Categories: Shani

Shani 11th September 2017 Written Episode Update: Bhadra is banished by Surya Dev!

Shani 11th September 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Devraj says because she is Shani’s sister and can hurt anyone then she can also be named Anishta. Shani warns him. You were allowed to suggest a name and not insult anyone. Shani’s sister cries. Planets collide. It affects Surya Loka also. Shani is about to rush to his sister when there is a blast near her pram. Everyone shouts in concern. Chhaya passes out. Yam and Yami take her to her room. Surya Dev looks back at where his daughter was. Shani and Surya Dev are shocked to see her all grown up. She has devil’s horns and a tail.

Mahadev says what we thought has happened. The result is in front of us. Chhaya’s daughter is growing unlike a human since the moment she was born. It points out that she has Halahal inside her. Only Shani can take care of this problem. Karamfaldata Shani will have

to kill his sister in order to protect the world.

Shani walks in front of his sister and looks at her lovingly. Devraj asks Shukracharya what he thinks now. Shani asks Devraj if he wants to say anything. Devraj says neither you would understand what I want to say nor did Surya Dev try to understand me. It would be better if Shukracharya speaks now. Shukracharya says I couldn’t believe it for a moment when Indra Dev said that a problem was born. I don’t need any proof after what I just witnessed. Your daughter is a problem for the world. She has a portion of Halahal inside her. Asuras can grow this fast. She is surely not an Asura but she is much worse than them. She is a problem for the entire world. If she reaches her peak then no one will be able to stop her. I am with Indra Dev this time. Devraj adds that he (Surya Dev) must agree with him now. You got a proof. What I said to you is true. Before your daughter brings doom for the world, we must destroy her. Shani warns him again but Devraj tells him to look at her carefully. Does she deserve to be addressed as a God with a tail or horns that she has?

Hanuman walks towards him threateningly (because he pointed at tail) but Shani stops him. He doubted my decision this time. Ganesha has a head of an elephant but it isn’t his fault. You measure anyone on the basis of their karmas. Kakol also says that he is a crow yet Shani chose him to be his carriage. Hanuman also points out as to why he could gain Ashta-Siddhi’s when he too has a tail. Shani says it is in the mind and not in the tail which is why maybe you couldn’t be Devraj in real sense. Devraj tells him it is enough. I am Devraj. I don’t need to hear or listen to anything against it. I will destroy every power which I will find to be against Gods. It is my dharma. I will finish this Anishta! Shani tells him to do his dharma while he will do his karma. I promised my mother after all. No one will be able to harm my sister till I am here. Devraj says this time even Mahadev cannot stop me from doing what I intend to.

Devraj invokes his Vajra. He is about to attack Shani’s sister but his hand is stuck mid air. Shani realises something and looks at his sister. Hanuman also follows his gaze. Shukracharya says Indra said truth for the first time. She is more dangerous than we think her to be. Devraj gets scared as Shani’s sister turns to glare at him. She crosses the distance between them angrily. Vajra disappears within seconds. Devraj is still rooted to his place. He closes his eyes when she takes another step towards him. Shani advises his sister not to hurt Devraj. Listen to me. She walks up to Shani. The word “sister” has touched her. She calms down. Shani holds her hand and explains brother-sister to her by pointing her hands at one another. He shares his name followed by Hanuman and Kakol. She raises her hand to repeat their names. Devraj is freed at that very moment. She points at herself asking for a name. Shani says names are given by love. It was your naming ceremony today. People who were present here chose to ruin your name instead. Someone called you Halahali, Vishala, Mahamari and Anishta. The one who can take birth even after being engulfed by Halahal cannot be Halahali or Vishala. The one who saved her mother’s life the moment she was born cannot be a Mahamari (disease).

Shani says Hanuman is above other monkeys as he isn’t scared. Mahadev is at peace even after allowing the poisonous snake around his neck. He is merciful. She is a saviour as she returned her mother’s life as soon as she took birth. My sister will be called Bhadra. She has good upbringing since she was born. She respected her brother and his wishes. World will know my sister as Bhadra after today. I should remind everyone that she is Karamfaldata Shani’s sister. She neither accepted Halahal on her wish nor did she get this body on her own. It wasn’t even her destiny to get it. She got this body because of someone else’s misdeeds. Karamfaldata Shani wont let his sister bear the outcomes of anyone’s misdeeds. Surya Dev reminds him he is a God whereas she has no qualities of Gods. She doesn’t deserve a place in either Surya Loka or Dev Loka.

Precap: Devraj and Rahu talk to each other about Bhadra. Halahal will destroy her only if she gets angry. We will use her anger as a weapon against her only. Shani makes it his duty to get his sister her due. I will make sure it happens.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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