room messed up and all the decoration ruined. Soumya tells that Mahi said that she is not affected, but she did all this. Harman asks if she is sure? Soumya says yes and asks who else can do then? Harman says he needs to talk to Mahi. Soumya stops him. Harman says lets end the matter for

once and all. He knocks on the door. Virat comes out of his room and asks Harman why is she shouting, if there is any problem. Harman knocks on the door asking Mahi to open the door. Mahi opens the door and looks at Harman. She asks what happened, you are here? Harman asks why you have ruined my room and asking me? Mahi says I was sleeping in my room, what are you saying? Harak Singh, Preeto and Others come there. Preeto asks why are you shouting? Harman asks her to see what Mahi has done to his room. He takes them to his room and makes them see all the decoration stuff fallen on the door and all messed up. Harman tells Mahi, that you gave my hand in Soumya’s hand and promised to move away from our lives. Mahi says I swear I was sleeping in my room.

Harman says Soumya has seen you in the garden. Mahi says Soumya has a misunderstanding. Soumya says I have seen you, and asks if she thinks that she will get Harman by doing all this. Mahi says I can get him and knows 1000 ways to get him. She says I myself went away from his life. Just then they hear a sound. Harman opens the cupboard and finds a black cat coming out and running from the window. Veeran says this cat must have done this and Mahi is blamed. He tells Soumya that wild animals roam in the farmhouse. Mahi tells that she didn’t want this to happen and that’s why wanted to leave, but Harman ji and Mummy ji stopped me. She says may be Soumya don’t want me to stay here. Soumya asks her not to try to make the family emotional with her emotional talks. Mahi asks her not to blame her. She tells Harman that he came in Soumya’s talks and doubted her. She says it seems you have changed your mind. She walks away from there, looks evilly. Preeto asks why did you blame Mahi, where will she go now? Mahi recalls locking the cat inside the cupboard while she messes up all the decoration in the room, reading Harman’s notes and tearing it. She thinks Harman ji is not a toy, but my husband and I will not handover him to you. She says I have understood that the matter will be handled by cheat and I will play such a game that Harman himself will throw you out of the house.

Preeto tells Harman and Soumya that Mahi has taken this decision, keeping stone on her heart. She says you should have thought once, before accusing Mahi. Harman says Preeto is right, if she had not given your hand in my hand then we wouldn’t have united. Harak Singh asks them to be careful. Preeto asks if you will like if she leaves the house. Soumya says I shouldn’t have doubted Mahi and tells that she will go and talk to her. She asks them to be here. Virat thinks what is going on in Soumya’s mind?

Mahi is in her room, says she will act helpless and will make family emotional. She says Harman will feel pity on her seeing her act and will accept her. Soumya says this will never happen Mahi. Mahi turns and thinks if she heard. She asks what can’t happen? Soumya says you can’t go from this house, I can’t let this happen. Mahi says I have to go. Soumya says if you leave the house then family will blame me and if you leave then how can you see the truth with your eyes. Mahi asks what? She asks if you are still doubting me? Soumya asks her to hear fully and asks what is the use if you don’t see us uniting, after giving a big sacrifice. She says sorry for whatever happened? Mahi asks what did you say? She says you didn’t say it before. Soumya says I haven’t done anything for what I shall say sorry.

Precap: Harman and Soumya going out of Mahi’s room holding hands. Mahi gets angry and throws something, then pretends to faint. Harman rushes to hold Mahi. Mahi smiles. Soumya tells Virat that Mahi is acting and that they shall expose her. Virat agrees to help her.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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